Falling in love with you, dressing up as a charming little fortune bag

Chapter 434 He is Unfathomable

Chapter 434 He is Unfathomable

Su Xiaolu didn't hide anything, she told the truth.

Su Xiaoling sighed: "Little Lu, Zhou Zhi, what kind of person are you?"

Su Xiaoling had never met Zhou Zhi, she had only heard about him from the whole ridiculous story, and she was also sad for him, but she was even more afraid that Zhou Zhi would hurt Zhou Heng.

When Su Xiaolu thought of Zhou Zhi, she also sighed helplessly, and said, "Sister, Zhou Zhi is quite weird, no one should be able to see through him."

Zhou Zhi is different from them, he probably won't open his heart to anyone.

The side he is showing now is just the side he wants people to see. This is Su Xiaolu's deepest feeling since he came into contact with him.

"Xiaolu, if he doesn't hurt Brother Heng, it means that he has Brother Heng in his heart. He just doesn't know how to say it. In fact, he is just like us."

Su Xiaoling frowned slightly, and said what was on his mind.

According to the analysis she knew, if Zhou Zhi really couldn't tolerate Zhou Heng, then he couldn't let Zhou Heng come to the capital. If he didn't kill him, it meant that he never thought about killing him.

Don't kill him at such a time, that Zhou Zhi is not scary at all, others say he is scary, that he has almost monster plots, it is just that others have demonized him. ,

Zhou Zhi is just an ordinary person, like all of them, with an ordinary body and emotions.

"Sister, what you said makes sense."

Su Xiaolu thought about these words, she nodded in approval.

"It's time for me to detoxify him after a while, and I will observe him more then."

Su Xiaolu said seriously, as long as you want to understand a person, you can definitely understand it thoroughly if you observe with your heart.

Su Xiaoling smiled slightly and said: "Don't work too hard. When he needs medicine and food supplements, my sister can help. He is more like Brother Heng's younger brother. I also hope that he can recover and live well."

Su Xiaolu nodded.

She saved Zhou Zhi because he was Zhou Heng's younger brother.

"Little deer, go to sleep."

Su Xiaoling gently squeezed Su Xiaolu's shoulders and arms.

Su Xiaolu felt comfortable and soon fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Su Xiaolu got up and went to pick up Zhou Heng with Su Chong and Qi Xingfeng.

On the way, Qi Xingfeng was still a little worried about whether Zhou Zhi would kill Zhou Heng last night.

But when they reached the gate of the mansion, they didn't have to wait long before Zhou Heng came out intact.

Zhou Zhi came out with him.

The two stood together and were about the same height. The moment they came out together, Qi Xingfeng suddenly sighed: "It seems."

At this moment, Zhou Zhi and Zhou Heng have a great similarity, one can tell that they are two brothers, even though they have no similarities in appearance.

But they are brothers, even if they don't look like each other, they still look alike. This is about the inexplicable blood relationship. The real brothers can be seen at a glance.

"Good morning, little deer."

Zhou Zhi smiled slightly at Su Xiaolu, and said hello softly.


Su Xiaolu returned a sweet smile.

"Let's go together, I happen to be going to the General's Mansion too."

Zhou Zhi spoke to Qi Xingfeng and Su Chong lightly, with a calm expression that made it impossible to see emotions.

"Ah Zhi, you—"

Zhou Heng didn't know what Zhou Zhi was going to do. When he got up in the morning, he had breakfast with Zhou Zhi. The two of them didn't say a word halfway. The only thing he said was before the guards came to report, he said 'it's almost time'.

As soon as he finished speaking, the guards came to report, and then the two left the mansion together.

Zhou Heng didn't know what Zhou Zhi was going to do, Zhou Heng asked, Zhou Zhi didn't look at him, but said to Qi Xingfeng and the others, "Let's go."


Su Chong made a gesture of invitation.

What Zhou Zhi wants to do, he will know later.

Zhou Zhi got into the carriage, and his bodyguard Jin Wujin Si drove the carriage away.

Su Chong and others also boarded the carriage, while Qi Xingfeng drove the carriage back home.

On the way, Su Chong asked Zhou Heng: "Brother Heng, there was no danger last night, right?"

Zhou Heng shook his head and said: "No, I fell asleep after returning home, nothing happened, I only know that Ah Zhi will not kill me, I don't know what he wants to do."

"It's okay, don't think too much, everything will be resolved."

Su Chong comforted Zhou Heng and said, Zhou Heng went to Zhou Zhi's house last night, and Zhou Zhi didn't do anything, so Huadi's guess is right?

Zhou Zhi actually wanted to push Zhou Heng to the throne?

But this is just guesswork, Zhou Zhi's mind is too complicated, until that step, I really don't know what he is going to do.

Qi Xingfeng, who was driving the car, just shook his head in distress, it was really a headache.

Fortunately, he and his brother are not like this.

Thinking about it this way, for some reason, I suddenly felt that the second prince was also very pitiful.

The carriage returned to the mansion.

The group got out of the carriage, and Zhou Zhi also got out of the carriage.

Let's go into the house together.

The servants have already rushed to report.

When Old General Qi learned that Zhou Zhi was also here, he immediately frowned: "What is he doing here?"

Both Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi were a little worried, they didn't know how to face Zhou Heng's younger brother Zhou Zhi.

Old General Qi said: "Mianmian, this matter has nothing to do with you, don't get involved in it, go back to your room first."

Su Xiaoling took the initiative to speak: "Great-grandfather, I want to stay."

Old General Qi looked at Su Xiaoling and nodded: "You stay."

After finishing speaking, Old General Qi said to Father Qi and Mother Qi again: "Go down too, and don't get involved in this matter, it has nothing to do with you."

Involvement is complicated, and the fewer people involved, the better.

As for the two grandsons, they will both be officials in the court in the future. No matter who the throne belongs to, the eldest prince and the second prince will be involved, so it is better to know more about it, so there is no need to shy away from it.

As soon as Qi's father, Qi's mother and Su Sanlang's Zhao family left, Zhou Zhi and the others came to the main hall.

Seeing Old General Qi, Zhou Zhi raised his forehead slightly and asked, "How is General Qi?"

Old General Qi also replied rigidly: "I have a note from the Second Prince Lao, the old man is in good health."

Zhou Zhi smiled and nodded: "That's good."

"Second Prince, please sit down."

Old General Qi stretched out his hand and asked Zhou Zhi to sit down.

He looked at Qi Xingfeng and the others, and after everyone sat down, the old general Qi looked at Zhou Zhi and said, "Your Highness the Second Prince will go to the Three Treasure Hall for nothing, so let's not make any detours, just talk about you." The purpose of coming this time."

Zhou Zhi smiled faintly and said, "The general is straightforward, so let me just say it straight. I want to play a scene with you. This scene will start after the palace examination is over. The result of this scene is that Zhou Heng can restore his royal family." The identity of the eldest son."

As soon as Zhou Zhi finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

After a while, Su Hua looked at Zhou Zhi and said, "Then dare to ask how this play will be performed, and who will cooperate, so that Zhou Heng can restore his identity, so what benefits can you gain from it, Your Highness the Second Prince?"

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Hua and smiled.

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