Chapter 344 Su Chong's Favorite Person 2

Chapter 344 Su Chong's Favorite Person 2

Lian Shi laughed, and Zhao Shi laughed too, it's best to like each other.

If you like each other, you will have a good start, and you will be able to perfect the relationship between husband and wife in the future.

As for Su Xiaoling and Su Xiaolu, Zhao Shi and Lian Shi did not talk about it tacitly.

Lian didn't talk about it, but Zhao also felt very comfortable. It's like dealing with smart people. There are some things that we all know each other, needless to say.

Lian and Zhao had a pleasant chat. After Zhao was sent away, Lian smiled and went to Sun Baoqian's yard. Her daughter is also a big girl. If there is a good candidate and a good family, she will start preparing the dowry up.

Lian Shi couldn't stop the smile on her face as she thought about it, anyone who saw her would know that she was in a good mood.

Sun Baoqian is practicing. These movements are taught by Su Xiaolu. The movements are very slow, but after a complete set, it will make people sweat, and the effect of physical training can be achieved without big movements.

Seeing Lian Shi, Sun Baoqian stopped her movements and adjusted her breathing.

Lian Shi waited quietly, holding the maids back. She waited for Sun Baoqian to adjust her breathing before Lian Shi said: "Qian'er, Mother wants to tell you something."

Sun Baoqian's breathing became steady, and she said, "Mom, what's the matter?"

Lian's eyes were gentle, and while wiping Sun Baoqian's sweat with a handkerchief, he said, "Qian'er, the Su family wrote back to mother, and she said that Su Hua is interested in you. If you want, the two of you will be engaged together." .”

"This... I'll just listen to my mother's arrangement."

Sun Baoqian blushed and said shyly.

She liked Su Hua more, now that she knew that Su Hua was also interested in her, how could she not be shy.

Sun Baoqian couldn't help thinking, God really cares for her.

When she was a child, her health was extremely poor, and when her body was about to run out of oil, God arranged for her to meet Su Xiaolu.

Now that she has grown up, when it's time to talk about marriage, God has arranged Su Hua for her again. The fate is what she wants, and thinking about it makes her heart warm.

Lian Shi looked at Sun Baoqian's face as a little girl, and sighed with a gentle smile: "Then mother will help you decide. This marriage is arranged by God. You and Su Hua will definitely live happily."

Marriage is naturally the best arranged by God.

Everything is going well, the two families are happy, this is a good match made in heaven.

Sun Baoqian bowed her head shyly. She didn't know what would happen in the future, but now she thought about it and felt a sense of expectation in her heart.

Lian talked with Sun Baoqian again before getting up and going back to the main courtyard.

Just after leaving Sun Baoqian's yard, she saw Sun Baoshan walking back and forth outside, looking at this son, Lian walked over with a smile.

Sun Baoshan saw Lian Shi and called out 'mother'.

Lien nodded: "Shan'er, do you have something to tell your mother?"

Sun Baoshan nodded cautiously: "Yes, I have something to tell my mother."

Lian and Sun Baoshan went to Sun Baoshan's yard together, since the two siblings recovered, they have not lived in the same yard.

The two courtyards are adjacent.

After entering the courtyard and returning to the room, Sun Baoshan said: "Mom, I know you've been worrying about my sister's marriage recently, what I want to say is, I like Su Xiaolu, can mother tell me about her?"

Sun Baoshan knew that Lian Shi was worried about this matter recently, he was worried that Lian Shi's intention was Su Xiaoling, it was fine if Su Xiaoling was more than two years older than him, but the problem was, he liked Su Xiaolu better.

Although Su Xiaolu is not yet old enough to talk about marriage, he can wait for her.

He has liked Su Xiaolu since he was a child, he likes her vigor, she likes her martial arts skills, and she likes her cuteness.

If he could marry her, he felt that he would be extremely happy in this life.

Lian looked at Sun Baoshan with a sincere expression, and after a while she said: "My son, you like Xiaolu, mother really didn't expect it."

Sun Baoshan looked at Lian with embarrassment, and said firmly: "Mom, I really like Xiaolu, she seems to be shining, I feel happy when I see her, and I really want to be with her, but I'm afraid she won't like it." I."

Sun Baoshan felt a little depressed, his body has recovered, but it is impossible to practice martial arts, and Su Xiaolu is very strong in martial arts, she can be chivalrous and free, and he thinks she should be a chivalrous man who likes martial arts. .

Whenever I think about it, I feel very depressed.

What kind of person can stand shoulder to shoulder with her? Sun Baoshan hoped it was himself.

Lian Shi sighed and said: "Shaner, Mother doesn't know that you have been obsessed with it for a long time, that's all, even if it doesn't work, Mother will tell you about it for you, even if it doesn't work, Mother also hopes that you won't leave any regrets."

"Thank you mother, I will work hard."

Sun Baoshan focused on his head. Of course, he must work hard. If he can't fight, he will work hard to learn literature.

He has many opportunities to meet Su Xiaolu, and he is considered a childhood sweetheart. When Su Xiaolu can talk about marriage in the future, maybe he will like him.

Seeing Sun Baoshan's obsessive love, Lian felt something in her heart, and she couldn't help praying for Sun Baoshan, if only there was such a fate.

Su Xiaolu is agile and charming, with excellent medical skills, having such a daughter-in-law is what Lian could only wish for.

Su Xiaolu is still young, so she is not in a hurry, as long as she knows Sun Baoshan's intentions, she will wait for Sun Baoqian and Su Hua to make up their minds, and then look for an opportunity to test Zhao's tone later.


When Mrs. Zhao returned to the store, she nodded lightly with Su Sanlang. Mrs. Qian was also helping in the store, and she also smiled when she saw this.

When the sauerkraut and kimchi were all sold out, Qian asked, "Brother and sister-in-law, tell me quickly."

Mrs. Zhao smiled and told Mrs. Qian about the matter.

Qian Shi smiled: "That's great."

Thinking of Su Chong, Zhao felt a little sad: "Brother Chong actually has someone he likes, and I don't know which girl it is."

Qian Shi was also curious: "I'm also curious about who the girl is."

Because after thinking about it, she couldn't think of who it would be. Su Chongsuhua puts the most emphasis on reading. Every day, he is either at home or in school. Who could it be?

Su Sanlang said: "When the matter of Brother Hua is settled, ask him later. Although our family is not rich, it is not bad, and Brother Chong is also good. Please ask the matchmaker when the time comes."

Su Sanlang felt that Su Chong had a great chance, so he was not worried.

Su Hua's marriage is also settled, and now it is Su Xiaoling.

But there is no rush, good things are not in a hurry.

The two families breathed, and Lian got Su Hua's horoscope, and began to ask the master to combine the horoscope.

On November 12th, Chen Daniu and Chen Erniu came to visit. They were busy chatting with Su Xiaoling in the kitchen, while Su Xiaolu was practicing sword in the yard. Hearing the soft voice coming from the kitchen, she took a second look. .

So... She listened intently again.

In the kitchen, Chen Erniu said, "Miss Xiaoling, I have some good news for you. Recently, Mr. Su and the others have suffered from a strange disease and have abscesses on their bodies. After seeing many doctors, they couldn't see it well, and they all said no. As for the illness, everyone in the village said it was retribution."

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