Chapter 449 Holding Hands

Chapter 449 Holding Hands

The two looked at each other, Zhou Heng looked into Su Xiaoling's eyes, he understood that she was running towards his firm heart, both of them smiled.

"Okay, no matter what happens in the future, let's go together and never leave."

Zhou Heng took Su Xiaoling's hand and said firmly.

Su Xiaoling nodded shyly. She had been looking forward to this day for a long time, so no matter what happened in the future, she would go on unswervingly and never let go of Zhou Heng's hand. She wanted to grow old with him forever.

Zhou Heng couldn't help but smiled slightly, and squeezed Su Xiaoling's hand tightly. The warm and soft little hand carried a force that warmed into his heart.

The two took a quiet walk, looking at the scenery inside the General's Mansion together.

I really hope that time can pass slowly, it was Mu Qi who stepped forward and reminded: "Master, it's time to return to the palace."

Zhou Heng frowned: "Xiao Ling, I'm going back."

Su Xiaoling smiled and nodded: "Okay, Brother Heng, be careful."

Before going back, Zhou Heng met Su Xiaolu alone again.

"Xiaolu, can Ah Zhi's body be cured?"

Zhou Heng's heart tightened.

Su Xiaolu looked at Zhou Heng, did not hide anything, and said directly: "There are too many poisons in his body, and it will take many years to completely detoxify. If his body lasts for six or seven years, and the poison is detoxified, he will He can still live for decades, but every time he detoxifies and introduces the poison, he may not be able to endure it."

"Thank you Xiaolu, I see."

Zhou Heng felt a little stuck in his heart, this was Zhou Zhi's body, a body that had been poisoned too much and was broken. ,

"Xiaolu, I'm counting on you, Ah Zhi."

Zhou Heng looked at Su Xiaolu pleadingly, in his heart he really hoped that Zhou Zhi would get better, as long as there was time, the brothers could slowly ease up, but as long as there was time.


Su Xiaolu nodded, she will try her best.

Zhou Heng went back.

As soon as Zhou Heng returned to the palace, the palace servants reported to him: "Your Highness, the Empress, please come over."

Zhou Heng thought for a while, and said, "Let's go now."

When Zhou Heng arrived, Wei Ling had already been waiting for a long time.

She wanted to see Zhou Heng because the emperor summoned her and said that Zhou Heng was asking for an imperial edict to marry her, and asked Wei Ling to make arrangements in advance.

Wei Ling felt as if a big stone was pressing on her heart, and she couldn't move it no matter what.

Zhou Heng has regained his identity, and she can't stop it, but now, Zhou Heng is going to an unknown civilian girl, which makes it difficult for her to accept, calling Zhou Heng is just to make him dispel the idea.

Seeing Zhou Heng coming in, Wei Ling was in a complicated mood. This strange face and cold expression really made her unable to get close.

She couldn't believe that this was her son.

"My son, please greet the queen mother."

Zhou Heng saluted plainly, Wei Ling was difficult to get close to him, so he was hard to get close to Wei Ling.

"Take a seat. Yesterday, the queen mother didn't take a good look at you. There should be a lot of things to say between us, mother and son."

Wei Ling raised her hand.

Zhou Heng sat down opposite Wei Ling. He looked at the delicacies on the table with unknown emotions in his eyes. Could these dishes be poisonous?

"Heng'er, you followed Miracle Doctor Wu back then, did he treat you well?"

Wei Ling looked at Zhou Heng and asked, Miracle Doctor Wu owed the Wei family a favor in the early years, and she repaid the favor back then and asked Miracle Doctor Wu to take him away to cure him. Miracle Doctor Wu is not good at martial arts, but he has his way.

Zhou Heng and Zhou Zhi are twins, they look alike, which is really troublesome, so it is normal for Dr. Wu to change his appearance.

But the dead Zhou Heng who was too similar to Zhou Zhi had been stuck in her heart and could not be dissolved, which made it impossible for her to believe that the Zhou Heng in front of her was the real Zhou Heng, and she didn't know how long she would have doubts.

Wei Ling looked at Zhou Heng, staring at him, not missing any expression on his face.

Zhou Heng said calmly, "Mr. Wu was very kind to me. He would carry me on his back during those days when I couldn't walk. Although it was simple, I didn't go hungry or cold. When I arrived in Nanshan Village , I got to know the Su family, my clothes every year are sewed by Mrs. Zhao and Su Xiaoling, and I have always lived well."

Wei Ling's eyes drooped down: "Then I really have to thank the Su family. How about this, the queen mother will give them some more silver, and then how about finding an errand for the Su family's parents? In this way, it will be considered as a repayment for their kindness to you." Alright, do you think it's okay for the queen mother to arrange this way?"

After Wei Ling finished speaking, she raised her eyes to look at Zhou Heng. She smiled and tried to make herself look gentle.

Zhou Heng didn't smile, he just asked calmly: "Mother, is it true that the Su family has nothing to do with me?"

Wei Ling smiled and said: "It's okay to say that there is no relationship. After all, you have known each other for so many years. You and the children of the Su family are also very good friends. Although you don't see each other often in the future, you can count on it. Friendship, as long as the Su family doesn't commit murder and arson, they will have a good life all their lives."

"The queen mother heard that the Su family has two daughters. Don't worry, the queen mother will also find a good marriage for them. Heng'er, you have to understand that you don't really like her, it's just that you don't see too many people. That's why when I was ignorant, I thought it was liking, you listened to your mother, then Su Xiaoling is not suitable to be your wife, and my mother took great pains to save you back then, don't disappoint her mother's heart."

Wei Ling put away her smile and looked at Zhou Heng, she had already made it very clear.


Wei Ling couldn't accept that the son she finally had a chance to save in the past year would not listen to her now.

She looked straight at Zhou Heng, and said with a calm expression: "I remember that in the past, you listened to your mother's words the most. You are so filial. Your mother tried everything to save you. Now you are back." , you are still the same as before, right?"

Zhou Heng looked at Wei Ling, and he said calmly: "Mother, I like Su Xiaoling not because I have seen too few women, but because her character and temperament attract me. I know my heart clearly. I like her so much, I want to marry her, not because I want to repay her kindness."

"If the queen mother wants an extremely obedient chess piece, I'm afraid the queen mother will be disappointed. I know what I want to do, but it's the queen mother. There are some things that the mother queen can stop now. After I succeed, The queen mother will still be the honorable empress dowager."

With a calm face, Zhou Heng said these words lightly.

Wei Ling's expression could no longer be calm.

She almost gritted her teeth: "You are not my Heng'er at all, my Heng'er would not contradict me like this, my Heng'er is the most filial child, you are not him at all, who are you?"

Zhou Heng sneered: "Mother, Ah Zhi listened to you so much, he never hurt you or hated you, how did you treat him?"

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