Chapter 342 Su Hua Nods

Chapter 342 Su Hua Nods

Su Xiaoling nodded: "OK."

She didn't ask much.

Mrs. Zhao looked at Su Xiaoling tenderly, and asked softly: "Xiaoling, you often go to the Sun's residence, what do you think of the son of the Sun family?"

Today, Lian Shi came here, intending to get married, Lian Shi also said a lot, Sun Baoshan and Sun Baoqian are both knowledgeable, not bad, Lian Shi let her choose whatever she wanted, Zhao Shi really cared about it.

Having been with the Sun family for so many years, apart from being a rich family, the Sun family is also very good in character, and is a kind family, so whether it is to marry or not, the Zhao family has no objection.

Su Xiaoling thought of Sun Baoshan, she smiled and said: "He's a nice guy, but I think it's okay to be a few years older than him."

Sun Baoshan is only fifteen years old this year.

She often went to the Sun's Mansion to get medicinal materials for medicine, and she was also familiar with Sun Baoshan and Sun Baoqian. She thought about getting married, but Su Xiaoling thought about it and let it go, it felt weird.

Even though she was only two years older, she still found it strange.

Su Xiaoling thought for a while and said, "Mother, Sun Baoshan and Xiaolu are not much different in age."

Sun Baoshan is more than three years older than Su Xiaolu, and Su Xiaolu is more suitable.

Mrs. Zhao said worriedly, "Little Lu is only eleven years old, so young."

Su Xiaoling is already seventeen, so this marriage should be finalized.

Follow the etiquette slowly, Su Xiaoling will be nineteen years old when she can get married, and twenty years after she conceives and gives birth to a child. Calculating the time, there is really no delay.

Su Xiaoling pursed her lips, lowered her head and set the dishes attentively.

She doesn't actually want to marry, but as a woman, she always has to suffer like this.

An unmarried woman has to bear too much. Without a strong heart, she really can't bear it. A lady like Lin Yaoyao is unrestrained, free and easy, and loves freedom. There is no other.

Seeing that Su Xiaoling stopped talking, Mrs. Zhao sighed softly, her gaze was still very gentle, unknowingly, her daughter is already this old, she is graceful, gentle and courteous, marriage is a lifetime thing, she can get it Choose well.

In the evening, Mrs. Zhao talked to Su Chongsu Hua.

Sun Baoqian, Su Chong and Su Hua have also seen it.

Su Chong was a little lost in thought, he touched his nose and said, "Mother, let me forget it, I, you don't care about my affairs."

After Su Chong finished speaking, he went out directly. He was thinking of only one person now, so he didn't have time to think about Sun Baoqian.

What does Sun Baoqian look like? He really can't remember.

Su Chong left directly, and Zhao Shi looked at Su Hua with some doubts: "Brother Hua, your eldest brother... But does your heart belong?"

Su Hua smiled slightly and said, "Mother, I don't know about this."

Mrs. Zhao thought that Su Chong probably had a girl he liked, so she would ask later. Mrs. Zhao looked at Su Hua and said, "Brother Hua, how do you feel about Ms. Sun's family? Tell your mother the truth."

Su Hua thought about Sun Baoqian. The Sun family has a lot of background, and Sun Baoqian is also a good person. Xiaoling Xiaolu has contacts with her. Sun Baoqian is also a kind and intelligent woman, but he is several years older than Sun Baoqian. He looked at Zhao and said "Mother, I am six years older than Sun Baoqian. If Sun Baoqian is willing, I am willing too. Just let mother decide everything."

Sun Baoqian is soft-looking, well-educated and reasonable. Marrying such a woman is a good match.

If she is kind and easy to get along with, then she will be able to serve her parents well in the future, and she also knows herself, if she is willing, then getting along will not be bad in the future.

On such a basis, the Sun family still has a strong foundation, and it would be a blessing to him if this marriage can be accomplished.

When Mrs. Zhao saw that Su Hua agreed, she smiled and said, "That's fine, I'll write back to the Sun Mansion. If it succeeds, it will be finalized this year."

Mrs. Zhao thinks that Su Hua should like Sun Baoqian, but the child has grown up, and she can't see through her deep thoughts. She and Su Sanlang respect the child's wishes, and if he is willing to nod, he probably likes it a little bit.

It's always good to have a good start.

Su Hua nodded: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Mrs. Zhao smiled gently: "Mother is not hard."

She is relieved.

Thinking of Su Chong, Mrs. Zhao got up and said before leaving: "Brother Hua, can you help me find out which girl your elder brother likes? Your elder brother is not young anymore, it would be best if he has a girl he likes. If not, parents will fight for him."

Marry a man and marry a wife, it is best if you like it.

Both she and Su Sanlang hope that the children can live happily, that the husband and wife are harmonious, like each other, and support each other. Sincere love is the basis for mutual support.

Su Hua nodded: "OK."

Su Chong's reaction just now was indeed a bit wrong.

But he really didn't know who Su Chong liked, and after thinking about it, he couldn't guess that they were brothers. Su Chong might feel embarrassed and couldn't tell in front of Mrs. Zhao, but he didn't have such concerns about him.

Brothers can share worries and help each other.

Only then did Mrs. Zhao leave and go back to her room.

When Mrs. Zhao went back to her room, Su Sanlang was already waiting. Seeing her coming back, he hurriedly asked, "How's it going?"

Mrs. Zhao smiled and said: "I've already said it, Hua Geer has this meaning, Chong Geer seems to have someone he likes, and he just left after I said a few words, I don't know which girl he likes .”

Su Sanlang was a little surprised: "Brother Chong has a girl he likes?"

Mrs. Zhao nodded: "Yes, you are also surprised, right? I am also surprised."

Su Sanlang smiled and said: "Yeah, I'm so surprised

, I didn't notice it before, and I don't know when it started. "

Mrs. Zhao went to sleep next to Su Sanlang, and Su Sanlang naturally stretched out his arms to embrace Mrs. Zhao, resting on Su Sanlang's arm, and Mrs. Zhao said: "I'm worried about Xiaoling now, the matchmaker is here. Talked a lot, Xiao Ling didn't even nod, alas... I'm just afraid that over time, people will think that our Xiao Ling is too high-sighted and picky."

If people think this way, then Su Xiaoling's marriage will not be a good choice.

Su Xiaolu, after all, is only eleven years old, still young, so it doesn't matter if she looks a few years later.

Su Sanlang pondered for a while and said: "Xiao Ling really should."

"Let's see more."

Although worried, this matter should not be rushed, and a good marriage should not be rushed.

"I don't know what kind of woman Brother Heng will marry in the future. Speaking of which, he is fifteen years old, and he will be sixteen after the end of the year. Sigh..."

Zhao said and sighed.

Zhou Heng has been in this family for eight years, and they are also the children they have grown up with. They hope that he will have a good marriage and a bright future from the bottom of their hearts.

Su Sanlang smiled and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

"It's getting late, go to bed early."

Su Sanlang kissed Zhao's forehead sideways and said.

Zhao's heart was warm, she nodded: "Okay, tomorrow I will write back to the Sun Mansion."

At this time, on the other side, Su Hua and Zhou Heng were sitting beside Su Chong's bed.

Su Hua looked at Su Chong, who was covering his head. He and Zhou Heng looked at each other, and they couldn't help laughing. Su Hua said, "Brother, tell me, when did it happen?"

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