Chapter 466

Chapter 466

They don't need to worry about the captured Sun's family, Zhou Zhi and Zhou Heng will deal with how to deal with that matter.

However, after only two days, Zhou Wenjing came to the door.

There was a knock on the door, and the servants opened the door with Shuang Lei. Looking at Zhou Wenjing's tightly wrapped body, he immediately asked vigilantly, "Who are you looking for?"

Zhou Wenjing took off the gauze cap covering her face, she frowned, and said hastily: "My name is Zhou Wenjing, please let me know, I am looking for your wife, Mrs. Zhao, you just need to tell her that Mrs. Sun Yangxin begged her Just help."

Shuang Lei saw that Zhou Wenjing seemed to know the master's family, he didn't delay, said to Zhou Wenjing to wait a moment, then turned around and went in to report.

After Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao heard the report, Mrs. Zhao hesitated and struggled, whether to see or not?

Su Sanlang said gently: "Mother, it doesn't matter if you see it or not, I'll listen to you."

Sun Yangxin was the person Zhao had been engaged to. Su Sanlang would never forget this name, but he never thought that he would still hear this name in his lifetime.

Mrs. Zhao thought for a while and asked, "You said it was a woman? Is it his wife?"

Shuang Lei nodded: "Yes, it looks like she is in a hurry."

"Ma'am, if you don't see me, I'll go back to her."

Shuang Lei saw Zhao Shi and Su Sanlang's embarrassment, so he made a little suggestion.

Mrs. Zhao sighed: "Please come in."

For no reason, Sun Yangxin's wife won't come to her, but if she comes to look for her now, there must be something wrong.

Zhao still decided to meet.

Su Sanlang didn't say a word, he respected all the decisions made by Mrs. Zhao. Mrs. Sun Yangxin came to visit suddenly, and he felt embarrassed if he saw Mrs. Zhao.

If Mrs. Zhao chooses to meet, then I will.

Shuang Lei quickly ran to the gate, Zhou Wenjing was still waiting, but she kept looking outside, as if she was guarding against something.

Seeing Shuang Lei, she immediately asked anxiously: "How is it? Does she want to see me?"

"Madam said she wanted to see you, please come with me."

Shuang Lei respectfully invited Zhou Wenjing to see Mrs. Zhao.

Zhou Wenjing breathed a sigh of relief and followed quickly.

When they arrived at the main hall and saw Mrs. Zhao and Su Sanlang, Zhou Wenjing knelt down and begged with tears: "Sister, please save him."

When Zhou Wenjing knelt down, Zhao quickly avoided it in shock. She said calmly, "Get up first and talk about it. I don't know what it is yet, so I can't promise you rashly."

When she saw Zhou Wenjing, she didn't want to feel regretful when she thought about it later.

It doesn't mean that she will agree to what Zhou Wenjing asked for.

Let Zhou Wen calm down and talk.

Zhou Wenjing didn't get up, she shed tears, and said weakly: "Sister, the Sun family is sorry for you for kidnapping Xiaoling, but we didn't know she would be your child at the beginning, and now I'm reaping the consequences. I shouldn't come here to beg you to forgive and save people, but, but I'm pregnant, and I can't just sit and watch him go to prison..."

"What did you say? You guys did the kidnapping of Xiaoling?"

Zhao took two steps back, she couldn't believe it, she resisted the urge to question, she looked at Zhou Wenjing and said calmly: "I don't care what the past is like, but you want to hurt my daughter, I can't forgive you, You go back, I will not agree to this matter, anyone who hurts my daughter should be dealt with as it should be."

The kidnapping of Su Xiaoling, they actually didn't know what was going on, they just wanted Su Xiaoling to come back safely.

Now that this matter is related to the Sun family, Zhou Wenjing, the perpetrator, even came to plead for mercy, how could Mrs. Zhao agree to her.

Being rejected, Zhou Wenjing didn't give up either. She knelt on the ground, tears streaming down her face, and said weakly, "Sister, do you know how many years he has been waiting for you, twenty-four years, he married me, It's all because of his mother's persecution, I have been married to him for more than 20 years, and he has never touched me, do you know?"

"Not long ago he met your daughter Su Xiaoling on the street. I was terrified by his distraught appearance. I am over forty and have no children. I am afraid that he will fall in love with a woman who is seven times like you. I was afraid that he would leave me in the cold, even though none of these things happened, but I was still terrified, you know? I conceived the child by means of dirty tricks, and I wronged him, but I am not reconciled, I love him For more than twenty years, my mother-in-law and his mother beat me to be a sensible woman."

"I am pregnant with this child, so I should compensate him. Even if it is not Yan Mian, whom he loves so much, as long as it can comfort him, sister, can you understand? No woman in this world is willing to accept a woman for her husband. , the human heart is only so small, it cannot be contained.”

"He didn't know about this matter. He has been looking for you for more than 20 years, waiting for you for more than 20 years, and thinking about you for more than 20 years. He still doesn't know that you have returned. If he knew that Xiao Ling It's your daughter. He would never hurt her anyway. If he knew, he wouldn't let us do such a thing. Now that things have been revealed and he has been imprisoned, I feel remorse in my heart. Sister, I beg you, Save him."

Zhou Wenjing wept, knelt and took a few steps towards Mrs. Zhao, clutching Mrs. Zhao's clothes and pleading.

Zhao's mind was confused, and she didn't know how to answer Zhou Wenjing for a while.

Zhou Wenjing swallowed her throat, and said hoarsely: "Sister, you know, I have stayed alone in an empty room for more than 20 years. I once lost my temper with him and said a lot of nasty things. I even said to him, if you are a loser into the hands of robbers, displaced, even if found

Even without innocence, can he accept you? Do you know how he answered me? "

Zhao's body swayed, she glanced at Su Sanlang anxiously, Su Sanlang looked calm, supported him gently and said: "It's okay, I'm here."

Zhou Wenjing looked at Su Sanlang, laughed with tears and said: "At that time, he said that even if you were innocent, he didn't care. It wasn't your fault at all. He would still marry you and spend the rest of his life with everything To protect you."

"Sister, I envy you and envy you. I know I have no face to beg you, but I still came because he didn't know from the beginning to the end. He shouldn't be affected by this. My sister has both children and is happy now. I Please, take pity on his infatuation with you."

Zhou Wenjing kowtowed to Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao was at a loss, her thoughts were disturbed, and she didn't know how to answer Zhou Wenjing.

Zhou Wenjing stood up wiping her tears, and said with red eyes, "Sister, he won't blame you whether you save him or not. He and his mother-in-law are already in prison, and he doesn't know what I did. The Sun family is still under arrest." Guard, I can't stay for long, I'll go back first."

After Zhou Wenjing finished speaking, she turned around and left without stopping. She came to find Mrs. Zhao. She was going to the wrong side of the sword. Mrs. Zhao would not lose if she didn't save her. If Mrs. Zhao is willing to intercede, it will be a good thing for her.

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