Chapter 447 Fulfilling the Promise

Su Chong handed the envelope to the messenger. He was afraid that he would snatch it back, so he left without looking back. He bought another bottle of wine and drank it down. When he returned to the General's Mansion, he was dizzy and fell asleep .


Zhou Heng was lying on the bed, staring at the gauze above his head. It was already late at night, but he didn't feel sleepy.

This place that should be familiar to him now seems to be only strange.

He couldn't sleep for a long time, his mind was full of what his father had said.

The father said, "Heng'er, you can always trust your younger brother. He never thought of killing you and preventing you from coming back. It was just youthful anger. If your mother has a little bit of motherly love for him, he will not." do that'

"Heng'er, Zhi'er's health is not very good, he doesn't have many days to live, the fate of your brotherhood is too short, during this period, learn from Zhi'er, get used to it as soon as possible, and take charge of the situation in Beijing as soon as possible, knowing ? '

'When you and Zhi'er were born, your father had dreamed of the twin dragons coming into the world. If you didn't have Kong Zhi's orders, your brothers would be far from ordinary. '

‘God’s title always favors you. When you were young, you loved to laugh, which made your mother more happy. Zhi’er is always cautious, and he’s always stubborn, but you know what? He is not interested in the throne, and he doesn't know who in this world can give it to him. '

‘Heng’er, it’s not so easy to be an emperor. From now on, you will have to work harder than ordinary people and plan deeper than ordinary people in order to stabilize the internal situation and calm external chaos. '

Thoughts churned in his heart, Zhou Heng only felt a pain in his heart.

In just one day, he realized how heavy the burden was on him.

He also has a lot of things to do, he has to control the situation in Beijing and stabilize his identity before Zhou Zhi falls.

Suddenly, his world became oppressive.

Xu Shi lived a peaceful and comfortable life for so long that he even forgot that he should have fallen into the quagmire of the capital.

Thinking about the future, his heart sank, he was confused, restless, frightened.

The luxurious and comfortable palace was brightly lit, but he felt it was too cold. He missed that small hut, missed hearing Su Chong's snoring at night, and missed everything.

He hooked his lips and smiled self-deprecatingly.

Why did he do this? Before, he wanted to come back very much.

Zhou Heng closed his eyes, and tears rolled down his eyes. He knew very well that the reason for his sadness was because he found that everything he had imagined did not exist. He did not spoil his uncle, grandfather and queen mother. Zhou Zhi did not. nor.

In this world, not everyone's parents can be like Su Sanlang and Zhao's.

After a sleepless night, when I woke up in the morning, some palace servants came in to serve me.

They greeted respectfully: "Your Highness, did you sleep well last night?"

Zhou Heng's expression was calm, and he only said a word 'um' lightly.

He was indifferent, and the palace people couldn't figure out his preferences, so they would only be more careful in serving him.

After he had finished washing, someone from the palace sent a message that the emperor invited him to have breakfast together.

Zhou Heng passed by, and at this time, it was already early morning.

When Zhou Heng arrived, the emperor hadn't arrived yet, so he sat and waited, watching the maids serving meals quietly.

After a while, Zhou Zhao came. Seeing Zhou Heng, a smile appeared on his serious face: "Heng'er is here, did you sleep well last night? Are you used to it?"

Zhou Heng nodded: "Thank you for your concern, my son slept well."

Zhou Zhao said with a smile, "You can still be free for two more days. After the street tour, you will also go to court in the morning. Listen and look more. If you don't understand, ask Zhi'er."

Zhou Heng nodded. The father and son had dinner together. Zhou Zhao looked soft and Zhou Heng looked more relaxed.

After breakfast.

Zhou Zhao said slowly: "Heng'er, visit your mother more when you have time, and spend more time with her when you have time."

Zhou Heng nodded: "I know."

Zhou Heng got up and knelt down, Zhou Zhao was puzzled: "Get up, what are you doing?"

Zhou Heng looked at Zhou Zhao seriously and said, "Father, my son has something to ask Father to agree to."

"What's the matter, get up and talk."

Seeing Zhou Heng being so serious, Zhou Zhao also cared, but let him get up and talk.

Zhou Heng didn't get up, and he said seriously: "Royal father, I have been in the Su family for nearly ten years, and I have agreed with Su Xiaoling, the daughter of Su Sanlang Zhao's family, and made a promise for life. I have sworn that when I recover my identity, I will meet you again." Ming Media is marrying Su Xiaoling as his wife, and I ask my father to make it happen."

Zhou Zhao didn't agree right away, he frowned with thick eyebrows, his expression was a little dignified, and he said after a while: "Heng'er, do you know that even if Su Hua is the champion of the new department, he has no power, power or foundation in Beijing. Marrying a girl from the Su family won't help you much."

Zhou Heng looked firm: "Father, Su Xiaoling and I really love each other. Ever since I arrived at the Su family, I have been very happy with her. I want to marry her. With her here, I think no matter how rough the road ahead , I also have the courage to walk over."

"I also hope that the father will be fulfilled."

Zhou Heng was very serious, looking straight into Zhou Zhao's eyes, not avoiding it.

"Heng'er, the position of your first wife is too important. Heng'er, have you ever thought about how turbulent the position of the future empress will be for her? If you like it, the side concubine is okay. You are the future queen." Prince Chu, there will be three thousand harem by your side, how dangerous is it to push her to the forefront?"

Zhou Zhao sighed and said, he was too young, and he was the most sincere when he was young.

Likes are all.

But it is precisely because I like it that I want to protect it well.

Zhou Heng looked at Zhou Zhao, and he still said firmly: "Father, in this life, I don't want to marry another one. I only want to have one queen in my life."

"This is impossible."

Zhou Zhao frowned and raised his voice. For a moment, he didn't know whether to get angry or not.

In the capital, almost all the families of officials in the imperial court are in groups of wives and concubines, but ordinary people are almost monogamous.

In the past few years when Zhou Heng was outside the palace, almost everything he met and saw was monogamous, so it was normal for him to only want to marry one wife.

But here is the capital, and he will be the emperor in the future.

In any case, it is impossible for him to marry only one woman.

"Father, please fulfill this little wish of my son. No matter what happens in the future, I don't know what will happen in the future, but now, without Su Xiaoling accompanying me, I can't go on."

Zhou Heng swallowed his throat. He didn't want to walk this road alone. He needed Su Xiaoling to accompany him. They agreed that if he regained his status, he would marry her. No matter how hard it was in the future, she would be willing to accompany him.

He cannot break his word.

"Heng'er, you"

Zhou Zhao was a little helpless, Zhou Heng was only sixteen years old, and the deep love at this time was nothing more than the paranoia of his youth.

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