Chapter 322 Antidote 2

"For those with severe illnesses, mash the silk ladle into powder first, or moisten it with water and mash it to give the seriously ill people to drink it first."

Su Xiaolu told Yaotong the method and arranged it in an orderly manner.

The little Yaotong nodded cheerfully: "Yes, I'll make arrangements right away, I'll tell Master the good news, everyone is saved, that's great, that's great."

In the past few days, hundreds of people have died, and thousands of people have been infected with the disease. If there is no antidote, these people will die in the end.

Now that the antidote is available, the lives of thousands of people have been saved.

And Su Xiaolu walking out well is the best proof.

On the sixth day after she contracted the disease, she found the antidote, and everything began to develop in a good direction.

Su Xiaolu looked at Jin Wu and asked, "Where is my second brother?"

It's been the sixth day since she was infected with the disease, and time is running out.

Jin Wu didn't delay, and immediately took Su Xiaolu to Su Hua's room.

Su Xiaolu held the 'Silk Ladle'. As soon as she entered the room, she immediately pinched Su Hua's mouth open and stuffed the silk ladle into Su Hua's mouth. A trickle flowed out from her fingers, and the effect would be better if supplemented with Lingquan water.

Su Hua's face was as dead as death. He even breathed very little, and his consciousness was no longer clear.

Some of the herpes on her body have ruptured and pus, and there is no good flesh on her handsome face.

Su Xiaolu moved Su Hua's jaw up and down, and she said anxiously, "Second brother, chew quickly."

The spiritual spring she fed in overflowed from the corner of Su Hua's mouth. Su Hua's situation is very bad.

Su Xiaolu took out the silver needle, pulled away Su Hua's clothes, quickly pierced the silver needle into Su Hua's heart, and then stuck it between Su Hua's eyebrows for a while, the silver needle penetrated deeply, the life point was stimulated, and Su Hua woke up He came over and swallowed the medicinal spring water.

He looked at Su Xiaolu, who had anxious eyes, and murmured in a daze, "Xiaolu, is it really you...?"

Saying this, he felt that his heart and head were about to burst from pain.

Su Xiaolu's tears dripped on Su Hua's clothes. She held Su Hua's hand and said, "Second Brother, it's me, I've developed the antidote, please chew it quickly, we will all go home alive, Father, mother, elder brother and three elder sisters are all waiting for us."

Su Hua was sure that all of this was true. He moved his lips and tried hard to chew the medicinal materials in his mouth. A cool feeling spread from his throat, making him more sober when he was chaotic.

Looking at Su Xiaolu who was beside him, Su Hua also smiled.

As he swallowed more potions, he felt that his body was not so stiff, and the medicinal materials were chewed and swallowed with his teeth.

"Little Lu, Second Brother is a little tired, let's go to sleep first."

Su Hua said weakly.

"Okay, second brother, you can sleep peacefully. When you wake up, everything will be fine."

Su Xiaolu nodded, she took out the silver needle while talking.

She took out a knife, took Su Hua's hand, cut a cut on his middle finger, and used a bowl to catch the blood.

After doing this, Su Xiaolu started to treat Su Hua's ruptured herpes again.

There are not many places that need to be treated. All the wounds on Su Hua's body have been treated.

When Zhou Zhi came, he saw this scene.

Hearing footsteps, Su Xiaolu turned her head, looked at Zhou Zhi's thin figure, and said first, "Thank you for taking care of my second brother."

She recovered very quickly. Since she took the right medicine, her body has been repairing crazily, and now she can move freely. As for the herpes, it will heal within ten days at most, and there will be no traces.

Zhou Zhi said gently, "I'm glad to see you're fine."

He didn't sleep all night, and the figure of Su Xiaolu always appeared in his mind. He hoped that she would live. He had already decided that this morning, no matter what, he would break in the door.

Hearing the movement, he immediately got up and put on the prosthesis. It took a long time to walk this distance, but now, seeing Su Xiaolu alive and well in front of him, Zhou Zhi felt that nothing was important, everything was just right.

His sincere eyes made Su Xiaolu believe that he was really happy.

Su Xiaolu's eyes also curved, she said with a smile: "Thank you, now that the antidote is available, the disease will disappear completely in a short time."

After the epidemic is completely over, they can also go home.

It will take at least a month before the epidemic disappears completely. In this month, she can take care of Zhou Zhi's body and customize a medicine diet for him.

"Well, all of this is your credit. When I go back, I will report it in full. There will be rewards at that time. I will save it for you first, and wait for you to pick it up."

Zhou Zhi said gently that with the antidote to the disease, the days of separation are counting down, but there is already entanglement, and he and Su Xiaolu will meet again.

Su Xiaolu nodded.

Zhou Zhi swallowed his throat: "Then I'll go back home first, if you need anything, just say it, they will cooperate with you."

He tried his best to endure the trembling in his throat, and after finishing speaking calmly, he turned around and left.

And Su Xiaolu didn't pay attention to Zhou Zhi, so he didn't notice how hard he endured.

After Zhou Zhi left, Su Xiaolu showed Su Hua again, and after a bowl of blood flowed out, she bandaged the wound on Su Hua's hand again.

After it was done, I took Su Hua's pulse again. The pulse was very weak, but it was already much better, and it will gradually get better in the future.

Soon, the medicine boy brought the boiled medicine. Su Xiaolu pinched Su Hua's mouth open and fed him little by little. The sleeping Su Hua subconsciously swallowed it and drank the medicine.

Go, he'll get better sooner.

It will take a few days for the disease to heal, but the body hollowed out by the disease and the damaged spirit need to be nourished slowly later.

After finishing all this, Su Xiaolu drank the medicine by himself, and then went back to the room to rest.

Only then did her tense nerves relax, and Su Xiaolu fell asleep for a day and a night, and when she woke up again, it was already the night of August 26th.

As soon as she woke up, she saw Wang Huilan just walking in. When Wang Huilan saw Su Xiaolu woke up, she said loudly in surprise: "Come quickly, Xiaolu is awake."

As Wang Huilan said, she had already walked quickly to Su Xiaolu's bed, and asked with concern: "Xiaolu, are you thirsty or hungry? Do you want to go to the toilet?"

Su Chong, Zhou Heng and Liu Zijin also came in, with joy in their eyes.

There were tears in Su Chong's eyes: "Little Lu, you finally woke up."

Su Xiaolu smiled sweetly: "Brother, why are you here?"

Su Chong choked up for a moment.

Seeing this, Zhou Heng said, "You haven't heard from me for so many days. We found out that you were also infected with the disease in order to save others. Achong would come to Jishitang every day, but he never found a chance to come in. It was yesterday, His Royal Highness the Second Prince said. The antidote is out, make an exception and let us come in to see you."

"Xiaolu, you have worked hard, fortunately you are here."

Zhou Heng looked at Su Xiaolu and felt that Su Xiaolu had paid too much for this. In just a few days, she lost a lot of weight and her chin became sharper. Fortunately, everything is fine.



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