Chapter destruction

When the two returned to the shop, Chen Hu couldn't wait to ask, "How's it going, did you talk well?"

Qian Shi smiled and pulled Chen Hu aside to talk.

Mrs. Zhao also smiled at Su Sanlang and nodded slightly.

After many years of husband and wife, there is still some tacit understanding. At this time, Su Sanlang knows the general idea without words.

For the rest, don't worry, Mrs. Zhao will naturally explain it to him in detail when he returns home.

Chen Da Niu bought some condiments and came back, blushing.

The sauerkraut and kimchi were sold out, and Mrs. Qian and Mrs. Zhao helped to clean the wooden barrels, cutting boards and knives.

Then wait for Su Chong and the others to go home together after school.

Today, because it is special, it is Su Xiaozhi's family who make sauerkraut and kimchi at home.

When they came back, Su Xiaozhi, Cao Shi and Hu Shuangshuang were almost busy.

Su Xiaozhi originally wanted to ask what was going on, but thinking about what Cao Shi had told her not to ask not long ago, she swallowed the words.

Su Sanlang said lightly, "There's nothing to be busy with. You've been tired all day, so go back and rest."

Mrs. Cao nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, then we will go home too."

Su Xiaozhi glanced at Su Sanlang, then pulled Hu Shuangshuang and Cao Shi out together.

She vaguely heard Mrs. Zhao say to Su Sanlang, 'Daddy, let's go back to the house and talk'.

Su Xiaozhi sighed, there was no going back.

Seeing Su Xiaozhi's melancholy, Mrs. Cao said helplessly, "Don't think about it too much. This matter has not been settled yet, and everything is uncertain. When it is settled, we will know."

For more than a year, she has been strict with her, and Su Xiaozhi has less contact with that side, but Cao doesn't know how much Su Xiaozhi has left for her own wages.

Su Xiaozhi is too weak-tempered, she chooses to forgive, and Mrs. Cao doesn't say anything about her, just keep calm like this.

Su Xiaozhi sighed, "I know."

She just felt uncomfortable in her heart, and felt a little wronged inexplicably.

Cao didn't want to talk about her either.


Chen Daniu and Xu Bowen were confirmed on August 15th.

The two sides of the matchmaker were quite satisfied with each other, so they decided to get married on the tenth day of October, so that the marriage was finalized, and then the ceremony was slowly passed. After all the ceremony was completed, two years had passed, that is to say, from the beginning of the engagement to the marriage , for more than two years.

Unless you are in a hurry, these etiquettes are omitted.

But it is generally not omitted. It is just right to get married at the age of fourteen or fifteen, and to get married at the age of sixteen or seventeen.

After the two parties confirmed the date, everyone in the village knew about it.

October tenth.

Chen Daniu and Xu Bowen were engaged, and the banquet was held at Chen Daniu's house. All relatives of Xu Bowen's family came here.

Xu Bowen was dressed as a scholar in Tsing Yi, looking very bookish.

Naturally, everyone in the village came to eat, and they all praised Chen Da Niu for being lucky.

No one noticed, in the crowd, a figure showed deep jealousy in the eyes, why should she marry a farmer, and someone like Chen Da Niu can match a scholar!

Su Yufang was indignant, how could Chen Daniu be better than her.

Looking at Xu Bowen, Su Yufang bit her lips unwillingly, she squinted her eyes, and a scheme came to her mind, she clenched her teeth tightly, seeking wealth and wealth, she always had to try before she was reconciled, and missed it This opportunity will not be met next time.

Sitting next to her, Mrs. Zhou also sighed, "Everything is fate, I can't help it at all."

Who would have thought that Su Sanlang and Chen Hu would live such a happy life, eating meat and rice every meal.

Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Qian used to be punching bags, but now they are living a good life.

Mrs. Li smiled and said, "Sister and brother, this is fate, there is a way."

Mrs. Li knew exactly what Mrs. Zhou was sighing about. She didn't have a daughter, so she didn't have to worry about it, but seeing Mrs. Zhou not feeling well, she felt much better.

Zhou didn't want to pay attention to Li, so he didn't answer her.

Su Yufang stood up and said, "Mother, I'm going to the latrine."

Su Yufang got up and left.

Mrs. Li smiled, and continued, "This Xu Bowen is really good, and he will definitely be a scholar in a few years."

In this way, Chen Daniu is the wife of a scholar, which is uncomfortable to think about, but she has no daughter, so it is much more comfortable to think about it.

Seeing that Chen Daniu can settle for such a good family, no one in the whole village would be envious.

Zhou frowned, "If sister-in-law is free, she might as well care about Brother Chao's daughter-in-law, after all, she is pregnant with a child."

Li Shi's eldest daughter-in-law is not a character to be bullied. Li Shi is in her hands, and she has suffered a lot.

Now that she is pregnant with a child, Li Shi suffered a lot of dark losses.

It's not just Li Shi who can feel the pain.

Being poked in pain, Li frowned, smiled awkwardly and said, "Of course I care, this is my first grandson!"

Mrs. Li bit her grandson very hard. The eldest daughter-in-law relied on this every time to talk about things, which caused her a lot of losses. She wanted to see if she could give birth to a son. Good fruit to eat.

Zhou looked at her as a joke, and didn't look at her own butt.

Li's words turned around and said, "Sisters and sisters, Brother Lei's daughter-in-law, there must be some movement in her stomach. If there is no movement for so long, there must be some problem. You can't be careless about this. Go back and talk to your mother. There is a problem." I have to let the doctor see it.

Should I take medicine? You say yes. "

Zhou gritted her teeth and stared at Li.

Mrs. Li smiled and overwhelmed Mrs. Zhou, not to mention how happy she was.

Mrs. Zhou let out a breath, and suddenly smiled and said, "Sister-in-law is right, I will talk to my mother later, let her take the money and I will show the young couple to see it."

Her son is healthy, if there is any problem, Mrs. Li is uneasy and kind, so she doesn't get angry with her, and goes to get the money, eat some good food, and hide the extra, which is a good thing.

Li Shi looked at Zhou Shi and smiled, and thought of this, she was immediately unhappy.

When she was about to speak, Mrs. Zhou said again, "Sister-in-law, thank you for reminding me. Later, I told my mother that this was your idea. Thanks to you, you are really my good sister-in-law."

Lee "..."

So angry, she obviously didn't mean it that way. Damn Mrs. Zhou, she distorted her original intention. If Mrs. Zhou said this, Mrs. Wang would not embarrass her later.

Mrs. Zhou didn't want to talk to Mrs. Li, so she got up before Mrs. Li said anything, and went to another table to eat melon seeds.

Mrs. Zhou looked around, but she didn't see Su Yufang coming back.


There was a sudden scream, and the noisy people were stunned.

After a while, someone came back and said, "The sound is coming from the backyard, hurry up, go and have a look."

A lot of people went to the backyard, and soon, it was like a pot exploded.

Mrs. Zhou also stood up curiously, and couldn't help but also went to the backyard. Mrs. Li surrounded her and said gloatingly, "I didn't expect there to be a lot of fun. Hurry up, go and see what's going on."


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