Transformers: Start To Fix Arcie's Headlights

Chapter 98 The Mechanic God's Death Star Is Actually The Body Of Unicron!

"The Mechanic God's Death Star?"

"This... sounds like a bit too high a level!"

Directly remodeling a GMCTopKick4500, Chen Mu has predicted that the rewards of this system will definitely be extraordinary.

Sure enough, just judging from the name of the reward, this reward can definitely become the bottom of the box!

At this moment, Chen Mu was so excited that every cell in his body was trembling with excitement!

He quickly concentrated his mind on the Death Star of the Mechanic God.

But something unexpected happened to Chen Mu!

The Mechanic God's Death Star didn't even give a detailed introduction!

This situation is enough to surprise Chen Mu.

"Uh, the Death Star of the Mechanic God is so advanced? Doesn't a detailed introduction come out?"

"Obviously, the kind of power that can control everything in the field last time was clearly introduced."

"This Mechanic God's Death Star, is it still impossible to improve like a cliff?"

Chen Mu's eyes are bright!

I feel more and more that the "Death Star of Mechanic God" rewarded this time is definitely not an ordinary thing!

Immediately prepare to release the Death Star of the Mechanic God directly in the auto repair shop.

Let's see what kind of powerful existence is worthy of this extreme aloofness.

"Death Star! Heed my call!"

"Show it before the eyes of the world!"

The soul of Secondary School in Chen Mu's heart was burning extremely.

Imitating the posture in the anime where you want to release the curse of destroying the sun, spread your hands "four seven zeros" to the sides, as if you want to embrace the greatest power in the world.

But what Chen Mu didn't expect was that although he could vaguely feel his connection with the Death Star.

But as soon as he issued the command to summon, the system immediately appeared in a dark red alert state!

State of emergency alert!

[System Warning! System Warning! System Warning!]

【The Death Star is too huge. If it is released, it will completely change the orbital structure of the solar system, and even lead to the destruction of the earth!】

Seeing this warning from the system, Chen Mu was shocked!

Good guy!

Is the death star of the mechanical god so awesome!

This is enough power to annihilate planetary civilizations!


"I have to pay attention from now on...don't destroy the homeland of mankind without paying attention..."

"Hey, I'm still young, how can I have the power to destroy the world?"

Chen Mu covered his forehead with his right hand, and picked out a fringe of bangs at the corner of his forehead.

"In the final analysis, there is still a future in auto repair!"

"Fortunately, I have superb auto repair skills, and I can match this auto repair system."

"It's simply invincible! In just a short time, he has already reached the pinnacle of mankind!"

"Hey, it's so cold at the top"

"I feel sorry for those compatriots in other majors."

Chen Mu lamented his experience. As an auto mechanic, he has the power like a god in a short period of time. He still has some insights into life.


Chen Mu remembered one thing!

The expression of exclamation on his face turned serious!

A pair of brows were tightly knit together.

"No! No matter how awesome this Death Star is, it's useless if it can't be released!"

"What the fuck?! There's no spaceship to take me to fight aliens!"

"Damn! There are no alien rewards, I want Wen rewards with a hammer!"

It was only then that Chen Mu realized that the abilities he possessed now far exceeded the limits of human civilization.

But there is no way to use this power to destroy planets at every turn!

Jinyi Night Walk, there is still a fart's emotional value?

You can't show yourself in front of others, you don't feel any pleasure at all!

At this moment, Chen Mu is full of infinite resentment towards this reward from the system.

"This poor reward is not as real as giving labor and management a box of gold bars..."

Maybe it is the infinite resentment of the host.

Or maybe Chen Mu is getting closer and closer to the gods in the universe.

At this time, the system's intelligence also greatly increased.

Start Humane's prompts are given.

!Feeling the host's dislike for rewards, I will explain the detailed usage of the Mechanic God's Death Star. 】

Hearing this reminder, Chen Mu regained his spirits.

Hastily yelled at the system in his heart:

"Hurry up! How can a mellow person appear in front of others, and come up with a charter for this host!"

Sensing Chen Mu's urging, the system immediately gave a more detailed explanation of the Death Star.

[The Death Star of the Mechanic God can reside in parallel spaces, and the host can freely enter and exit parallel spaces. 】

Seeing this string of descriptions, Chen Mu's eyes lit up immediately.

"It feels like... Finally, have you created an access space for labor and management?"

"This is a serious system. The standard configuration of storage space must be adjusted."

Before Chen Mu finished sighing, the system began to describe again:

[The host can arbitrarily choose a door within the domain of the Mechanic God as the only specific passage to enter the space where the Death Star is located. 】

After reading the description of the system, Chen Mu became more and more satisfied with this method.

And the domain of the mechanical god has been covered by Chen Mu to the entire auto repair shop.

If you want to open a passage to the Death Star, you must choose a door in your auto repair shop...

Chen Mu scanned the entire auto repair shop.

Start by staring at your own refrigerator.

Because he once saw a short sci-fi video.

The hero and heroine inside, when they open the refrigerator, they will find that there is a complete civilization in the refrigerator.

Chen Mu stared at the refrigerator for a while, then quickly shook his head.

"It seems a little inconvenient to set the refrigerator door as a passage to the Death Star."

"If I'm not in the store, there's a good chance Mikaela's going to open her fridge.

"Also, speaking of the refrigerator door, it's really too low..."

"The Death Star of the Mechanic God... at least find a door that matches your temperament..."

Chen Mu thought about it in the auto repair shop, and finally looked at his basement!

"Huh?! The dark basement... This fits the temperament of the Death Star!"

"As soon as you open the door to the basement, you can see my ultimate weapon!"

"The compulsion is also very high! That's it!"

Chen Mu immediately set the people in the basement as a specific door to enter the Death Star without hesitation!

The basement door is binding for a split second.

The entire auto repair shop trembled for a moment!

It seems that in the basement of the auto repair shop, there is a giant beast hidden!

From the crack of the door, the radiant and dark death light slowly diffused out!

That kind of dark death light, like a poisonous snake, can swallow up all the colors in the world, exuding terror in this world!

Sensing the incomparably dark atmosphere, Chen Mu clicked his tongue.

"This thing seems to be so powerful that it can scare humans."

"As expected of an existence that can destroy human civilization..."

After Chen Mu sighed, he opened the doors in the basement, stepped on the extremely dark stairs, and walked towards the depths of the basement.

If you want to experience it for yourself, the power of the Death Star will strike.

What Chen Mu didn't know was the moment he opened the basement door.

The burst of death light has brought much shock to the world

In the sky not far from the auto repair shop, Starscream has been monitoring the movement of the auto repair shop.

After seeing the gleam of death radiating from Chen Mu's auto repair shop.

His whole body trembled subconsciously.

It was as if he had really turned into a spider, but was being targeted by a big cat!

This sense of terror comes from the depths of the genes!

It is a coercion on the personality of the soul!

"Hiss~~~ What's going on!!!"

"What is this black light?"

"I was on it, and I smelled the shattered smell of countless civilizations"

"My God! What kind of existence is that mysterious human being!"

"Could it be that he can freely control this dead light that can destroy everything?"

Although, after accepting the task of monitoring Chen Mu

Starscream has changed his view of Chen Mu countless times.

In the beginning, Starscream only thought of Chen Mu as an ordinary human being, and was targeted by Megatron only because of some huge secret hidden in him.

And Megatron didn't allow himself to do it directly, which is enough to show the weirdness of this human being.

During these days of monitoring Chen Mu, Starscream has indeed seen Chen Mu's extraordinary.

The opponent's technology, which surpassed human civilization, only caused countless doubts in Starscream's heart.

He was also a little uncertain for a while.

Starscream has no way of judging whether Chen Mu's mysterious technology is due to one of his cosmic treasures, or because of his own ability.

Therefore, Starscream didn't dare to test Chen Mu rashly at all, and only dared to watch from afar.

No matter how weird Chen Mu is, Starscream still firmly believes that Chen Mu is definitely not the opponent of the entire Decepticons!

As long as Chen Mu's mysterious veil is lifted, everything he owns will fall into his own hands.

But the ray of dead light that just emerged directly caused a huge change in Starscream's entire perception!

Although the ray of death is not much, but in terms of level, it is far beyond the Cybertron star civilization!

Just a breath of breath can make the second in command of the Decepticons feel a sense of fear involuntarily...

For a while, Starscream didn't dare to move around anymore!

For fear of being discovered by Chen Mu.

At the same time, in the deepest part of the universe, in the endless sea of ​​stars.

A head as huge as a star, in the barren and dilapidated, slowly floating dust.

Its size is already far beyond human imagination, even if ordinary people just take a look at it, they will be so shocked that they will lose their minds.

That head was extremely broken.

The eyes that were originally closed, suddenly opened in an instant!

Endless chaotic breath diffused from those eyes, like the oldest life form in the universe.

This creation god-level existence that transcends time, space, and dimensions opens its eyes again!

The long-sleeping universe emperor, wakes up again!

Unicron represents "darkness", "chaos" and "destruction".

Lord of Chaos!

Destruction incarnate!

Symbolizes the ultimate power of entropy and chaos!

At the 5.0 moment when the universe emperor woke up, the servant "natural disaster" who was waiting by his side appeared in front of the universe emperor in the first instant.

'Natural Calamity' asked the Emperor of the Universe respectfully:

"My lord! I don't know if you wake up this time, you have an order?"

"Your most loyal servant, 'The Scourge', is always at your disposal."

The Great Universe's big mouth, like a galaxy, slowly opened and closed, and an ancient voice came out from inside:

"I feel it..."

"Feel my dilapidated body..."

After finishing these two sentences, the universe emperor seemed to be more sober, and the voice that came out became more sharp!

That voice, like a nuclear storm, became more and more majestic, and the angry will came out:

"There is an intelligent creature that is desecrating and defiled my body!"

"Find him! Erase him! Bring back my body!"

Hearing these words, the natural disaster was full of horror!

He didn't expect that in this universe, there would still be people who would dare to desecrate the remnant body of the Universal Emperor!

Where did that intelligent creature have the guts?!

More importantly, where did he get the ability?!

Why wasn't it eliminated by his death light that annihilated everything?!

Before the natural disaster can carry out more psychological activities, a cosmic coordinate is transmitted in the natural disaster's mind.

It was transmitted from the will of the universe emperor.

The natural disaster took a closer look and found that this coordinate points directly to the Milky Way!

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