Chapter 476 Let's meet

Chapter 476 Let's meet

Su Xiaolu didn't hesitate, and went forward with a sword.

Even though Guiyou had been fighting for several hours, she was able to practice with ease.

Su Xiaolu also went all out, the cold and soft sword pressed against her waist many times, avoiding the blade, but it still hurts when it hit her body.

Su Xiaolu had no strength at all, so Guiyou stopped, looked down at Su Xiaolu and said, "Don't be lazy, I'm not here, you have to practice more."

Su Xiaolu propped herself up, hugging Guiyou's legs.

Gui You was stunned: "What are you doing?"

Su Xiaolu was as helpless as a poppy, she said: "Master Guiyou, you promise me one thing, okay, okay, if you don't promise, I won't let go."

"I can kick you off."

Guiyou said lightly.

Su Xiaolu still didn't let go: "If you kick me away, I will cry, and I will come and hug your feet, unless you promise me."

What she does is Poppi's helpless temperament, and she is not afraid of anything at all.

Returning: "..."

Su Chong and Qi Xingfeng also had mixed feelings, they would never be able to do something like this in their lifetime.

"Master Guiyou, just promise me, please, please."

Su Xiaolu begged again.

"What are you talking about?"

Guiyou felt that her head was too big, and he wanted to leave, but Su Xiaolu hugged her so tightly, it was impossible for him to really kick her away, and there were half disciples on the left and right, so it didn't matter if she fulfilled her small request.

"Master Guiyou, can you build a weapon for my cousin, I, I promised him before."

Su Xiaolu said embarrassedly that she hadn't had time to tell Guiyou about what she promised Qi Xingfeng.

Qi Xingfeng blushed.

Su Chong laughed.

Guiyou glanced at Qi Xingfeng, and then said, "Get up, I agree."

I thought it was a big deal.

But he couldn't make Su Xiaolu feel that such a thing would be easily agreed to, so he said with a straight face, "This is not an example."

Su Xiaolu nodded again and again: "Okay, thank you Master Guiyou."

Su Xiaolu let go of her hands happily, feeling relieved.

Guiyou looked at Qi Xingfeng: "You are very good at using knives, I will forge a big knife for you."

Qi Xingfeng blushed excitedly: "Thank you, thank you."

Four words, his limit is approaching.

He was afraid that he would talk too little and Guiyou wouldn't be able to feel his gratitude, but Guiyou didn't look at him at all, and had already turned his head and went into the room.

Qi Xingfeng looked at Su Xiaolu and thanked him happily: "Thank you Xiaolu."

Su Xiaolu showed a smile: "Don't be in a hurry to thank, don't forget the agreed thing, Master Guiyou has sent the weapon, if you can't do it, I won't give it to you."

Qi Xingfeng said excitedly: "I will definitely—" I will do it.

He choked back, blushing again.

Su Xiaolu laughed, Qi Xingfeng has improved a lot, she believes he can do it.

In mid-April, Old Man Wu and Gui You left Beijing.

The case of the Sun family was also closed, and Sun Yang was demoted four ranks and transferred to a small county in Huizhou as county magistrate in order to make up for it.

The generals guarding the Sun family also withdrew.

Zhou Wenjing shed tears and helped the Qin family back home.

Although he was not tortured in this prison, the prison was cold and cold, and Qin had suffered from many old illnesses, so he asked the doctor to come and see him as soon as he returned to the mansion.

Sun Yangxin was very indifferent. After the Qin family settled down, he said to Zhou Wenjing, "You come with me."

Zhou Wenjing kept up with anxiety in her heart. The end of the matter ended up like this, which was not what she wanted.

All of a sudden, the official was demoted to four ranks, and Sun Yangxin was demoted from a second-rank minister to a sixth-rank minister, and he couldn't even stay in the capital. Zhou Wenjing had long regretted it deeply.

During this period of time, she also wanted to understand that she had followed the way of the Wei family and was used as a sword by the Wei family.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Sun Yangxin was so indifferent and silent, Zhou Wenjing felt even more uneasy.

Once back in the main courtyard, Sun Yangxin shunned the servants, and Zhou Wenjing knelt down at once. She cried and said, "Master, you should divorce me, I'm the one who killed you."

Sun Yangxin looked at Zhou Wenjing, the tears on her face could not conceal her shrewd calculation.

Sun Yangxin said coldly: "Tell me the whole story, or I will fulfill your wish and divorce you."

Zhou Wenjing's heart skipped a beat. She stared at Sun Yangxin in a daze, feeling sore and bitter in her heart.

She was so cautious that she couldn't hide it from him at all.

So it's true that he doesn't like her.

Zhou Wenjing stopped crying. If God gave her a chance to regret it, she would never marry him again.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world. Zhou Wenjing stood up, walked to the table and sat down. She reached out and wiped the tears from her face, and told Sun Yangxin the details.

She watched the sad look on Sun Yangxin's face at last, and Zhou Wenjing smiled sarcastically: "You have waited for her for half your life, but she has forgotten you a long time ago, she is already a wife and mother, and now she has two pairs of children , the current No. 1 scholar is her second son."

"If things didn't work out, you would have slept with her daughter now, and she would hate you forever."

Zhou Wenjing didn't want to pretend anymore, the words she said were also full of viciousness, she knew how to stab the most painful, so

Punish your heart with every word.

Sun Yangxin looked cold: "You should be glad you didn't make it."

He didn't say any more, turned around and left.

Zhou Wenjing looked at the back of him leaving resolutely, and felt a pain in her heart. She couldn't help but fell on the table and cried.

Sun Yangxin didn't like her at all, he didn't even bother to hate her.

Zhou Wenjing was in pain. She was jealous of Mrs. Zhao. Why did Sun Yangxin like such a person for so many years.

They were obviously not married, but just engaged. She had worked hard for many years, but she couldn't get any love from Sun Yangxin.

She spent half her life doing this, she was not reconciled, not reconciled.

No one can ignore gains and losses, and want to get something in return for what they give. Zhou Wenjing feels that she is like a poor farmer, but in the end there is no harvest.

"Ma'am, you have to pay attention to your body, you are still pregnant..."

The servant girl stepped forward to comfort her. Everyone in the mansion saw Zhou Wenjing's dedication, but Sun Yangxin didn't love her, so there was nothing he could do about it.

Zhou Wenjing slowly stopped crying. She put her hands on her abdomen and calmed down all her emotions. She wasted half her life without love, but she will have a child after all. This is her only support in the future.


Sun Yangxin returned to the side courtyard, and after closing the door, he fell powerlessly on the ground. He covered his face, letting the tears surge, and the pain overflowed from his heart. He cried and laughed again.

He cried because he was sad that there was no relationship between them.

He laughed because he knew that everything was fine with her and her days were happy.

He stumbled to his feet, and dug out the dusty letters from the bottom of the box. He carefully unfolded and closed them again, but in the end it was still fate, but it was not that he had never thought about such a result, he just For a time, it was difficult to face.

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