Chapter 436 He is Unfathomable 3

Chapter 436 He is Unfathomable 3

Madam Wei sighed, and then said slowly, "Ling'er, there is another Heng'er."

Madam Wei's words made Wei Ling stunned for a few moments before realizing it. She asked with difficulty, "Mother, what does this mean?"

What is another Henger?

Wei Ling looked at Mrs. Wei anxiously.

Mrs. Wei replied helplessly: "Not long ago, a man named Zhou Heng came to us and said that he was the eldest son of the emperor. Both your father and brother thought it was incredible. After some investigation, they found that he was a scholar. The road is extremely peaceful, he is now a Juren, and the palace candidate has also been named."

"We paid such a terrible price, but we failed to allow Zhou Heng to enter Beijing safely. This Zhou Heng came back safely without anyone protecting him. Both your father and brother think it is too absurd, but they don't want to wipe out this tiny hope. After investigation, it was difficult to tell the truth from the fake, but it was found that he was also involved with that side, and he had met with that person many times in private, and your father wanted to try to assassinate him, but the side also came to his rescue."

"Mother came into the palace this time to tell you that in a short time, this Zhou Heng will regain his status as the first prince, and that one will help him. Your father said that it is difficult for him to make up his mind on this matter. Let me do it." Let me tell you, whether it is true or false, you can distinguish it yourself."

After Madam Wei finished speaking slowly, she fell silent and said nothing more.

Wei Ling digested the shocking news in shock, she bit her lower lip, and bit her pale lip until it turned blood red.

She only felt a sore throat: "He wants to make a fake one to be his puppet?"

Mrs. Wei was silent.

A stern look flashed in Wei Ling's eyes: "He can't even think about it! I won't let his goal come true, mother, you go back and tell dad, let dad help me figure out what to do, we can't let his goal come true, Heng'er No more, I will never allow a fake to replace him and occupy his identity, I will go to see the emperor right away, and make public the news of Heng'er's disappearance."

During this period of time, she has been immersed in grief, she can't accept this painful truth, but she didn't expect Zhou Zhi to use this matter to make a fuss, she will definitely not let his goal be achieved.

"Ling'er, your father has also thought about this matter. What he means is that he wants you to recognize Concubine Lin's son and raise him under his knees. This matter is very important. Your body is hurt again. My mother feels sorry for you, but There are some things that only you can do."

Mrs. Wei said with distressed eyes, and sighed helplessly after speaking.

Wei Ling swallowed her throat, and she said: "Mother, don't worry, I won't let that devil succeed, I will never allow him to get that seat, even if he finds a puppet."

There was hatred in Wei Ling's eyes.

"Ling'er, you should also rest well, cheer up, and take good care of your body. If you can, it's best to have another child. There are many people who gave birth at an advanced age in ancient times. If you can have another child, it will be better than anything else."

Mrs. Wei spoke her mind, rather than adopting other princes, it is better to give birth to herself.

Zhou Heng is dead, Zhou Heng can't believe it, Zhou Zhi is a poisonous snake and must be removed, the best way is for the queen to give birth to a son.

"Mother, I know, I will work hard when I have the chance."

Why didn't she want to have another child, but for so many years, there was no movement in her belly, and the imperial doctor came to see her, but there was nothing abnormal.

It's almost like saying she's dead.

"Oh, mother can't help you, you have to take good care of yourself, mother's time in the palace is limited, so I can't spend more time with you."

Mrs. Wei sighed, looking at her daughter's weak body, she also felt distressed. They didn't know how happy they were when they found out that they were twins, but who knew that they were destined...

Among the twins, it is hard to guess who can overthrow the country and who is the wise king. Everything is still undecided. With such an order, the two children are full of dangers.

No one is good now.

"Don't worry, mother. I won't fall. Even if I fall, I have to take that devil away. I can't leave him to harm the common people."

Wei Ling forced a smile.

Mrs. Wei sighed helplessly, and went back after a few instructions.

As soon as Mrs. Wei left, Wei Ling sat up, called the maid to dress her up, and then asked the palace servant to send a message to invite Zhou Zhi into the palace.

A stern look flashed in Wei Ling's eyes, she wanted to see how hard his life was.

She got up and dug out the medicine box from the box, took out several bottles, and mixed them all.

Zhou Zhi came into the palace and saluted respectfully: "My son and my mother pay their respects to the queen."

He has bad feet and cannot walk or stand for long periods of time.

Wei Ling knew this, but she didn't speak, so Zhou Zhi could only stand.

Zhou Zhi also stopped talking, and just stood quietly.

Wei Ling stirred the spoon. In the quiet hall, there was only the sound of the spoons colliding.

After a quarter of an hour, Zhou Zhi was already sweating, he squeezed his hands tightly, and said in a cold voice, "I wish my mother the best, I don't know what the mother is calling my son here."

Wei Ling frowned, she glanced at Zhou Zhi in disgust and said, "I asked you to come and eat with my mother, please sit down, the soup is not hot anymore, let's drink the soup."

Zhou Zhi's face was cold and bloodless, he walked stiffly to the table and sat down, looking at the white jade porcelain bowl full of soup, there were countless storms in his lowered eyes: "This chicken soup is too greasy, look at Ling Erchen a little I don't even have any appetite, but it's a pity to lose such a good thing, why don't I give it to the maid Xiaolan who is next to the empress to drink it."

As soon as Zhou Zhi finished speaking, the maid serving beside Wei Ling knelt down and spoke with fear: "

Your Highness, servants and servants are terrified. This is cooked by the empress herself for His Highness, and servants and servants are not blessed to enjoy it. "

Wei Ling's face turned cold: "The queen mother boiled it for you herself, why don't you drink it?"

Zhou Zhi looked up at Wei Ling, with a cold look in his eyes: "Such a good thing, how dare the son and minister enjoy it alone, the mother and queen should enjoy it first."

Zhou Zhi never resisted, but today he resisted.

Wei Ling was startled, panicked for a moment, Zhou Zhi's expression was gloomy and terrible, as if he suddenly became unfamiliar.

Zhou Zhi looked away, and Wei Ling heaved a sigh of relief.

She calmed down, forced a smile, and eased her tone before she spoke again: "Zhi'er, what's wrong today, you were never picky when your mother invited you to dinner in the past, why are you picky today?"

In the past, Zhou Zhi would not hesitate to eat anything she made, but today's Zhou Zhi is too abnormal.

In the past, he was quiet and would never look at her with such sinister and terrifying eyes.

Zhou Zhi picked up the spoon, stirred it lightly, and then said: "Mother, because I discovered something very interesting, I suddenly felt that what I wanted was nothing more than that, and I no longer want it." , Does the queen mother want to know what this interesting thing is? Let me tell the queen mother."

Zhou Zhi looked up at Wei Ling, the indifference and sarcasm in his eyes made Wei Ling startled.

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