Outside the Director’s office.

Han Luoyu sorted out the suit jacket given by Coulson and knocked on the door of the director’s office.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Nick Fury looked at the documents on the table, his chin propped up with his hands, silently thinking about something. He heard a knock on the door, put away the papers on the table, and said, “Please come in.” ”

Chief…” Han Luoyu saw Nick Fury, pretending to be surprised, and said, “You are the chief!”

“Agent Han Luoyu, right.” Nick Fury calmly pointed to the chair across the desk and said, “Sit down.”

Han Luoyu sat down and asked straight to the point: “Then Chief, what’s the matter with me?”

Nick Fury stared into Han’s eyes and asked, “I want to know what you think about Earth.”

“Views on the Earth?” Han Luoyu was slightly stunned, and then chuckled and said, “I want to live here for a long time.” ”

Oh?” Nick Fury was a little surprised, and then asked her, “Can you tell me why?”

Han Luoyu rolled his eyes, snapped his fingers and said, “The environment is good, the food is delicious, and you can encounter many interesting things.”

“Besides.” Han Luoyu’s small face collapsed, and he continued, “I don’t have anywhere else to go!” Nick

Fury nodded and continued to ask, “So, will you obey human law?”

“I think it’s fine.” Han Luoyu said, “Besides, Krypton also has laws.

“If the planet is in danger, will you protect it?” Nick Fury asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

“Of course!” Without the slightest hesitation, Han Luoyu clenched his fists and said, “Dare to come to Earth to make trouble, I will burst his front teeth!”

“Then, welcome to Earth.” Nick Fury showed a hint of a smile and asked Han Luoyu, “Do you need me to provide you with anything?”

Han Luoyu thought about it seriously and said, “First of all, it’s time to return my clothes!”

“Of course, you can go to the logistics collar later.” Nick Fury said.

“Secondly, I need an Earth identity.” Han Luoyu said, “There must also be a big house, and a salary of at least 300,000 US dollars a month, and if you work overtime, the salary will be tripled!”

“Yes, and what?”

“It’s gone.”

Nick Fury stood up, stretched out his right hand, and introduced himself: “My name is Nick Fury, you can call me Fury.”

Han Luoyu also stood up, stretched out his right hand to shake Nick Fury, and said, “Happy cooperation.”

After Han Luoyu left, Nick Fury took out the previous document again and solemnly wrote a name on it: Han Luoyu (TBD).

And the name of the document is “The Avengers Project”.

The conversation with Nick Fury went very smoothly, and Han Luoyu even felt that it was a little too smooth, but as everyone knows, this is the result of the joint efforts of Nick Fury’s two cronies, Natasha and Coulson.

When Han Luoyu came out from the logistics office holding the Supergirl suit, he saw a bathroom, and immediately had the idea of changing into the Supergirl suit and trying the Venom suit, after all, her clothes were already broken.

Walking into the bathroom, Han Luoyu was amazed and muttered: “It is worthy of being a toilet of S.H.I.E.L.D., not only a single room, but also a dressing room.”

She locked the bathroom door, placed Supergirl’s suit one by one on the locker room cupboard, folded Coulson’s clothes and set them aside, then took off her shattered clothes and threw them on the floor.

After doing all this, she looked at the mirror, and the perfect body in the mirror made her swallow, quickly looked away, and said silently: “Color is empty!” Color is empty!

Calming her mood, she summoned the Book of Crossing and asked, “Book of Crossing, where is the Venom suit?” Let me see what it looks like.

“Okay.” When the book of passage was answered, the pages of the book turned quickly, and a cloud of slime jumped up from the book and burrowed into Han Luyu’s chest.

In an instant, a layer of dark liquid quickly wrapped her tightly, leaving only her head above her neck exposed.

After dressing, Han Luoyu looked at herself in the mirror, her dark skin shining brightly, outlining her bumpy figure.

Han Luoyu’s face turned red, his shame almost exploded, and he gritted his teeth and said: “This is simply wearing a layer of latex clothing!” ”

It’s the Venom suit.” The Book of Crossing retorted.

“Where does this look like venom?” Han Luoyu turned around in the mirror, his head full of black lines, and said, “Shouldn’t venom be tall and powerful?”

“As the host of this book, it should be as beautiful as a flower.” The Book of Crossing brazenly said, “Beauty is the true meaning of this book, and everything else is just a tool and means to pursue beauty.”

Han Luoyu was embarrassed and said, “I will never go out wearing it!”

The Book of Traversal said very indifferently: “It has fused with your cells, and when it enters a battle or encounters an attack, it will automatically cover your body.”

“Of course, if you want to wear it yourself, it will also cover your body.” The Book of Crossing added.

“I protest!” Han Luoyu resolutely disagreed and objected, “I might as well wear a Supergirl suit!”

The Book of Traversal immediately agreed, “It’s okay.”

As soon as its words fell, the venom battle suit on Han Luoyu’s body stretched out two dark tentacles, rolled up the supergirl battle suit on the side, and pulled it into Han Luoyu’s body.

The Venom suit squirmed, and in the blink of an eye, it devoured the Supergirl suit, and then transformed into the appearance of the Supergirl suit.

It’s just that both in terms of texture and appearance, it is more close to the body than the Supergirl suit, more prominent and more tempting.

“Ding! Venom – Supergirl suit is complete. The Book of Crossing was skinned.

Han Luoyu was unable to complain, she slapped her forehead and said resignedly: “Okay, you are the boss, you are in charge.” She

walked out of the bathroom wearing the Venom-Supergirl suit, which immediately attracted a lot of attention, which made her face blush slightly, and she almost didn’t bury her face in her chest.

“Han Falling Rain?” Suddenly, Han Luoyu heard a familiar voice, “When did you come back?”

Han Luoyu looked up, and sure enough, it was Black Widow Natasha.

Natasha glanced at Han Luoyu and raised her eyebrows: “This dress is quite compatible with you.”

“Sister Natasha!” Han Luoyu walked quickly to Natasha and said to her, “The chief is going to give me a big house, will you go live with me?”

Hearing this, Natasha almost didn’t look up to confirm whether the sun was coming out from the west, and secretly said: “Just the miserly look of the chief, he will give you a house, I’m afraid it’s not the wrong medicine, right?”

Natasha stared at Han Luoyu’s eyes, and after confirming that Han Luoyu was not lying, she covered her head and asked her, “Did you promise something?” ”

Promise?” Han Luoyu touched his chin, suddenly realized, and replied, “Abide by the laws of mankind and protect the earth!”

“I know!” Natasha pouted.

“How?” Han Luoyu stared at Natasha with expectant eyes and said, “Do you live together?”

Natasha sighed and said, “Okay! When the house is in hand, I will move in.

She pinched Han Luoyu’s cheeks and said, “But now, I think you need to buy some clothes suitable for going out.”

Han Luoyu thought it was true, nodded and agreed: “I think so!” ”

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