Chapter 451 Patrol 2

Chapter 451 Patrol 2

"I will."

Qi Xingzhi nodded seriously. He was going to take the liberal arts and scientific examinations, and he also wanted to take part.

"If you're so smart, you can do it."

Zhao said with a smile.

When Qi Xingzhi was praised, he blushed in embarrassment. It seemed that he had to work harder.

"Come on, let's have a drink."

Old General Qi filled his wine glass. During this period of time, his heart became more and more happy, and his spirit became more and more energetic.

Everyone raised their glasses and drank together, with smiles on their faces.

After eating, Su Sanlang said: "Grandpa, I've been bothering you these days. We bought a house in the suburbs, and our family will move to a new home tomorrow."

There was gratitude in Mrs. Zhao's eyes, and they used the bank notes sent by the Yan family to buy a house in the suburbs, so that they could cooperate with the 'Jinghong Tower'.

It won't be long before Chen Hu's family will come to Beijing.

Old General Qi looked at Su Sanlang with satisfaction and said: "You are a good boy, I will rest assured that I will follow you. If there is no accident, I will live in Beijing for a long time. When I have free time, I will visit my grandfather more often. Even if I go, Your cousins, sisters-in-law and children, walk around more when you get along, and don’t force yourself if you don’t get along."

Old General Qi knew that the Su family would not live in the General's Mansion forever, and the opportunity to get along with each other during this period of time would never happen again in the future.

But in this world, he thinks thoroughly, Yan Mian is already his granddaughter, and his grandson is separated by two generations, and in the future, the kinship relationship will only become more trivial, and the communication between people is more important. , It still depends on the temper and character of the other party, if you can get along, then you should move more, if you can't get along, then you should move less.

And hundreds of years later, the ancestors who made good friends with him were still enemies.

"Thank you, Grandpa."

Zhao choked up slightly, her grandfather is really fine.

"Mianmian, your cousin-in-law and I are very easy-going people. Your family is welcome at home at any time, long-term or short-term stays are fine."

Father Qi solemnly said to Mrs. Zhao that they also liked this cousin very much since they were young.

Qi's mother smiled gently: "You should come here often, just like my own family, I don't like those crooked things, sister, how do you look at my kid, although he is bigger than Xiaolu , as long as you don't think he is too old, I would like to have a kiss."

Mother Qi smiled, as if she was joking, but she looked at Mrs. Zhao, and Mrs. Zhao understood that she was speaking the truth in a joking manner.

Qi Xingzhi choked on his saliva all of a sudden.

"Cough cough cough—"

Tears were choked up, his mother was so shocking.

He pretended to be casual and glanced at Su Xiaolu, and his face began to flush.

Cousin Xiaolu, she is smart and beautiful...

Being raptured suddenly, Su Xiaolu was also taken aback, God, help me, how can I mess up the mandarin ducks while eating.

Mrs. Zhao smiled slightly and said, "Xingzhi is a good boy, no one would dislike him."

I didn't have this idea at first, but when Qi's mother mentioned it, Zhao Shi also felt that Qi Xingzhi was good, he was a good candidate, and he was a good-looking talent.

Su Xiaolu said solemnly, "No."

Everyone looked at Su Xiaolu.

Qi Xingzhi was also a little depressed. He looked at Su Xiaolu and couldn't help asking: "Xiaolu, why can't I?"

What's wrong with him?

Su Xiaolu said very seriously: "Three generations are close relatives. Close relatives marry and give birth to children with congenital disabilities. Some are fools, some have no hands or feet, and some have underdeveloped internal organs. These are all recorded in medical books. of."

"Since ancient times, people like to kiss each other, but why do they marry outside? Why don't they keep kissing each other in their own clan, because close relatives cannot marry."

Su Xiaolu resolutely put an end to this possibility, using medical explanations to make them not even have such thoughts.

After listening to Su Xiaolu's explanation, everyone suddenly realized that this was the case.

Qi Xingzhi touched his head reluctantly and said, "Haha, it's good for us to be brothers and sisters."

It turned out that this was the case, and the thoughts that hadn't woken up in his heart disappeared immediately.

Qi's mother thought for a while and said, "It seems to be the case. I remember that there was a double-headed doll before West Street. Their parents were cousins, and they gave birth to a baby later. One hand, everyone said at the time that they must have done all the wicked things in the previous life and received retribution in this life, the woman couldn't bear the blow and committed suicide, alas... Now that I think about it, I'm afraid it was caused by this close relative, what a pity .”

"Hey, we are relatives in the first place, we don't need to be married to get married, am I right?"

Father Qi coughed lightly.

Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi nodded with a smile.

That's it for this topic.

After dinner, everyone went back to the General's Mansion, Su Xiaoling and Su Xiaolu went to pack things.

Back in the room, Su Xiaoling said: "I was shocked just now, I'm really worried that you won't be able to solve it. Cousin Xingzhi is a nice person, but his body is too weak."

Qi Xingzhi has no foundation in martial arts, not even a little bit of three-legged cat kung fu.

Even with the prescription given by Su Xiaolu, which can restore the body to a normal state, it is still far from a martial arts practitioner.

"Xiaolu, is what you just said true?"

Su Xiaoling asked curiously.

Can close relatives really not be together?

Su Xiaolu nodded: "Well, close relatives within three generations are not allowed to marry, even after three generations, marriage is not good, the probability of above is small, it doesn't mean it won't happen, for the sake of health, don't marry any relatives. "

She didn't talk nonsense, these things have been scientifically researched in later generations.

Genetics are complicated things.

"I see."

Su Xiaoling smiled, and kept this in her heart. She secretly thought that when she chooses a marriage for her children in the future, she will definitely avoid bringing clan relatives.

After the family packed up their things, General Qi's family came out to see them off.

General Qi asked Qi Xingzhi and Qi Xingfeng to send the Su family home.

With two carriages, Su Sanlang's family didn't pay many salutes, so many things were prepared by Qi's family.

Their new home is far away from the bustling capital city. On the edge of the capital city, they bought two houses next to each other, with several acres of land behind them.

These two houses cost five thousand taels of silver, because the two houses are very large.

The few acres of land behind are joint, and it can be expanded in the future in any way.

On the door plaque, it has been replaced by Su's residence.

Qi Xingfeng smiled: "It's here."

He was still watching the house renovation.

The door plaque next to it is the "Chen's house" that Su Sanlang said.

Push the door and go in, there is a row of small green bamboos.

"Uncle, aunt, do you like it?" Qi Xingzhi asked expectantly. He wrote the design of the scenery of the house himself.

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