Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 90 Arcee's Rage, Massacre At Yingjiang Military Base!

Tiepiyan watched, and the melta gun of Royal Enemy shone with dazzling light.

Hurry up and dodge desperately, the entire mechanical body moves sideways with all the thrust!

Even so, the powerful laser shot from the melting gun of the natural enemy still scratched the iron breastplate.

The breastplate covered with a layer of Tricilia alloy was melted into a gully just by the laser lightly scratching it!

Worthy of being the former leader of the Autobots!

The offensive momentum of the natural enemy is stronger than that of Optimus Prime!

That huge body brought an incomparable experience to Pi.

After Iron Skin made a tactical sideways move, liquid nitrogen spewed out from the rifle like a waterfall!

Try to use this extremely cold temperature to slow down the movement speed of the natural enemy, and then use other high-power bullets to attack!

But what Iron Skin didn't expect was that he faced the attack of liquid nitrogen fired by himself.

Yu Natural Enemy didn't even hide, and rushed over with a domineering posture from the liquid nitrogen that was constantly emitting white gas!

That incomparably tall body was in front of Tie Pi in the blink of an eye!

An iron claw as big as the front of a car grabbed the iron sheet fiercely!

Caught off guard, Tie Pi was directly grabbed by the neck by the big hand of the natural enemy.

Struggling desperately, what Tie Pi felt was a huge force that he could not resist.

As far as the eye can see, although the natural enemy is covered with frost, it is still evil!

Holding the iron sheet in the air with one hand, and holding the melta gun in the other, he pressed against the heart of the iron sheet at zero distance!

Tie Pi never thought that the natural enemy would be so strong!

It is worthy of being one of the direct descendants of Yuanshi Tianzun.

This innately inherited mighty power is simply not something that Iron Skin can contend with.

Feeling the huge force slowly tightening around his neck, Iron Skin struggled.

Yu Tiandi slowly appreciated the meaning of struggle on the iron sheet, and said with an evil smile:

"Do you understand now?"

"The weak! They are born to serve the strong!"

"For the sake of the future of Cybertron, I enslave all the humans on this planet. What is wrong with me?"

The hand of Yu Tiandi that was holding the iron neck loosened a little.

Leave Ironhide room for an answer!

Although he has embarked on a dark road, Yu Tiandi also hopes that others will agree with him.

It would be even better if the person who recognized was a former companion.

Yu Natural Enemy has already made up his mind, after listening to Tie Pi's repentant words, he will completely crush him to death himself!

Autobots who resist their own will should not exist in this world!

After Iron Skin regained some mechanical power, the hand holding the rifle pointed at the natural enemy and pulled the trigger hard.

A string of ultra-high temperature liquid metal shot out from that rifle!

Like magma, attached to the body of the natural enemy!


As soon as the high-temperature liquid metal comes into contact with the shell of the natural enemy, a series of sounds erupt immediately.

A puff of white air evaporated.

However, the power of iron skin, a high-temperature liquid metal, may cause considerable damage to other mechanical life forms.

But what he was facing was, after all, one of the strongest mechanical life forms!

Yu Tiandi's solid shell directly ate the iron sheet and the wave of high-temperature liquid metal. Apart from making Yu Tiandi embarrassed, he didn't deal any damage!

On the contrary, it made the sharp light in Yu Tiandi's eyes even colder!

After spitting out a mouthful of turbid air, the natural enemy resisted the melta gun at the heart of the iron sheet, and launched it suddenly!

An extremely high-temperature laser shot out from the muzzle of the melta gun.

This attack, which was close to the surface temperature of the sun, made all the mechanical parts in the heart of the iron sheet disappear.

The huge mechanical body suddenly lost a piece.

Under the zero-distance attack, Tie Pigang's pair of resolute eyes completely lost all light.

Ironhide, the Autobot, died in battle, and his machinery stopped working!

Yu Tiandi slammed the iron skin's body on the ground, and said fiercely:

"You're looking for death! Autobots, they are really getting more and more attracted by Tianzhu!"

After melting the life core of the iron sheet, Yu Tiandi was about to leave this place, but suddenly remembered something.

Facing the iron body, he murmured to himself:

"By the way, I remembered!"

"You said there is a human being who can revive your core, right?"

"Then I will completely melt your corpse and see how you can be resurrected!"

The cruelty in the eyes of the natural enemy seems to be condensed into reality!

The heat melt gun in his hand burst out an extremely intense laser.

And this time the output power is even greater than before!

The incomparably solid body of the iron skin turned into a puddle of molten iron in the blink of an eye, flowing in this barren border.

Ironhide, the Autobot, didn't even leave his body after being killed in battle.

There is only a pool of molten iron, which proves that he has been to this planet...

On Arcee's side, after getting the coordinates provided by Ironhide.

Hurry to the military base of Eagle Country!

The red Ducati 848 turned into a red light on the road along the way.

The long afterimage was enough to make anyone who saw this scene horrified on the spot.

It is also fortunate that the military bases of the Eagle Kingdom are all built in extremely remote places.

And within 50 kilometers around, there will be no people living at all.

Running quickly, Arcee quickly arrived at the military base where the bodies of the two sisters, Clauria and Alita, were located.

I saw the tall wall and the soldiers of the Eagle Kingdom patrolling with live ammunition.

Arcee transformed into a human form in an instant.

A tight self-repairing car suit wrapped her exquisite and upright body, and she held a pulse rifle in her hand.

Arcee is full of killing intent!

With firm steps, he walked towards the military base.

If ordinary human beings saw her like this, they would not think of Arcee in the direction of mechanical life at all.

Compared with the mechanical life that is often several stories high, Arcee's body is almost no different from that of ordinary people.

It's just that the thrilling arc is more streamlined than that of ordinary white-skinned women.

Coupled with the pulse rifle in his hand, Arcee's entire Autobot looks like a COSPLAY energetic girl.

Moreover, the object of its COS is very similar to the female armor in a game called "Star Warframe"!

From top to bottom, while being aesthetically pleasing, it is also full of fighting spirit on the battlefield!

Arcee's sudden approach had already attracted the attention of soldiers from the Eagle Kingdom.

The soldiers of the Eagle Kingdom at each sentry tower immediately aimed their sniper rifles at Alcie, and several red locking lasers fell on Alcie.

At the same time, a soldier from the Eagle Kingdom warned through a loudspeaker:

"This is the Eagle Country military base!"

"Civilians one hundred meters ahead, please pay attention to your identity!"

"If you advance another three meters, you will face our shooting!"

"Now, throw away the toy in your hand and squat down immediately!"

Naturally, the Eagle Nation's military doesn't care about the identity of the person coming!

The military base here belongs to the Ministry of National Defense and has the highest authority.

Seeing the strangely dressed girl, she didn't intend to stop at all.

Soldiers of the Eagle Kingdom, the order to shoot is immediately received!

Metal bullets shot out from the guns of several snipers and landed on Arcie.

But that sniper bullet that could easily pierce a one-centimeter steel plate was bounced off by Arcee's body!


All the soldiers of the Eagle Kingdom realized that something was wrong!

And Arcie, since the Eagle Nation military opened fire on her, she has been running fast!

He holds a pulse rifle in his right hand, and a sharp blade pops out from his left hand. With a single step, the speed is straight to the upper body.

In the blink of an eye, he stepped on the tall fence, leaped suddenly, and cut the sniper into two companions with a flash of sleepy blade!

All the soldiers of the Eagle Kingdom exclaimed.

"", Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Quick! Help!"

"The identity of the assailant is unknown! It is suspected of being a mechanical life on Cybertron!"

All Eagle State soldiers aimed their guns at Arcee.

But Arcee's speed is extremely fast, since she has already rushed into the base, it is extremely difficult to lock!

Moreover, it was not easy to hit the bullet on Arcie's body, but it couldn't do any damage at all, and was directly bounced off by the self-repairing car cover on her body!

Arcee is like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, slashing and killing wantonly!

Under the flicker of the pulse rifle, all the soldiers gathered in one place were directly vaporized by the high-temperature particle beam!

And the scattered soldiers died even more miserably.

Facing the sharp blade in Arcie's right hand, they couldn't even keep the whole body, and the pieces of the body were scattered on the ground.

The still-dead nerves were still trembling with red and white muscles.

The entire military base was plunged into an extreme bloodbath.

"Heavy firearms!"

"Where's the tank? Where's the helicopter?"

"Hurry up and support! The enemy is too strong! It is definitely a high-end mechanical life form on Cybertron! We can't compete!"

After witnessing in person, Arcee shattered a (good) Stinger rocket with a single blow.

All the soldiers of the Eagle Kingdom have recognized a cruel fact.

This human-like mechanical life form on the Cybertron star is simply not something that manpower can contend with.

When the M1A2 tank galloped out, the soldiers of the Eagle State attacked Arcee under the cover of the tank armor.

What greeted them was Nodai, whose rifle was powerful to the limit.

Even the thick armor of the M1A2 tank was directly melted by that energy.

The H-53 helicopter supported by the sky did not even fire a single bullet, and was shot down by Arcee directly.

Facing Alcie who has been strengthened by Chen Mu, this Eagle Kingdom military base is like a flock of sheep.

They thought they were an army of steel, but they were directly slaughtered by Arcee, leaving only shredded flesh and broken limbs!

Facing the tragic situation all over the ground, Arcie was extremely determined in her heart.

Although her appearance is soft and petite, she is also a female warrior of Star Meibotan

Facing this group of evil humans who are studying her sisters, Arcee will not show mercy at all!

"The residue of a group of humans! You have lost the face of this planet!"

Since Cybertron can have those lunatics, so can humans on Earth.

In Arcie's view, the Eagle Nation's military is the desperadoes among human beings!

Kill, don't be soft!

After driving straight in, Arcee went all the way to the core area of ​​the military base. .

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