Chapter 496

Mrs. Zhao looked at Su Xiaolu for a while, then nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, mother understands, mother understands what you mean."

Su Xiaolu breathed a sigh of relief, then hugged Mrs. Zhao, and said in a coquettish tone: "Mother, I can also find a man I like to spend my life with, right, my parents will allow me to choose by myself, right. "

Zhao's heart softened, she stroked Su Xiaolu's smooth hair and said softly, "Of course."

This is her youngest daughter, she is already so old, and it is almost the age to say goodbye, Zhao has mixed feelings in her heart, for a person who wants to spend her life, of course she has to like it.

If you don't like it, how sad it would be, how could she and Hai'er's father not allow it, the baby that she and Hai'er's father cherished most.

The gentle pampering in Zhao's tone reassured Su Xiaolu, she knew that she was free.

Su Xiaolu rubbed against Mrs. Zhao's arms and said, "Mother, I'm going out then."

Mrs. Zhao nodded, she called Su Xiaolu to stop, just to ask if Su Xiaolu liked Sun Baoshan, now that she knew the result, Su Xiaolu had something to go out, of course she would not delay her.

Su Xiaolu has nothing else to do when she goes out, just to show Zhou Zhi the pulse of peace.

When they came to the 'Prince Ming's Mansion', Jin Liu and the others greeted Su Xiaolu with a smile.

Su Xiaolu asked casually, "What is he doing?"

Jin Liu replied: "Master is studying medicinal food."

After Zhou Heng regained his status, Zhou Zhi was conferred the title of King Ming. He hadn’t gone to the fief yet, and there were fewer and fewer things that needed him to deal with in the capital. He doesn't go either.

When Su Xiaolu entered the yard, he could smell the faint aroma of food. Zhou Zhi sat on the wooden wheel chair and slowly fanned the fire.

Seeing Su Xiaolu coming, Zhou Zhi smiled, "Here comes the Xiaolu."

Su Xiaolu squatted down beside him, and said with a complicated expression: "You seem to be a bit talented——"

Recently, Zhou Zhi started to make herbal meals by herself. Su Xiaolu just handed over the medicinal ingredients to him. She only said how long it took for each ingredient from cooking to cooking, as long as the medicinal properties are well preserved.

She didn't show him the recipe of the herbal diet, but Zhou Zhi figured it out on his own, the properties of the medicine are preserved very well, and the prepared herbal diet is also very fragrant.

Zhou Zhi smiled and said, "I think so too."

Su Xiaolu moved her mouth, she had nothing to say, she took Zhou Zhi's pulse, and it was all right, she thought about it, tried to infuse some inner breath, and guided the inner breath to circulate in Zhou Zhi's body to nourish his body.

Su Xiaolu made a surprise discovery, she looked at Zhou Zhi suspiciously.

Zhou Zhi looked sideways and asked with a smile, "What's the matter?"

Su Xiaolu said suspiciously: "Your meridians are a bit strange, and all your meridians are connected."

"Do you practice martial arts?"

Su Xiaolu looked at Zhou Zhi and asked, Zhou Zhi's body was too weak, she believed at the beginning that he could not practice martial arts, but his meridians were unobstructed, which obviously should be a sign of a warrior, under normal circumstances, such unobstructed meridians, Zhou Zhi's martial arts Not too low.

"Xiaolu, I have the skills to protect myself, but I don't often use force. My martial arts skills are different from those who learn martial arts. I don't have strong internal strength to sustain for a long time. I can only explode for a short time. It will be a long-term weakness, I have only learned it for half a year, with my skills, I can only have a chance of winning by surprise."

Zhou Zhi did not hide from Su Xiaolu, and told the truth that Su Xiaolu has many years of martial arts foundation, so she will understand it naturally.

"Short and instant, then what kind of medicine did you use to open up the meridian? Then—" Isn't it painful?

Su Xiaolu frowned, martial arts is a step-by-step thing, especially the expansion of meridians, her internal strength is getting stronger year by year, and her meridians are getting stronger year by year, these are accumulated.

Forcibly expanding, that kind of pain should be no less than tearing apart the bones.

Zhou Zhi just smiled lightly, and said softly, "It's all over."

Pain, of course it was pain, but without these, he couldn't even live.

Su Xiaolu felt a little uncomfortable.

Zhou Zhi took the handkerchief and opened the lid of the stewing pot. The bubbling thick soup whetted the appetite, and the aroma wafted out. Zhou Zhi said gently: "Xiaolu, this is for replenishing vitality, let's drink together .”

"I'm fine, just drink more."

Zhou Zhi is really too thin. Every time I see him, I feel that he is very weak. Su Xiaolu often stays to eat with him, but she is determined not to eat these medicinal foods. better.

Zhou Zhi smiled gently, and picked up a small bowl to serve the soup.

He still filled two bowls, looked at Su Xiaolu and said, "Xiaolu, please."

Su Xiaolu would have thought that she had heard it wrong, but the way Zhou Zhi looked at her was clearly begging.

A handsome man, with a touch of sickness and weakness, how can he say no.

Su Xiaolu still took it, she found a legitimate excuse and said: "Alright then, let me see if this medicine is good."

Zhou Zhi smiled gently, he also filled a bowl and drank slowly.

Su Xiaolu was amazed after taking a sip. If Zhou Zhi and her sister Su Xiaoling hadn't met each other, Su Xiaolu would have suspected that they were from the same school. In this regard, both of them are extremely talented.

The medicinal properties are well preserved and the taste is also very good.

After drinking the soup, Zhou Zhi's face became much ruddy, and he was still a little sweaty.

Su Xiaolu put down the bowl,

He said very seriously: "You did a great job. You can make your own medicinal food in the future. In a few years, your body will get better soon."

Delicious medicated diet can make people have a good appetite. Eating it not only nourishes the body, but also improves the mood. After the toxins are cleared, the body will turn from loss to health under the nourishment of food, and it will naturally recover.

"With the deer here, I will be fine."

Zhou Zhi smiled gently at Su Xiaolu, and in his smiling eyes was full of trust in Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu nodded with a smile, no matter what, she will do her best to keep Zhou Zhi alive.

In the evening, Su Xiaolu went back after eating. Before she went out, she met Zhou Heng who came out of the palace.

Seeing Su Xiaolu, Zhou Heng showed a gentle smile and said, "The little deer is here, how is Ah Zhi?"

Su Xiaolu replied with a smile: "He is in good health. How is third brother? Don't be too tired, pay attention to your body."

Zhou Heng calmed down a lot, but his complexion was a little bad, as if he was too tired, and he seemed to have been poisoned.

Zhou Heng smiled and said: "Thank you Xiaolu, don't worry about me, I will take care of myself, I have something to do with Ah Zhi, so I won't talk to you, go home and say hello to third uncle and aunt for me. "

"Let Xiaoling don't have to worry about me." Zhou Heng said with a smile, and entered the mansion by mistake.

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