Chapter 482 A Special Gift

Chapter 482 A Special Gift

Niu Dagui and Yan Shi also said that if Niu Xibao and Chen Daniu want to stay in the capital, this house will be their husband and wife's home. It is not too big, but it is enough for Niu Xibao and Chen Daniu to live in, plus two or three children. down.

Now both sides are making arrangements for marriage.

On the Chen family's side, Su Chong and Qi Xingfeng helped with chores together. Knowing that the two families had a good relationship, the Qi family even sent a few soldiers to help.

Chen Hu was very grateful and happy that his daughter was getting married.

During the day, Su Xiaoling stayed with Chen Daniu and Chen Erniu in Chen's house.

Both Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao are helping with the preparations and will not go home until evening.

When Su Xiaolu came back, they happened to go home not long after.

Seeing Xiaolu come back, Mrs. Zhao first pulled Su Xiaolu's hand to look up and down, and then said softly, "I lost weight."

Su Xiaolu hugged Mrs. Zhao, no matter what time, mother's embrace can make people feel warm.

Su Xiaolu has also grown up, and she doesn't hug her very often. When Su Xiaolu hugged her, Mrs. Zhao felt her heart was touched. She was very gentle. She patted Su Xiaolu's back, and then asked with concern: "Have you eaten yet?" ?"

Su Xiaolu nodded, she came out of Mrs. Zhao's arms, and happily said to Su Sanlang: "Father, I have something for you."

Su Sanlang smiled gently: "What is it?"

Su Xiaolu took out the box to Su Sanlang, and Su Sanlang opened it, startled for a moment.

Su Chong tilted his head and said, "Xiaolu gave Dad an eye."

Mrs. Zhao was also shocked, one eye?

Su Xiaolu explained: "It's fake, but it can be fake. Dad can put it in the eye socket, and it's usually invisible."

Su Xiaolu has seen it up close. The person who sculpted the fake eye is very skilled. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell it's fake.

Ordinary people will not have the opportunity to watch carefully.

Su Sanlang hugged the box tightly, and Mrs. Zhao gently took Su Sanlang's arm and said, "Daddy, why are you so dazed? Let's go and put it away for the children to see."

For eleven years, Su Sanlang lost that eye.

Every time Zhao thinks about it, she still wants to cry. Even if the days are better now, she can't forget how cold it was when the family went into the mountain together that day, and the "creak" made by stepping on the snow with one deep foot and one shallow foot. sound.

Su Sanlang's eyes were red, he looked at the children, and nodded with a gentle smile: "Okay, wait for Dad."

Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao went back to the room together.

Su Xiaolu and his siblings waited together.

Several people looked at each other and smiled, without any words, but felt very warm.

Su Sanlang's eyes, in fact, they all cared about them, and secretly searched for materials that could be used as artificial eyes, but they couldn't find them if they were too good, and generally they didn't like them. They never said anything about it publicly. .

Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi returned to the room, washed their eyes with warm water, and then Zhao Shi helped Su Sanlang put them in the eye sockets.

When Qianbian's eyes were full again, Su Sanlang smiled at Mrs. Zhao.

Mrs. Zhao was already in tears. She looked at Su Sanlang's eyes and said, "Daddy, I'm so happy."

Su Sanlang gently wiped Zhao's tears and said, "I'm happy too."

The warm jade is warm, and there is no discomfort after wearing it, except that this eye is invisible, which is no different from his other eye.

In the future, except for those who know the past, no one else will know that his eye is fake.

In the bronze mirror, both Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao stared at it intently for a long time.

Su Sanlang reluctantly moved his eyes away, and said gently: "Let's go, let's go out and let the children see it too."

Mrs. Zhao nodded, and the husband and wife went out together.

Su Sanlang took off the cloth that had been blindfolded for more than ten years. He and Mrs. Zhao came out together and looked at the children with their eyes.

Su Chong and the others were also looking at him.

"Father, if you feel uncomfortable, just tell me."

Su Xiaolu looked into Su Sanlang's eyes, she smiled sweetly.

Su Sanlang stretched out his hand, gently stroked Su Xiaolu's hair and nodded: "Okay."

Back then, this one eye of his bought his family's livelihood. The eye socket had been empty for more than ten years, but today, the eye socket is full again.

All suffering is declared over, this painful memory will gradually fade from memory, and the pain will gradually be forgotten.

All the children looked into his eyes and smiled.

Laughing and laughing, eyes are red.

Su Xiaolu hugged Su Sanlang, swallowed and forced back the tears, but some tears still fell out.

Unknowingly, Mrs. Zhao hugged Su Xiaoling and Su Xiaolu's shoulders, and Su Chong and Su Hua just patted each other on the back.

Back in the room to rest, Su Xiaoling gently massaged Su Xiaolu, Su Xiaolu felt warm and relaxed, and soon fell asleep.

After Su Xiaolu fell asleep, Su Xiaoling kissed her quietly, and whispered with a smile: "Xiaolu, thank you for bringing us all a new life."

If there is no Su Xiaolu, she thinks, if there is no Su Xiaolu, parents may never leave that house, the two elder brothers will not be cured, and she will not have the opportunity to learn to read or even know Zhou Heng.

Just because of Su Xiaolu, their family has a wonderful new life. Even though there are many hardships along the way, all the efforts have been rewarded, and they will always feel at ease in their hearts.

Su Xiaoling was extremely satisfied and at ease in her heart, she fell asleep quietly, and stretched out her arms to gently embrace Su Xiaolu.

After Su Xiaolu was weaned at the age of one, she was the one who slept with her. It has been ten years now, and she will soon be twelve years old.

Su Xiaoling knows that such days are getting rarer and rarer, she cherishes every night when she can sleep with Su Xiaolu.

When Su Xiaolu was tired from practicing swords and making medicines, she often gave her a pinch.

The weather was hot, so Su Xiaoling would shake the fan, so that if he played it gently in the middle of the night, Su Xiaoling would sleep comfortably.

Su Xiaolu slept peacefully and woke up the next day full of energy.

Su Xiaolu also joined in to help.

Tomorrow is Chen Da Niu's wedding, today is also to confirm the things to be done tomorrow, when the groom official comes to marry, and when to go out, all are particular.

Chen Daniu's cheeks have been red these days, and she doesn't need any rouge anymore.

After counting all the dowry and quilts and confirming that they are correct, the wedding dress and other small details are also confirmed, and the day passed like this.

At night, Su Xiaolu was lying on the bed, and she said, "Sister, can sister Da Niu sleep tonight?"

Su Xiaoling smiled: "If you can't sleep, you might cry, but the ice cubes are all ready, if your eyes are swollen tomorrow, just apply it and it will be fine."

I am about to get married, leave home, leave parents, leave brothers and sisters, become a daughter-in-law, a wife, and a mother in the future. These all start from getting married. This day is a special day. This night, it is reasonable to stay awake all night. , because this night was their last night as women.

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