Chapter 454 The Queen Summons 3

Chapter 454 The Queen Summons 3

Wei Ling couldn't believe that Su Xiaoling dared to say such a thing.

Su Xiaoling's face was calm, and finally she smiled gently and said: "So, a minnv can't agree to your mother's request."

She respects the queen because she is Zhou Heng's mother.

She rebelled against the queen because she wanted to be with Zhou Heng.

"you you--"

Wei Ling was very angry, furious, why did all these people dare to disobey her?

"I don't know good and bad things, do you think anyone can fight against me? I have given you a chance, since you are so ignorant of flattery, just wait and see."

Wei Ling suppressed her anger, she didn't want to make things so complicated, Su Xiaoling forced her to do everything.

She gave her a chance, but she didn't want it, and she asked for her own death.

Su Xiaoling lowered her eyes and remained silent. She knew that being with Zhou Heng was not easy, and this kind of thing was just the beginning.

Now that she has taken this step, she will never back down.

"Your Majesty, King Ming is here..."

At this time, the maid came in from the outside and reported in a low voice.

Wei Ling stared at Su Xiaoling firmly, and she said coldly: "What is he doing here at this time, he didn't come even if he was invited before."

Since she turned her face, she invited Zhou Zhi to enter the palace many times, but Zhou Zhi didn't come, so Wei Ling couldn't do it without much thought.

Wei Ling sneered coldly: "You are such a slutty woman, the two brothers were bewitched by you, and he came into the palace before I did anything to you."

Su Xiaoling frowned, she looked up at Wei Ling and said, "Empress, I have nothing to do with Prince Ming, please respect yourself."

She felt Wei Ling's deep malice, and Su Xiaoling also felt very uncomfortable.

Sometimes it is difficult for her to imagine why there are mothers who are full of malice towards her own children in this world, but when she thinks of Mr. Su and Mrs. Wang, she feels that nothing is impossible.

Some things can't be forced, if you don't have it, you don't have it.


Wei Ling was so angry that she wanted to kill someone, a commoner girl dared to challenge her.

"Give her down."

Wei Ling didn't hesitate anymore, as soon as she gave an order, several court ladies immediately surrounded Su Xiaoling, each holding a bowl of soup and medicine to pour her down.

Su Xiaoling didn't dare to be careless, she took the initiative to attack, pushed away the maid who was close to her and ran out.

No matter what it was, she couldn't drink it. Wei Ling was so bold, Su Xiaoling never thought about it, she was afraid for a while, the queen is a queen after all, if she executes her, there are hundreds of ways to get away.

"Catch her!"

Wei Ling roared sharply.

A commoner girl who is so bold, disobeying her, ignoring her and defying her, must not keep her, Su Xiaoling, she must be abolished.


The sound of a sharp weapon breaking through the air.

As the maid fell softly, Wei Ling panicked and shouted: "Come here, come here, there are assassins!"

Su Xiaolu flew over and slapped the palace maid a few times, she protected Su Xiaoling behind her: "Sister, are you alright?"

"Little Deer, I'm fine."

Su Xiaoling was still in shock, she was careless, she thought it was good to guard against the dark place, but she didn't expect that the queen would come in the open, she was afraid after thinking about it, this Zhengyang Palace is the queen's territory, she came alone, if there is no Su Xiaolu With King Ming coming, she cannot protect herself.

"Come on, kill them all for me."

Wei Ling said angrily, when she saw Su Xiaolu, her eyes seemed to want to eat people.

What kind of genius doctor, what number one scholar, are all Zhou Zhi's people, they are colluding together.

If they could all be killed here, the thought together would be unstoppable.


Seeing the crazy Wei Ling, Su Xiaoling's heart tightened.

"Mother, burn yourself and hurt yourself."

Zhou Zhi's voice sounded from outside, which made Wei Ling startled, but in the next second, her eyes showed even crazier killing intent.

Come one to kill one, come two to kill one pair! If Zhou Zhi sent it up, it would be good to kill him.

"Empress, father and elder brother are already on their way, can't empress calm down?"

Zhou Zhi walked in and smiled at Wei Ling, his voice was cold, Wei Ling felt like a basin of cold water was being poured over her head.

She looked at Su Xiaoling, Su Xiaolu and Zhou Heng viciously. If eyes could kill, she would have stabbed these damned people with holes.

Wei Lingzhi was hit hard when she found out that 'Zhou Heng' had died. In addition to the many things that happened in these days, she still hadn't recovered, and she couldn't control her emotions at all.

She thought she might be going crazy.

She stared at Zhou Zhi firmly, moved her lips and uttered the most vicious curse: "Zhou Zhi, I curse you not to die well, to be betrayed forever, no one wants no one to love and die without a place to die!"

"The queen mother may not be able to fulfill her wish. I already have a fief. As long as I keep my place and I have the title of King Ming, no matter what, I will not fall to the point where I will die without a place to die."

Zhou Zhi said calmly, under his sleeves, he clenched his fists tightly.

"Stay safe, do you think you will? You can fool the emperor, but you can't fool me, Zhou Zhi, you will die without a burial place, you will."

Wei Ling gritted her teeth with a sneer and said.

Zhou Zhi lowered his eyes.

At this time, there was a sound of quick steps from outside the hall.

Zhou Heng came, he just returned to the palace, he didn't have time to change his clothes, he hurried into the palace, seeing that Su Xiaoling was fine, he was deeply relieved.

"Mother, I respect you as my mother. No matter what you do, this will not change at all, but you shouldn't touch the people I care about."

Zhou Heng looked cold, Wei Ling destroyed the last bit of affection for her in his heart.

The deep gully between mother and child will never disappear.

"What are you, do you think I'll believe you? You're a bastard pretending to be my son—"

Wei Ling couldn't stand Zhou Heng looking at her with such distant eyes, she pointed at Zhou Heng and said angrily!

The emperor who followed closely heard this, his face immediately darkened, and he roared angrily: "Shut up, don't talk nonsense."

"Heng'er is the real Zhou Heng. The one you care about the Wei family's protection is the fake one. I have known about Zhi'er's plan for a long time. Zhi'er is right. You are a cold-blooded and ruthless person. In your eyes , I never had your son, what I have is just status, can the Wei family survive for a hundred years!"

Zhou Zhao became angry. He wanted Zhou Zhi not to hold grudges again and again. After all, she gave birth to him, but she let people down again and again. Regardless of the son, as long as she became suspicious, she would not believe it. There is no child in her eyes. , some, just money status and power.

"Come here, the empress has lost her morality. She will be punished by confinement to Zhengyang Palace for two months. During the confinement period, no one is allowed to visit her. Without my permission, she is not allowed to step out of Zhengyang Palace." Zhou Zhao ordered in a cold voice.

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