Chapter 367 Do You Know Who I Am 2

Chapter 367 Do You Know Who I Am 2

If today's matter is left like this, what if Zhang uses the same method to insult their daughter's reputation?

People say what they say, no one thinks there is anything between Yan Wu and Su Xiaoling.

As for the silk handkerchief that belonged to Su Xiaoling in Mrs. Zhang's hand, it goes without saying that it must have been stolen by Yan Wu.

A person who can steal women's belongings makes people cast aside for a while.

When people look at Yan Wu and Zhang Shi again, their eyes no longer have the attitude of just watching the show.

Those who helped Mrs. Zhang carry the gift, some of them couldn't bear it anymore and begged for mercy.

"Su Juren, it doesn't matter to us. We are not in the same group as this family. We were also deceived by her and came here with her money. If we knew this was the case, we would definitely not help Their."

"Yes, yes, we were also deceived..."

One by one, I just want to get rid of Zhang's relationship so as not to be implicated by her.

Zhou Heng cupped his hands and said calmly: "Everyone, our Su family is not an unreasonable family. We just wait for the government to come and take testimony. Naturally, we won't implicate you if you are innocent."

What Zhou Heng said was reasonable. He was very modest, but he didn't back down half a step.

Moreover, he is Su Xiaoling's fiancé, standing up for his fiancée, no one dares to question him.

Those who came here with heavy gifts did not dare to complain, they only spoke to express their cooperation.

Yan Wu looked unwilling, but his whole body was in pain, and it hurt even when he was panting.

Mrs. Zhang wanted to speak, but her jaw was removed, and she could only make a sound of 'wooooahahah'.

Wanting to talk = impossible, wanting to leave is even more impossible.

Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao looked at Zhou Heng worriedly, and Zhou Heng nodded slightly to them. This is the best way, which not only preserves Su Xiaoling's reputation, but also punishes the Yan family.

When Su Chong came with the officials, and before the officials asked, whoever was eager to get rid of the relationship would be the first to find out.

They were just invited by Mrs. Zhang. If you want to say how good your relationship with Mrs. Zhang is, it doesn't exist, even if you have it now, anyway, everything is Mrs. Mrs. Zhang's fault and has nothing to do with them.

Take out all the money you have received to show your determination to be deceived.

Su Xiaolu lifted Zhang's chin and closed it for her. Zhang was able to speak, and immediately shouted: "Master Qingtian, the women are wronged..."

Mrs. Zhang still wanted to complain, but she couldn't plead guilty, but she was interrupted by Zhou Heng just as she made a wish.

"You are wronged, where are you wronged? Tell me, if your son didn't steal it, how did your son get my fiancée's private property?"

Zhou Heng asked sharply.

Regarding the whole story, the officials already knew that it was completely useless for Mrs. Zhang to appeal for injustice. What she had to face was Zhou Heng's questioning.

"You said, don't steal or grab, where did the things come from?"

The yamen servant asked Mrs. Zhang that they already understood the source of the matter, and anyone who looked at it knew that Yan Wu and Zhou Heng were not comparable.

Mrs. Zhang was dumbfounded. The matter had completely gotten out of control up to now. She couldn't control it. She wanted to kill Su Xiaoling, but she felt scared. For a while, she didn't know how to answer.


Yan Wu timidly called Mrs. Zhang, he was terrified, wanted to speak but didn't know what to say, and only hoped that Mrs. Zhang could solve all this perfectly.

Mrs. Zhang was so anxious that she turned her head to stare at Mrs. Zhao, stepped forward, knelt down in front of Mrs. Zhao, hugged her leg and burst into tears, crying and saying: "Good sister, you have a lot of adults, let us go." Well, I also did such a wrong thing because of the lard for a while."

Mrs. Zhang thought about it for a week, and she knew in her heart that she couldn't handle every one of the Su family, but Mrs. Zhao was weak-tempered. As long as Mrs. Zhao let go, the matter would not be that complicated.

She doesn't dare to bite Su Xiaoling anymore, with Zhou Heng around, the more she bites, the more severe the punishment will be. Let's find a way out from Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao wanted to push Mrs. Zhang away, but Mrs. Zhang hugged her tightly and would not let go.

Mrs. Zhang cried and begged for mercy: "My good sister, we made an appointment to go to incense that day. My Xiaowu, you also like it. I know you blamed me for being late and complained, but there is a reason for that." , I really want to get married with you, but I sent you letters a few times later and you ignored me, so I thought about it for a while and did such a disgraceful thing."

"Good sister, I really don't know that you are determined to ignore my family. I think you are angry that I was late that day. If you pay attention to me, I won't be like this. If you return I said Xiaoling has made a good husband and son-in-law, and I dare not destroy it."

Mrs. Zhang wept bitterly, begging for mercy repeatedly.

And her words are also clearly heard. There is a reason why she did this.

That's because they didn't know that Su Xiaoling and Zhou Heng were gone.

Moreover, Mrs. Zhao actually handed over her family. She did this because there was a misunderstanding behind it.

Mrs. Zhao clenched her palms tightly, she gritted her teeth, and pushed Mrs. Zhang away fiercely.

Under Zhang's astonished eyes, Zhao said in a deep voice: "If you have any grievances, you don't need to tell me to get entangled with me. If you have any grievances, tell the government. What's going on, the government will definitely find out."

Zhao Shiqi's body trembled slightly, and she knew she was weak, but Zhang Shi wanted to use her weakness to evade, even if she put her life into it, she would not agree.

Zhang's ruining her daughter's reputation like this, how could she allow her to expose it in a few words.

Mrs. Zhang bullied her and wanted to make up for all her mistakes.

Blame it on her, if it was only about her, maybe she would not argue about anything, but the matter is about Su Xiaoling, she cannot bear it.

"That's right, the government will definitely investigate."

Su Xiaoling's voice sounded, but she still couldn't hold back and walked out of the room.

She walked up to Zhou Heng, took a deep breath and said to everyone, "This matter concerns my reputation as Su Xiaoling. I can't stay out of it. I believe the government will find out and give me justice, so I'm not afraid."

"That's natural. The yamen will definitely find out impartially. Those who commit evil must be punished, and those who are innocent will not be wronged."

The yamen servant spoke seriously.

It drew everyone to applaud.

Mrs. Zhang wanted to argue, but seeing Mrs. Zhao's indifferent expression, she finally swallowed her words.

The people Mrs. Zhang invited all proved their innocence.

The money they collected was returned, and this matter had nothing to do with them, so they were released after a round of interrogation, while Zhang and Yan Wu were arrested and sent to the Yamen.

Su Sanlang's family also passed together.

Chen Hu turned his head and told Mrs. Qian to take care of the family, and then went with him.

Mrs. Zhao held Su Xiaoling's hand tightly, tears fell, and she said in a choked up voice of self-blame and guilt, "Third sister, it's my mother who is sorry for you, it was my mother who provoked the jackals."

Su Xiaoling smiled at Mrs. Zhao and shook her head, her tone was gentle and comforting: "Mother, it's not your fault, you are not a god, how can you see through the sinister heart, mother loves me so much, if you know this, mother will Don't provoke them."

If you can't avoid it, how can you provoke it.

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