Chapter 401

Su Sanlang nodded seriously.

Mrs. Zhao also nodded in agreement, her gentle and kind father made it impossible for her to doubt him.

February 18th is the time for the exam to start, and it's only a few days away. At this juncture, I really don't have the energy to deal with more things.

The Qi family sent Yan Qingyun back to the Yan Mansion.

Yan Qingyun smiled gently to Qi's father and Qi's mother and said: "This is good news, you should also take some time to tell your grandfather that he is the person who misses Mianmian the most. This is something that even a father like me is ashamed of. Mianmian He is a blessed child, now he is happy and safe, and I am relieved."

"Uncle, don't worry, I will tell my grandfather the good news sometime, but there is one more thing that Uncle may not know about."

Qi's father bowed his hands and said seriously, Yan Qingyun is just an old fox, the assassination matter is absolutely inseparable from the Yan family, this matter should also be explained to Yan Mian by Yan Qingyun.

Yan Qingyun looked at Qi's father, showing puzzlement: "My nephew, what you said is"

Although he knew it in his heart, he still pretended not to know, because he would not touch this matter, and he should not know.

Qi's father looked at Yan Qingyun, and said solemnly: "Uncle, my cousin's house was attacked and assassinated last night. Dozens of killers came aggressively and fiercely. There are people in the Yan Mansion who don’t want my cousin to come back. There are many doubts about her cousin being kidnapped by mountain bandits. Originally, their family was safe and sound, but after telling uncle, they were killed, isn’t it too embarrassing.”

"I offended my uncle today because I was afraid that someone would obstruct your father and daughter's reunion. Now that my uncle knows the identity of my cousin is true, I will tell the truth about it."

Qi's father looked at Yan Qingyun, and solemnly said these words truthfully.

Yan Qingyun was stunned for a moment, then shocked and then angry: "Thank you, my nephew, for telling me. I will investigate this matter clearly. I want to see who is trying to prevent our father and daughter from getting to know each other! No matter who it is, once it is found out, I will Never forgive."

"If the past incidents of the past were related to this, then I will not forgive it. It caused my daughter to be displaced for more than 20 years, and my father and daughter were separated for more than 20 years. If it was artificial, it would be really hateful. Once it is found out, I will never tolerate it. If this is really my fault, I will be a guilty person. I will have no face to face my father-in-law and his old man. After a hundred years of death, I will have no face to meet Xinyu... I must do this. Check properly!"

Yan Qingyun looked angry and ashamed, with tears in his old eyes, and said through gritted teeth.

Qi's father nodded solemnly and said: "I feel at ease with uncle's words, and the little nephew will not bother uncle, so I leave."

Qi's father didn't have the time to guess the twists and turns in Yan Qingyun's heart, as long as Yan Qingyun knew that he needed to give the Qi family an explanation.

"Okay, okay, it's okay if I don't know about this matter, once I know, it will be a knife in my heart, I must find out, so I won't keep my nephew, go slowly."

Yan Qingyun nodded, his expression was serious, silently expressing his determination to investigate.

Qi's father and Qi's mother took the two children to turn the carriage and returned.

Yan Qingyun stood outside the door and watched the carriage drive away.

The guard at the door greeted him respectfully and called out, "My lord."

"Where is the eldest lady?"

Yan Qingyun asked coldly.

The servant lowered his head and replied: "My lord, the eldest lady is back today, and the eldest son was called back by the eldest lady."

The servant respectfully reported the situation in the mansion to Yan Qingyun, and Yan Qingyun's face turned cold instantly.

He strode towards the door of the mansion.

In order to survive, Qi Xinyue did not hesitate to pay any price, knowing that his heart was hard and refused to give up, so she called her son and daughter back, trying to use them to make Yan Qingyun soft-hearted and rescue him.

During the time when Yan Qingyun was out of the house, Qi Xinyue had already told her son and daughter about the events of that year in detail.

Yan Zhenzhen and Yan Zhiyuan never expected that this incident was actually written by their mother.

Qi Xinyue's vicious methods sound disgusting, but as Qi Xinyue's children, Qi Xinyue sheltered them and brought them up to what they are now.

Hate cannot be hated, they are not willing to watch their old mother suffer this catastrophe when she is getting old.

So the two siblings both stated that they would try their best to persuade their father to save them.

No matter what, Yan Qingyun was the minister in charge of the household department from the second grade. If he wanted to rescue someone, he must have a way.

The mother and son had lunch together, and the servants came in to report: "Madam, Master, Miss, Master is back."

As soon as Qi Xinyue heard that Yan Qingyun had returned, she showed melancholy and worry. Whether she could save her old life depended on whether Yan Qingyun would soften his heart in the future.

"Mother, don't worry, my brother and I will not give up on you."

Yan Zhenzhen stretched out her hand to hold Qi Xinyue's hand and said gently, she is also in her thirties, as a wife and mother, Yan Zhenzhen understands the vicious things Qi Xinyue did for her and her younger brother.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Qi Xinyue is a vicious woman, but in Yan Zhenzhen's view, Qi Xinyue is the best mother.

Yan Zhiyuan also said calmly: "Mother, don't worry, we won't give up on you."

Qi Xinyue pursed her lips and showed a gratified smile, she nodded and said: "Okay, okay, mother will feel at ease with your words."

Both son and daughter understand what she does, and that is enough for them to understand her.

This gave Qi Xinyue a little warmth in her cold heart. At least, she has been living for decades.

There is a response to her dedication. Her son and daughter understand what she has done and are grateful for everything she has done. Even if there is a death sentence in the end, she is not so sad in her heart.

There were footsteps outside, Qi Xinyue nervously looked towards the door.

Yan Qingyun came in with a sullen face, he looked at Yan Zhiyuan and Yan Zhenzhen, and said in a deep voice, "Zhiyuan and Zhenzhen go back first."

Yan Zhiyuan immediately said: "Father, my sister and I already know about this matter. This matter concerns our biological mother. Please forgive me for not turning a blind eye to it."

Yan Zhenzhen also got up to salute Yan Qingyun, and then said: "Father, everything mother did was for us. You want your daughter to watch her mother die without saving her. My daughter can't be so ruthless."

Yan Qingyun looked at Yan Zhiyuan and Yan Zhenzhen, stared at Qi Xinyue with squinted eyes and said coldly: "I wanted to save some face for you in front of the children, since you don't want it, then that's fine."

Qi Xinyue looked at Yan Qingyun's iron-blooded ruthlessness, and suddenly felt grievances and sadness. She called the old man with tears and said, "Master, why did you say that ruthlessness is so justified? The face you said is to let me die so that you can be saved." Just give the Qi family an explanation, but what about you, you knew that I did the thing back then, and you didn't tell the Qi family either."

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