Chapter 175 Last Words

Su Sanlang nodded.

The family didn't go in, leaving enough space for Su Xiaozhi and Hu Daniu.

inside the house.

Hu Daniu looked at Su Xiaozhi distressedly and said: "Xiaozhi, I have worked hard for you, I'm sorry, but I still let you down in the end."

Hu Daniu felt pain in his heart. Although he couldn't wake up, he knew how much Su Xiaozhi cared for him, what he said, and how many tears he shed.

It was supposed to support each other for a lifetime, but he broke the appointment halfway, leaving Su Xiaozhi alone to carry a house, Su Xiaozhi will be very hard.

"Da Niu, don't say that."

Su Xiaozhi wiped away her tears, and looked at Hu Daniu with red eyes, tenderly and reluctantly, she stroked Hu Daniu's cheek carefully, and said softly: "Daniu, don't worry, I will take good care of our family."

"I will take good care of my mother and provide for her until the end of her life. I will also take good care of our children and watch them get married and have children. Remember to walk slowly, otherwise I will not be able to catch up with you."

Su Xiaozhi swallowed her throat, swallowing the pain in her heart.

At this last moment, she must cheer up.

She looked at the three children gently, wiped away their tears and said, "Don't cry, both of you, go boil the water, and let's wash up for Daddy."

Hu Shuangshuang nodded.

Hu Daniu looked at Hu Changshou, and gently asked: "Xiaoshou, you are the eldest son. After your father leaves, you will be a little man. You will protect your mother, your sister and younger brother for your father, you know?"

Hu Changshou wiped away his tears and replied loudly: "Father, I know, I will do it."

Hu Daniu nodded in satisfaction: "Good boy, I believe you will do it."

Hu Changyang was still very young, so he cried and said, "Father, I will be good in the future, can you please don't leave, I don't want you to leave."

Hu Daniu's heart ached, he sighed to comfort Hu Changyang: "Xiaoyang, don't cry, Daddy won't leave, Daddy just went to another place, Daddy will protect you in another place."

Hu Daniu looked at Hu Changshou, and said solemnly: "Xiaoshou, after father leaves, you must honor your mother well. Your mother has worked too hard. If there is a man who is willing to protect your mother in the future, you must take care of your father. He sincerely treats your mother well, so you will give your mother to him, you know? Father hopes that without father, there will be someone who can love your mother for your father. "

"Da Niu, I don't allow you to say that."

Su Xiaozhi came back to her senses, and immediately said seriously.

Hu Changshou nodded with tears in his eyes, he looked at Su Xiaozhi, and then said to Hu Daniu: "Don't worry, Dad, my child will remember it."

Su Xiaozhi shed tears and shook her head: "Daniu, I don't allow you to say that, I won't like others anymore."

Hu Daniu looked at Su Xiaozhi with a gentle expression: "Xiaozhi, I love you, but my life is too short, and you still have a long time to live. If someone loves you for me, I will be happy for you."

"Xiaozhi, I can still open my eyes to see you, my mother and the children. I have no regrets. You can comb my hair. In this last time, I want to stay with you for a while. Xiaoshou treats you Take your brother out."

Hu Daniu looked at Su Xiaozhi tenderly, and spoke slowly.

Hu Changshou nodded obediently, and led Hu Changyang out.

Su Xiaozhi burst into tears, got up to get the wooden comb, and knelt on the bedside to comb Hu Daniu's hair.

Hu Daniu's pale face showed a happy smile, and he said slowly: "It's like going back to the time when we got married."

Su Xiaozhi is very gentle and diligent, she is like a warm lake, being warmed by her side, such a good woman is his wife, how happy he is.

The family background is not rich, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law are snobbish and always like to humiliate him by accusing Sang and Huai. For this reason, Su Xiaozhi can go without him.

Su Xiaozhi is very good, very good, but he is not blessed to spend the rest of his life with her.

Therefore, he cannot hinder her happiness for the rest of her life.

After combing her hair, Hu Shuangshuang brought hot water, and Su Xiaozhi gently scrubbed Hu Daniu's body.

He changed his clothes again so that he could go clean.

"Xiaozhi, go and call mother, I want to talk to mother."

Hu Daniu said to Su Xiaozhi gently.

Su Xiaozhi nodded with red eyes, she looked at Hu Daniu, and finally got up to go out.

Time passed so fast, an hour passed without doing anything.

Su Xiaozhi personally went to wake up Cao Shi.

Cao woke up, and anxiously grabbed Su Xiaozhi's hand: "Dashan, Dashan..."

Cao's heart almost stopped, she was so useless, why did she pass out.

Su Xiaozhi hurriedly said: "Mother, don't worry, Dashan is still waiting for you, he wants to talk to you."

When Cao Shi heard this, she was relieved, and she got up quickly.

Su Xiaozhi helped her to go there, Cao Shi entered the house, but Su Xiaozhi didn't.

She was outside, sitting quietly.

After entering the house, Mrs. Cao went straight to the bed, squatted down on the side, looked at Hu Daniu's expression and couldn't help being hurt, her son.

Hu Daniu smiled slightly at Cao Shi: "Mother, don't cry, my son wants to talk to you."

Mrs. Cao nodded: "My son, tell me, mother is listening."

Hu Daniu is going to tell her his last words, how can the Cao family make him worry.

Hu Daniu looked at Cao Shi, and said slowly: "Mother, I'm going

From now on, you don't want to be hurt anymore, take good care of your body, Xiaozhi is suffering too much by herself, you have to help her. "

Mrs. Cao nodded: "Okay, okay, mother promises you."

Hu Daniu smiled slightly and said: "Mother, if... in the future, Xiaozhi meets a lover who can be entrusted to, you must not stop him, I hope you can send Xiaozhi to marry, mother, will you promise me?"

Cao Shi was stunned, her heart was pierced like a knife, her lips trembled, and she couldn't say the word promise.

Hu Daniu looked at Mrs. Cao, smiled and said: "Mother, Xiaozhi is only thirty-one years old. How can I bear to let you stay for me for decades? President Shuangshuang will marry when she grows up, Xiaoshou Xiaoyang They will also grow up and get married, they will all have their own families, and Xiaozhi will be alone, even if she is lonely, there will be no one to talk to, how can I make her work so hard."

Su Xiaozhi has shown sincerity to him, and has taken care of the family and raised children for him for so many years. Now that he is in trouble, he will go first. How can he bear that Su Xiaozhi will be alone for the rest of his life.

It is the greatest luck for him to wake up and confess his last words.

Mrs. Cao looked at Hu Daniu and saw that her son was sincere, so Mrs. Cao finally nodded and said, "Okay, mother promises you that if she can meet a man who treats her sincerely like you, mother will bless her. It won't stop her."

Hearing Cao's promise, Hu Daniu was relieved, and he nodded with a smile: "Okay, okay, so I can feel at ease."

Cao's heart hurt, she caressed Hu Daniu's face, choked up and said: "My son, mother can't bear you."

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