Chapter 439 Not Poisoned

Chapter 439 Not Poisoned

Everyone thought that Zhou Heng's delay in returning to the palace was caused by Zhou Zhi, but it was not.

It was him, the emperor, who really prevented Zhou Heng from returning to the palace.

Because of this, Zhou Zhi lost his legs. This palace is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Now the situation is stable and Zhou Heng has grown up. It's time for him to come back.

Zhou Zhao's eyes were deep. The real dragon descended from the nine heavens. This is the destiny. His Great Zhou Dynasty will obey the destiny, unify the world and create a peaceful and prosperous age. From then on, the world will no longer have a prosperous age of war.

And this prosperous age will be kicked off by Zhou Henglai.


When Zhou Zhi entered the palace, Mr. Wu in the mansion asked Jin San in the mansion to invite Su Xiaolu over.

With the presence of a genius doctor, if Zhou Zhi was poisoned in the palace, Su Xiaolu could cure him and suppress him.

Su Xiaolu explained to her family and followed Jin San away.

Jin San bowed a big bow to Su Xiaolu, and thanked him very respectfully: "Miss Su, thank you very much for your willingness to go."

They were afraid that Su Xiaolu would get bored with Zhou Zhi after a few incidents during this period of time, and would not want to save him anymore. Fortunately, she was willing to save him.

Su Xiaolu smiled lightly: "I'm not wasting my efforts, as long as I can afford the money, I won't refuse to help. Every time I visit a doctor, I will charge one thousand taels for life-saving treatment."

She won't get stuck with money, she didn't want to take money before, but now she wants to.

She narrowed her eyes: "Can you afford the consultation fee?"

Jin San nodded: "Affordable."

It's one thing to pay money, another thing to make friends with each other.

Jin San wanted to say sorry, but after thinking about it, he couldn't open his mouth. What kind of sorry did he say?

"As long as you can afford it, let's go."

Su Xiaolu got into the carriage.

Jin San rubbed his head, but finally swallowed back the words that came to his lips, and drove the carriage back home quickly.

They are not qualified to intervene in the matter of the master.

When Su Xiaolu arrived at Zhou Zhi's residence, he began to wait, there were delicious food and drinks.

When Zhou Zhi came back from the palace, as soon as he got out of the carriage, Mr. Wu who was waiting at the gate of the mansion immediately shouted: "Hurry up and take him into the mansion to Miss Su's place."

Zhou Zhi laughed.

Jin Liu and Jin Qi explained: "Mr. Wu, master is not poisoned this time, so don't be so nervous."

Mr. Wu was puzzled: "This shouldn't be."

Every time the queen asked to go to dinner, she had to be poisoned, not to mention that the queen was greatly stimulated, and he would believe that she had double poisoned him, and he would not believe that she hadn't poisoned him, even if he was beaten to death.

Jin Qi said: "Master did not leave food in the palace."

Zhou Zhi didn't eat the food prepared by the queen this time, so there was no mention of poisoning.

Jin Liu added: "In the future, the master will not keep food."

This is a great thing, if Zhou Zhi doesn't keep food, he won't take poison, and after detoxification, he will be healthy and healthy.

Mr. Wu was stunned for a moment before he realized it, and he laughed: "This is great, the sun is coming out in the west, no, I have to drink two pots to celebrate later, my old bones finally have a little bit of life, Congratulations."

Finally, there is no need to worry about whether Zhou Zhi will die or whether he will not survive.

This is great news.

"Miss Su is in the mansion?"

Zhou Zhi looked at Mr. Wu and asked.

Mr. Wu put away his smile, nodded and replied: "Yes."

"She would still like to come."

There was a smile in Zhou Zhi's eyes.

Mr. Wu said sternly: "Ms. Su's visit is not for nothing. The consultation fee is one thousand taels, and the medical treatment is calculated separately. Master's physical condition, detoxification and cure, I am afraid it will cost tens of thousands of taels."

Obviously, it is possible to do it without spending money, but it is not done.

Zhou Zhi smiled, and said lightly, "It's okay."

He doesn't care about the money.

"Take me to Miss Su's place."

Zhou Zhi sat on the wooden wheelchair and spoke lightly. His smile was unclear, but the guards who had followed him for many years knew that he was in a good mood at the moment.

When Zhou Zhi arrived, he saw Su Xiaolu lying on the table and fell asleep, he raised his hand to signal everyone to back down.

He slowly turned the wooden wheelchair and went in. He stopped beside Su Xiaolu and looked at Su Xiaolu quietly.

Su Xiaolu entered the space and prepared to pack the herbs and make medicine.

She wants to detoxify Zhou Zhi, she needs to use a lot of precious herbs, the herbs in the space are nourished by spiritual energy, she is going to use all the herbs in the space.

She can't waste so many precious medicinal herbs, Zhou Zhi must pay for it.

She knew Zhou Zhi came in, but she didn't open her eyes immediately.

She thought Zhou Zhi was really strange, and didn't call her when he came in. She could feel that he was looking at her.

What to look at, what to see, what a strange person.

Su Xiaolu ignored him and carefully dug out all kinds of medicinal materials. The complete medicinal materials even have complete root systems.

Some more seeds were planted.

Su Xiaolu stepped out of the space, she opened her eyes suddenly, and saw Zhou Zhi's astonished expression before he could react in time.

"Little Deer, are you awake?"

Zhou Zhi smiled and said softly, he was only stunned for a while, but now he has recovered.

Su Xiaolu looked at Zhou Zhi: "When will you come back?

of? It's okay, his face looks a little pale. "

"You stick it out and I'll show you, but let me say yes first, I want to collect the money, and if the situation is serious, I need to give an injection, one thousand taels at a time."

Su Xiaolu said seriously, from now on, Zhou Zhi will no longer receive free medical treatment when he is with her.

Zhou Zhi nodded: "Okay, thank you Xiaolu."

Zhou Zhi stretched out his hand.

Su Xiaolu put his wrist on his wrist, his pulse was weak, but his condition was fairly stable, Su Xiaolu said: "You are in good condition, your complexion doesn't look good, you should be tired."

"Your people said that you have entered the palace. Did you just stand when you entered the palace?"

Su Xiaolu looked at Zhou Zhi and asked.

Zhou Zhi nodded: "Most of the time I stand."

Where the queen was, he was always standing.

"Your body, it's better not to stand."

Su Xiaolu's expression was serious, Zhou Zhi's body was weak, detoxification would take a long time, and he didn't have a strong body, which was very troublesome.

Zhou Zhi smiled and said, "Thank you Xiaolu, after a while, I won't have to stand all the time."

"Xiaolu, you said before that you will detoxify me when you come to Beijing after the next year. When can you start?"

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu and asked, he was still smiling, but his hands in his sleeves were clenched involuntarily, he was nervous.

"Your body needs to be recuperated for two months, and you can start in May, if you have enough money to pay for the consultation and medicine."

Su Xiaolu also looked at Zhou Zhi, and said seriously.

It's almost like saying that there is no money and no treatment.

Zhou Zhi is so smart, it's impossible not to understand.

Zhou Zhi smiled: "Okay, I will prepare the money, and I will pay you 10,000 taels as the consultation fee in a while."

Money has never been his concern.


Su Xiaolu also agreed casually, but she was guessing in her heart, how rich is Zhou Zhi?

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