Falling in love with you, dressing up as a charming little fortune bag

Chapter 511 Su Hua's Great Wedding

Chapter 511 Su Hua's Great Wedding

Su Sanlang found it unbelievable that such a good thing should be more and more difficult to buy, how could it be possible to reduce the price.

Su Chong and Su Hua were thoughtful, Su Xiaoling looked at Su Xiaolu gently, everyone didn't ask any questions, they just waited quietly for Su Xiaolu to say.

"The place where this white fish first appeared was Wuzhou Qinghai. It was a fish from the deep sea. Zhou Zhi went to find out. He said that there was a big eddy on the sea surface where this fish appeared, and it was difficult for fishing boats to approach. And that place, this white fish. There are a lot of fish, and the whirlpool will disappear, and at that time, the fish will flow into the market in large quantities, and the price will not be so expensive."

Everyone understood Su Xiaolu's explanation.

This world is about to change, Su Xiaolu didn't say this, because he was worried that Su Sanlang would panic.

Change is unknown, and sometimes you can continue to live with peace of mind if you don’t know it. Ordinary people’s ability to bear it is not that strong.

Su Sanlang really didn't think much about it, after listening to Su Xiaolu's explanation, he smiled gently and said: "Then it won't be so expensive in the future, our family often buys it to eat, it's also good for nourishing the body."

Su Xiaolu and the others all nodded.

Su Sanlang guarded the Zhao family, and Su Xiaolu and his siblings left the room.

Mrs. Zhao recovered after three days of fever.

After she recovered, Su Xiaolu checked her. The injured hand has indeed recovered a lot. It used to be unable to lift things with strength, but now it can lift the usual three to five catties.

Mrs. Zhao is very happy with this change. In her opinion, this move is just fine.

It's a pity that the price of fish is too high now, otherwise she would ask Qian Shi and Chen Hu to buy more to eat.

Chen Hu and Qian Shi didn't eat much, so their bodies didn't change so much.

Knowing the efficacy of white fish, Mrs. Zhao also pays attention to white fish. Now there is no fish in the market. All white fish flow into the palace for the emperor to enjoy. If the emperor can't finish eating, he will use it to reward the ministers.

As Su Hua's marriage approached, the Su family got busy again.

With Chen Hu and Qian's help, it's not too tiring.

On November 16th, Su Hua got married.

Waking up early, Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Chen tidy up for Su Hua. He is the groom's official, and he also needs to dress up, but it's not as complicated as a woman's.

Mrs. Zhao gently tied Su Hua's hair, and Su Hua also changed into a wedding dress. With a smile on his face, Mrs. Chen repeatedly praised him for being handsome.

After packing up, Su Hua went out to meet his relatives.

Su Chong went with him, and the bearers carried the sedan chair, whistling and beating all the way towards Sun's house.

Su Hua used to be the No. 1 man, and his big marriage was considered a sensation. Many people stood on both sides of the street to see this majestic No. 1 man.

People remembered that these two brothers were both champions, and there were many praises for a while, and the excitement was extremely lively.

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled, both feeling proud and proud.

In Sun's residence, the Lian family and the woman in the mansion washed and dressed Sun Baoqian early.

Sun Baoqian is a gentle and beautiful woman. When she gets married today, she doesn't need rouge to have blush embellishments on her cheeks. No matter how you look at it, she is charming.

Lian Shi was happy and reluctant, smiled and her eyes turned red several times, and gently helped Sun Baoqian to wash and dress up, waiting for the groom to pick her up.

Hearing the sound of gongs and drums outside getting closer, the women kept saying good things.

Lian personally covered Sun Baoqian with a hijab and helped her up.

Hearing the sound of "auspicious time" outside, Lian opened the door himself.

The twin Sun Baoshan was already waiting outside, and he said loudly, "Sister, I'll see you off to get married, sister, come up, I'll carry you out."

After he finished speaking, he bent down, and Sun Baoqian lay on Sun Baoshan's back. At this moment, she began to choke up, and she tried her best to restrain her tears.

Sun Baoshan's eyes were also red, and he choked up and said: "Sister, our family will always have your house, you must live happily."

"If you're really unhappy, it doesn't matter if you can't live on. You can come home after He Li, and I will support you."

Sun Baoshan said this very quietly, only Sun Baoqian could hear it.

When Sun Baoqian heard this, tears were streaming down her face.

She nodded with a sob.

Sun Baoshan personally carried Sun Baoqian out of the house and put her in the sedan chair.

He looked at Su Hua, and said to him very seriously: "I handed over my sister to you, you must treat her well, or my Sun family will not forgive you."

Su Hua nodded solemnly, and he said, "Okay, I promise you."

With the sound of "lifting the sedan chair", the sedan chair was lifted up, and Su Hua and his party began to walk back.

The festive gongs, drums and suona sounded at the same time, covering up many crying cries.

Lian covered her face with a handkerchief, and leaned gently on Sun Ziqian.

As the sedan chair gradually went away, Sun Ziqian and Lian Shi returned to the mansion. They still had old friends in the capital, and there were quite a few people who came to celebrate the wedding. Their daughter had already gone out, and they still had to entertain the guests well.

When the wedding sedan chair returned to Su's house, the firecrackers exploded, and there was a burst of joy and joy.

Then Su Hua got off the horse and walked to the sedan chair, kicked the sedan door a few times, then reached out and waited for Sun Baoqian to give him his hand.

Sun Baoqian's hand fell into his palm, and he held it firmly. Sun Baoqian was covered by Hong Gaitian, her sight was blocked and she could not see at all, so she could only be led in by Su Hua.

The brazier had already been prepared, and after getting off the sedan chair, Su Hua hugged Sun Baoqian upright. Sun Baoqian exclaimed, and subconsciously hugged Su Hua's

neck, leaning against his chest.

Su Hua stepped over the brazier, carried Sun Baoqian all the way to the main hall, and then put her down to worship.

Sun Baoqian's reluctance to leave home has been replaced by happiness, because Su Hua protected her, and when he carried her into the house, he gently said to her, "Don't be afraid, I'm here".

It seemed that at this moment, she was not afraid of anything.

Next is worship.

Everything went well. After the worship, Sun Baoqian was sent to the new house, and Su Hua returned to the main hall to entertain her.

He got married, half of the court came, some even brought congratulatory gifts even if they didn't come, everyone wanted him to drink, Su Chong helped hold the wine without saying a word, and Chen Shi, Qi Xingfeng and Chu Jin, Qi Xingzhi's drinking strength is average, and he helped block a lot.

So when Su Hua was able to go to the bridal chamber, he was just a little drunk but not drunk, which was just right.

Su Xiaolu and Su Xiaoling were also accompanying Sun Baoqian in the new house. When Su Hua came back, the sisters would go back to the room.

Sun Baoqian didn't feel scared, and all the anxiety was calmed down. When Su Hua came, she became nervous.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, both hands involuntarily clenched the wedding dress tightly.

Su Hua went to pour the wine, and Sun Baoqian knew that it was the wine of marriage, which was to be drunk during the wedding.

After pouring the wine, Su Hua first came over and opened the red hijab. He smiled and said in a warm voice with smiles in his eyes: "Madam, come and drink this wine with me. You and I will be husband and wife from now on."

Sun Baoqian blushed, and the two drank Hebei wine together.

Su Hua sat down beside the bed, he approached slowly, Sun Baoqian was too shy to look at him at all, when Su Hua took off Zhu Chai for her, she was stunned for a moment, the pearl crown pressed her forehead out After removing the trace, Su Hua gently rubbed it for her.

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