Chapter 480 The First Detoxification 2

Chapter 480 The First Detoxification 2

Whatever it is, as long as it can regenerate his severed limb.

However, the regeneration of severed limbs is against the sky, how is it possible.

Su Xiaolu frowned, she thought of a possibility, unless the laws of the world were abnormal.

Just like the doomsday and infinite survival novels that she pursued all night without sleep in her previous life, if the world becomes like this, ordinary people will start to activate supernatural powers, and broken limbs may not be impossible to regenerate.

But this probability is equivalent to the destruction of the world, at least it will not happen if they die of old age.

Su Xiaolu frowned, because she didn't think it was impossible. After all, she had witnessed global diseases in her previous life. In this world, nothing seemed impossible, including the end of the world.

"Little Deer, what are you thinking?"

Zhou Zhi asked, he felt that Su Xiaolu suddenly became dull, and he suddenly wanted to know what she was thinking.

Su Xiaolu came back to her senses, she smiled and said: "I was thinking, what would happen if I really encountered the things written in the book."

People are complicated, they look weak, but they are tough and strong.

Zhou Zhi couldn't help laughing: "If I really met, I should be very scared. People can overcome fear in order to pursue benefits, but when there are no benefits, fear will spread in the heart, so in the end it is still destruction."

"But it only proves that on the basis of being ruthless, those who are truly loving can be flattened even if they are separated by mountains and seas. I believe in this even more."

The heartless and ungrateful scholar in the book has no love in the first place, so above the interests, he is ugly.

Su Xiaolu looked at Zhou Zhi, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart, she suddenly felt that Zhou Zhi was a little cute.

Su Xiaolu pursed her lips and shook off the weird thoughts in her mind. She changed the subject and said, "It's time to eat."

After eating, it is necessary to prepare a medicated bath.

There is no way to imagine these.

The two ate together, Zhou Zhi ate very slowly.

Su Xiaolu put vegetables in his bowl, all of which he likes to eat.

The two of them ate quietly, and in the eyes of others, they felt inexplicably warm.

Mr. Wu stroked his beard and clicked his tongue several times: "That's really wonderful."

"Mr. Wu, what do you say?"

Jin Liu and the others didn't understand.

Mr. Wu showed a meaningful look, and then said: "You don't have a girl you like, of course you don't understand, the moist things are silent, I can only sigh this sentence, our prince is really clever."

Zhou Zhi never stated that he likes Su Xiaolu, but in many details, this is not like liking.

As for Su Xiaolu, she never said that she likes Zhou Zhi, but she made a move every time. Even now, she even remembers Zhou Zhi's favorite dishes. Isn't that just in her heart? .

Care and care.

After eating, Zhou Zhi began to take a medicinal bath.

Su Xiaolu dozed off while adding water, and Zhou Zhi also fell asleep.

When the time came, Su Xiaolu asked Jin Liu and Jin Qi to move them to the bed, while she opened the medicine box and took out all the small knives.

"Miss Su, this is..."

Jin Liu and the others were puzzled. In the past, it was not enough to take a medicinal bath. Why is it different today.

"It's time to force the toxins out of the body. When he was awake, he would not allow me to move his legs. Now he is asleep and has no sense. He doesn't know what I did."

Su Xiaolu said lightly.

Zhou Zhi seems to be mature and vicious, but in fact he also has the heart of a child.

She didn't know why he didn't show his legs, but detoxification was a must.

Su Xiaolu didn't say anything at all, he wouldn't know about it.

Jin Liu and the others were dumbfounded, they never expected that Su Xiaolu would have such a dark belly.

Several people were silent, tacitly assuming that this matter did not happen.

Zhou Zhi lay quietly on the bed, wearing only his underwear, and his trousers were very empty. Su Xiaolu lifted them up, and saw bruised and swollen knees, Zhou Zhi's calves were completely gone, only black and purple lumps of flesh.

Su Xiaolu didn't even bat an eye, she took the knife and cut a small hole, and stuck a silver needle in it.

The same goes for the other side.

I saw that the silver needles gradually turned black. This process was very slow. By the time the two silver needles were completely black, two hours had passed.

Su Xiaolu took out the silver needle, and inserted two more silver needles into it.

At dawn, the two silver needles were completely dark again, so Su Xiaolu continued to pierce them.

During this period, Su Xiaolu kept checking Zhou Zhi's pulse, and occasionally stuffed a pill into Zhou Zhi's mouth.

For three whole days, Su Xiaolu lost a lot of weight. After the two silver needles were stuck in, there was no change for several hours. Su Xiaolu took out the silver needles, yawned and said, "The big ones prepared for me Is the fish and meat ready? I'm starving, sleepy, and exhausted."

If it wasn't for the internal support, she wouldn't be able to survive.

"It's ready, Miss Su can eat right away."

Jin Liu and the others were extremely respectful, and Su Xiaolu's dedication was obvious to all.

Su Xiaolu deserves to be treated respectfully by everyone in the Ming Palace, she saved Zhou Zhi's life.

Su Xiaolu squeezed Zhou Zhi's mouth open, stuffed a pill into his mouth, then went out and went back to the room, had a big meal, lay down on the bed and began to rest.

She was too tired, and when she fell asleep, her consciousness sank.

Enter the space to cultivate.

Moisturized by aura, fatigue gradually disappears from the body.

When she woke up, it was already night.

She washed up and went to see Zhou Zhi after eating and drinking.

Zhou Zhi hasn't woken up yet, but his complexion has returned to normal, and he is breathing evenly.

This first detoxification removed one-fifth of the toxins in his body, and his body improved obviously.

The remaining toxin was still sealed on his legs.

During the past few days when Zhou Zhi fell asleep, Su Xiaolu read all the anecdotes in his collection.

Some are written stories, and some are suspected mythological records.

It's like a flying dragon in the South China Sea, flying straight up in a thunderstorm, and falling to death after being struck by lightning, with hundreds of bones.

Qizhou Honghuang rushed out of a big golden snake with gleaming scales and a bulging head that looked like it was about to grow horns.

Su Xiaolu read all of Zhou Zhi's collections.

Like the public, she also likes to read myths and stories.

On the fourth day of June, Zhou Zhi woke up.

As soon as he woke up, he asked, "Where is Miss Su?"

Jin Qi, who was guarding him, replied with a smile: "Miss Su is in the Library Pavilion, and she has been in the Library Pavilion for the past few days, and she didn't agree to ask her to practice swords."

"How long have I been asleep?"

Zhou Zhi frowned, sensitively grasping "these few days" from Jin Qi's words, he frowned and asked.

"I've been asleep for seven days."

Jin Qi answered truthfully.

To be honest, they were all worried about Zhou Zhi's sleep for such a long time, and now seeing Zhou Zhi waking up, they let go of their worries.

Seven days, that's a long time.

Jin Qi poured water, and he said, "Ms. Su often moistens your mouth with medicine these days. Master shouldn't feel uncomfortable in your throat, but this water is always prepared by Ms. Su. She said that when you wake up, it will drink."

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