“Isn’t it…”

Han Luoyu covered her face for a moment, although she didn’t want to get involved in the conflict within the Snake Shield Bureau.

But since Natasha had called, Han Luoyu didn’t want to lose Natasha’s face, so he asked: “What happened, why did the chief die?”

Natasha took out the USB disk hidden in the snack self-service cabinet of Team America, put it in her pocket, and then said to Han Luoyu:

“According to my investigation, it is a winter soldier, using the bullet of the former hairy bear, and there is no ballistics.”

“The bullet of the former hairy bear…”

Han Luoyu thought for a while, frowned, quickly removed the large bag and small bag on Loki’s body, and said to Jelie Dawen: “Jelie, I’ll send you back to Landwiti, you make the bed first, I have something to do.”

Carrying a large bag, she opened a portal to send Jereidavin back to the cabin, and then looked at Loki with a strange expression.

“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re thinking.” Han Luoyu threw out the lasso of mantra and tied Loki firmly, and said with a bad smile, “During this time, I have wronged you.”

She mobilized the portal, gave him an infinite loop of whereabouts in Loki’s confused eyes, and secretly said in her heart:

“Sorry, this time the fall may be much longer than Strange’s, although you haven’t experienced it yet.”

After dealing with Loki, Han Luoyu’s new version of the Supergirl suit was instantly dressed.

From the roadside store, she took a set of men’s clothes similar to the size of Captain America, turned into a streamer, and rushed into the sky, towards the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters.

At this moment, the American team that was in the elevator had been surrounded by a group of big men.

He saw the clue and spoke, “Does anyone want to go out before I start?” As

soon as the words of the American team fell, the atmosphere instantly froze.

In an instant, a member of the special combat team with a combed back ejected his high-tech electric baton and stabbed towards the American team.

The American team punched down the electric baton in his hand, but was hugged by the special combat team members behind him and pressed against the wall.

Brock Rumlow, aka Crossbone. He pressed the elevator’s emergency stop button with his fist, stopping the elevator in mid-air.

All the members of the special combat team rushed up, some locked their throats, some held their arms and did not let go, and some hugged their thighs, and they could not move under the control of the US team.

Some members of the special combat team took out magnetic handcuffs and put them on the hands of the American team, intending to fix the American team to the wall of the elevator.

The American team struggled and narrowly retracted its arm, avoiding the fate of becoming a live target.

He kicked out and instantly kicked the leg of a member of the special combat team in front of him into a fracture, making a crisp bone cracking sound.

Then he punched left and right, hit his elbow with his shoulder, and took turns to fight with the members of the special combat team.

After a while, the members of the special operations team fell to the ground, curled up on the floor of the elevator, unable to stand up.

However, at this time, the crossbone flew up and kicked the hand of the American team with magnetic handcuffs to the wall of the elevator.

The magnetic handcuffs were activated instantly, firmly fixing Team America’s hand to the wall of the elevator, making it immobile.

Team America kicked the last member of the special operations team except for the crossbones in an attempt to free the hand trapped in the magnetic handcuffs.

Crossbone, however, took out a high-tech electric baton and stabbed it on the chest of the American team, electrifying the American team to tremble.

Suddenly, a member of the special combat team got up from the ground, and the American team pushed the crossed arm and pushed the electric baton that was originally stabbed on him to the special combat team member who had just got up.


The special combat team member had just gotten up and was electrocuted to the ground.

After solving the special combat team member, the American team knocked the crossbones to the ground with a punch, then jumped into the air, kicked the elevator wall with both legs, pulled out the hand trapped on the elevator wall, and a backflip fell to the ground.

At this time, the crossbones that had been knocked to the ground stood up, holding an electric baton in each hand, and said to the American team: “Oh! Man, I just want to tell you that this is not a personal grudge.

But before he finished speaking, he slammed the electric baton in his right hand towards the American team, which can be described as sinister.

Team America dodged the electric baton in his right hand sideways, quickly raised his right hand, grabbed his left wrist, and held the electric baton in his left hand against the air.

Crossbone swung the electric baton in his right hand again and stabbed the American team in the lower abdomen. The American team gritted its teeth, clenched a fist in his left hand, and hit the head of the crossbone, but was dodged by the crossbone’s crouch, and gave the American team another electric baton treatment.

The anger of the American team soared, and the left hand with the crossbones in his right hand hit the temple of the crossbones, and instantly beat the crossbones to a stumble.

Seeing that the crossbones were a little confused, the American team took advantage of the victory to chase, threw it onto the wall of the elevator, and smashed a large piece of tempered glass.

The crossbones fell to the ground and immediately lost their combat power.

Team America gasped, stared at the crossbones on the ground and said, “It feels like a personal grudge.” He

stepped on the shield that fell to the ground and smashed the electromagnetic handcuffs on his right wrist with the shield.

The U.S. team canceled the emergency stop of the elevator and opened the elevator door. But after the elevator door opened, what he saw was a fully armed soldier.

He immediately turned around and cut the ropes of the elevator with his shield.

The elevator was cut off by the rope, fell rapidly, and after falling tens of meters, it suddenly got stuck in mid-air.

The U.S. team reached out and opened the elevator door that only exposed the lower half, and saw still heavily armed soldiers.

Seeing that it was impossible to get out through the elevator door, the American team closed the elevator door and looked out through the transparent wall of the elevator, ready to find another way.

But when he saw the scenery outside the elevator, he couldn’t help frowning. From here to the ground, there is still a long distance.

At this time, the soldier outside the elevator knocked on the elevator door and shouted into the elevator: “Surrender!” Captain Rogers! You have nowhere to run! The

situation was urgent, and the American team didn’t think much about it, directly smashed the wall made of tempered glass of the elevator, put the shield under him, and fell down.

As soon as Han Luoyu arrived at the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., he saw the American team that crashed through the elevator wall and fell downward, and suddenly accelerated, and in the way of a princess hug, he took the American team into his arms.

“It seems that I am not too late.”

She unleashed a heat ray, cut the oncoming fighter in half, and then soared into the sky with the American team in her arms, disappearing into the sky.


The fighter exploded instantly, along with the bald head with glasses sitting in the command center and directing the arrest of the American team, Hitwell.

“Shit! Didn’t it mean that Supergirl left Earth and went on vacation?

Han Luoyu used her super hearing to find Natasha, flew to the hospital where she was, and said to the American team during the flight: “Captain, you look embarrassed!” The

American team took a deep breath and asked Han Luoyu: “Why did you come back?”

“I’m just going back to Earth to do something.” Han Luoyu replied, “Seeing that you are in trouble, you can’t leave it alone.” Talking

and laughing, Han Luoyu had already brought the American team to the hospital where Natasha was.

Han Luoyu put the American team in an unoccupied corner, his body squirmed for a while, and he changed into a sportswear.

Then he handed the men’s clothes that he had left before to the American team, and said to him:

“If you don’t want to be noticeable, it’s better to change into this outfit, I think Romanov agents have been waiting for us for a long time.”

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