Chapter 182

Su Xiaolu was dumbfounded...

It doesn't look simple at all.

After finishing the demonstration, Guiyou jumped down and said, "This is what you train every day. Go up and try it out. You are too young to do fingerstands. I won't make things difficult for you. Let's practice standing alone first."

Su Xiaolu looked at Guiyou and asked, "Master Guiyou, my master said that I was learning swordsmanship."

This doesn't seem to have anything to do with learning to practice swords.

Guiyou looked at Su Xiaolu, glanced up and down at her and said, "Your skills are too weak, you can't hold a sword, your foundation is not good, you can't learn swordsmanship well."

"Move a quarter of an hour to change one foot. Practice for three hours today. If you ask again, it will be four hours. According to the rules of my teacher, if you accept an apprentice, you must teach it. If you don't learn, then I can only kill you!" You are recruiting again."

Guiyou's expression was serious, he didn't treat Su Xiaolu like a child at all, so he just told the cruel truth.

Su Xiaolu's heart skipped a beat, Guiyou didn't seem to be lying.

She has medical skills now, but she is not as fast as his sword.

Su Xiaolu understood that her good days were over.

Three hours a day, that is six hours.

Now it is too late to regret the apprenticeship, Su Xiaolu resigned himself to the first stake.

She raised her right foot and raised her hands flat.

Guiyou was very satisfied, and he said: "There are fifty-one big pillars here, you change a pillar every half an hour, until you have stood on each big pillar for about three hours, you can rest and stand still." When the time comes, you can use the inner motivating method."

Su Xiaolu nodded, practicing martial arts must be hard work, she just didn't expect it to be so hard, she was on a pirate ship, and it's too late to regret it now.

Su Xiaolu stood on the pillar, went back to fetch the sword, and practiced it in the courtyard.

Su Xiaolu's attention was immediately attracted.

Guiyou's swordsmanship is superb, when his sword is turned, Su Xiaolu can't see his sword.

All I could hear was the sound of the air being pierced by a sharp blade.

It's so powerful, Su Xiaolu's blood boils when he sees it.

It's like seeing my future self.

Let her ignore the two soon numb and wooden feet.

It's a pity that Guiyou went to rest after practicing for half an hour.

Su Xiaolu's legs were already numb and unconscious, so she could only grit her teeth and persevere.

She changed her feet every seven minutes, and she didn't remember how many times she changed them. She just changed one pillar after another. Seeing that the number of big pillars was getting smaller and smaller.

She has practiced the inner strength method countless times.

When she got down the last pillar, both feet seemed to be turned into logs.

As soon as she got down, Guiyou came out, watching her move step by step, her little face wrinkled into a bun, Guiyou walked over, twisted Su Xiaolu into the room.

"Master, both my legs are swollen."

Su Xiaolu pursed her lips, practicing martial arts is really tiring.

She was exhausted before touching the sword.

Guiyou stretched out his hand to grab Su Xiaolu's hand, his palm wanted to touch it, a warm current flowed into Su Xiaolu's meridians.

Su Xiaolu's eyes lit up: "Master, is this internal force?"

Guiyou's expression was flat: "Using the mental method to draw it to your lower limbs."

Su Xiaolu nodded obediently. Under the guidance of her mind, this warm internal force slowly flowed to her legs. Her uncomfortable legs felt much more comfortable, and her legs were not so stiff anymore.

After Guiyou withdrew his hand, Su Xiaolu himself continued to pull that little internal force to continue to circulate.

She closed her eyes comfortably, tired for several hours, now she just wants to have a good sleep.

Guiyou saw Su Xiaolu sleeping soundly, and slowly backed out. He took his sword and went to the yard to wipe it, his calm expression turned gentle because of the corners of his mouth.

The old man really didn't deceive him, this woman is a genius.

Inheriting his swordsmanship as the number one, he has traveled all over the world, and he can't find such an apprentice anymore.

In his first test against Su Xiaolu, Su Xiaolu passed it perfectly.

Su Xiaolu didn't know it when he was standing, but he was actually watching from inside the room.

He said third brother Shichen, actually Su Xiaolu can last half an hour is not bad, she survived, he also wanted to see how long she could last, it was an unexpected result.

Su Xiaolu supported the whole process, her legs were still intact and she was able to walk.

The sleeping Su Xiaolu didn't know that Guiyou thought so.

Consciously or unconsciously, she entered the space and fell asleep, surrounded by spiritual energy, making her feel comfortable physically and mentally.

The discomfort in the legs also gradually disappeared.

When she woke up, she found that she had fallen asleep in the space, so Su Xiaolu ran to the Lingquan to drink water.

After coming out of the space, she stretched herself, it was really comfortable.

My legs didn't hurt anymore, and when I got up, it was dark.

Su Xiaolu went out and asked about the smell of the food, she thought she woke up just right, and it would be time to eat soon.

Perhaps because of being tired, Su Xiaolu's food intake increased significantly today.

Zhao Shi and Su Sanlang felt a little distressed.

Guiyou said calmly, "You can buy more meat. After practicing martial arts, she needs to eat more."

If your body is exhausted, you will definitely need to eat more.

But Guiyou also ate a lot, he looked thin, but his appetite was bigger than Su Sanlang.

Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao nodded, there was no shortage of food at home.

Food and clothing, of course, will not let the children suffer.

Besides, when Su Chong, Su Hua and Zhou Heng were growing up, they also needed food.

Su Xiaolu had enough food and drink, with a relaxed expression on his face.

After Guiyou left, Mrs. Zhao quietly asked: "Fourth sister, is it very hard?"

Su Xiaolu shook her head, she smiled sweetly and said to Mrs Zhao: "No, it's not bitter at all."

At that time, it was a bit bitter, her feet were painful and numb, but Guiyou also used her internal energy to help her soothe her, and she was raised in the space again, and she didn't feel any more when she woke up.

She also didn't want Mrs. Zhao to worry too much.

Martial arts training will definitely be hard work, but if she decides to leave, she has to keep going. Returning is very strict, but he also teaches with heart. When she leaves the teacher, she will be able to fly in the air.

If you want such skills, you must pay.

Mrs. Zhao sighed, and finally said nothing.

She just heard Su Sanlang say that Su Xiaolu felt distressed after standing on the pillar for a whole day, but this road was chosen by Su Xiaolu.

If nothing else can help, it is still possible to work harder on meals every day.

After dinner the next day, Su Xiaolu practiced standing on the pillars as usual.

This time, she saw Guiyou practicing swordsmanship, the speed was much slower, it still took half an hour, and he stopped practicing.

After standing on the pillar, it was no different from yesterday, his legs were so painful that they seemed to be separated, and they were still forced back to the room by Guiyou.

With internal strength entering the body, the pain in both legs and the soreness in the body gradually disappeared. Su Xiaolu smiled gratefully at Guiyou and said, "Thank you, Master Guiyou."

Guiyou's expression was flat, and he said shallowly: "Well, let's get some sleep."

He felt that Su Xiaolu recovered very quickly, he would recover after sleeping, and he would be alive and well after waking up, he was a good seedling.

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