Chapter 502

Chu Jin didn't know much about Su Chong's affairs. Since he was a sincere friend, he naturally wouldn't investigate Su Chong's family affairs secretly.

Su Chong took the initiative to tell these things after he became acquainted with him for a long time. Su Chong invited him to a wedding, and he thought he was very concerned about it. It was just the right time for Chu Jin to ask.

Su Chong smiled, and briefly talked about the family affairs.

They and the Chen family have a sworn bond between parents and a deep friendship that has grown together for more than ten years.

"Okay, I will definitely be there on the ninth day of the ninth day."

Chu Jin smiled and agreed, the relationship between the two families is so good, the two sisters of the Chen family are naturally different to Su Chong, he really wants to make friends with Su Chong, so of course he is going to have a wedding.

After resting for a while, the three continued to practice, Su Chong was making progress, Chu Jin and Qi Xingfeng were also making rapid progress.

Chen Erniu is getting married, and the Su and Chen families are busy.

On the night of the eighth day of the eighth day, Chen Erniu, Chen Daniu and Qian Shi were together, and Qian Shi's gentle eyes were always full of tears.

Zhao looked at her and sighed lightly. She patted the back of Qian's hand and said softly: "Sister and sister, Erniu is also a big girl. She married for happiness."

Qian Shi pursed her lips and nodded, she smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, time flies so fast, it seems like they grow up in the blink of an eye."

The old memory has been covered with a layer of hazy moonlight, and it is somewhat unclear.

Chen Daniu is already a woman, and after getting married, all the youthfulness and childishness fade away.

She checked her younger sister's dowry again and again before sitting next to Chen Erniu and holding her hand. The two sisters looked at each other and smiled.

Mrs. Qian said to Mrs. Zhao gently: "Sister-in-law, it's getting late, you should go back and rest, you have to get up early tomorrow."

Mrs. Zhao nodded, then got up and went home.

Tonight is Qian's sleepless night again.

Chen Daniu and Chen Erniu probably couldn't sleep either.

Mrs. Zhao returned home, but Su Sanlang was still awake. He watched Mrs. Zhao come back, so he switched from the inside to the outside.

Mrs. Zhao came to bed, and the bed was very warm. She leaned on Su Sanlang's arm and said softly, "After the second girl gets married, it will be our brother Hua's turn."

Su Sanlang nodded, and responded softly: "Yes, our son is going to marry a wife."

"I'll feel relieved when Mrs. Lin writes back and decides on brother Chong's marriage. Xiao Lu is still young, so it won't be too late to make a good choice after two years."

Mrs. Zhao smiled, and put her ears on Su Sanlang's chest, feeling at ease and satisfied.

Su Sanlang hugged Zhao Shi tightly, and also smiled. He tilted his head and kissed him lightly, and said softly, "Go to sleep, you'll be busy tomorrow."

Chen Erniu was also like their daughter, they were also very concerned about getting married, and they hoped to send her off in a good manner.

The two families have been getting better and better along the way, and getting closer together.

In the other room, Su Xiaolu was leaning against Su Xiaoling, eating ice scum.

Su Xiaoling was a little worried: "Xiaolu, let's make some medicine."

Su Xiaolu swallowed the ice scum, feeling the coolness of the ice cubes sliding down her throat, then waved her hand and said, "Sister, no, I know my body well, a little bit of heat, it's a small problem."

During this period of time, she didn't know what was going on, she had already had a fever several times, and she didn't feel any discomfort.

The first time she had a fever was on her twelfth birthday.

Su Xiaolu didn't know if this was a sign, she could feel that the aura in the space was getting stronger, and her body was also full of aura. It stands to reason that she should be stronger than a cow, but she had an inexplicable fever.

She didn't let Su Sanlang and the Zhao family know about it, but she couldn't hide it from Su Xiaoling. Every time she had a fever, Su Xiaoling was the first to know.

"Xiaolu, you have had a fever four times in the past month. You can't pretend that nothing happened. It's said that doctors don't heal themselves. You have to see a doctor."

Su Xiaoling frowned, with a somewhat stern expression.

Su Xiaolu didn't want to go, but she nodded after thinking about it: "Okay, I'll go see it tomorrow when Er Niu gets married."

Hearing what Su Xiaolu said, Su Xiaoling was relieved.

Seeing Su Xiaolu finish eating a bowl of ice slag, she still looked at herself eagerly, Su Xiaoling took the bowl away, and said in a gentle and irresistible tone: "I can't eat it, you have already eaten a bowl, now the weather has changed It’s cold, eating too much can easily spoil your stomach.”

"Go to sleep."

Su Xiaoling put the bowl on the table and came back to sleep. She patted Su Xiaolu lightly and gently coaxed her to sleep.

Su Xiaolu knew it was useless to act like a spoiled child, so she fell asleep desperately.

In a daze, she felt that her body was hot and cold, as if something was squeezing her body hard, and she felt that the meridians were about to be squeezed, so uncomfortable.

She sank her consciousness into the space, plunged her head into the spiritual spring, and drank with a gulp.

This night, Su Xiaolu slept very uncomfortable.

When I woke up the next day, the high fever had subsided.

There was noise from next door, Su Xiaolu got dressed, drank the meat porridge on the table, and then went to watch the fun.

Chen Erniu is still cleansing her face. This process is to wring out all the fluff on her face, make her skin as smooth as an egg that has been peeled off its shell, put on makeup, put her hair up and so on.

These are all done by Qian and Zhao personally.

After dressing up, Chen Erniu seemed to be a different person, extremely beautiful.

With the sound of firecrackers outside, Xipo shouted "Auspicious time is here" after a while

, Mrs. Qian personally covered Chen Erniu with a red hijab, and everyone's eyes were red.

Open the door and go out, Chen Shi has already prepared, as soon as the door opened, he said loudly: "Second sister, I will carry you out."

After finishing speaking, he bent down and waited for Chen Erniu to climb up on his back, and then carried her out to go out.

On the way, Chen Shi said the same thing to Chen Erniu when Chen Daniu got married.

He said: "Second sister, you should live happily, be very happy, okay?"

"I will learn from the elder brother and the second brother. I will definitely give you a face to support you in the future. You don't have to worry about anything. Xiaoxing and I will be the backing of you and the elder sister."

Chen Shi's footwork was steady, and Chen Erniu, who was on his back, was already in tears and let out a choked 'um'.

After getting on the sedan chair, as the sedan chair set off, the sound of firecrackers sending her off also sounded, and the sound of festive gongs and drums came together.

After marriage, it's different.

After the people who saw off the relatives left, the family quieted down.

Su Xiaoling urged Su Xiaolu to see a doctor.

Su Xiaolu turned around in front of Su Xiaoling and said, "Sister, you see I'm already well."

Su Xiaoling didn't care, she took Su Xiaolu's hand and said: "Xiaolu, you promised me last night, you can't go back on what you promised."

Su Xiaolu shrank her neck: "Okay, I'll go to the Imperial Hospital and ask Imperial Doctor Qin to show me, that's all right."

Su Xiaoling then smiled and nodded.

If it wasn't for her not being able to go out, she would have wanted to take Su Xiaolu there in person.

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