Falling in love with you, dressing up as a charming little fortune bag

Chapter 513 Su Hua’s Great Wedding 3

When you get married, your status is different, and you may not be able to adapt.

Su Hua was afraid that she might not be used to it.

Su Hua was very gentle, and Sun Baoqian shook her head with embarrassment and said, "I'm not used to it. I have something to ask you. Xiaolu said that only you can explain it."

"Come and sit down and talk."

Su Hua waved to Sun Baoqian. He probably already knew what was going on. He thought he could hide it from him, but he didn't expect that a day had passed.

Sun Baoqian walked over and sat down. She looked at Su Hua and said, "Ah Hua, I told Xiao Lu to prescribe medicine for me to conceive earlier. She said she wanted me to ask you for an explanation. What means."

Su Hua couldn't help laughing. He took Sun Baoqian's hand, rubbed her fingers with his fingertips, and said softly: "Qianqian, you are still too young. It is very hard work to have children. When you grow up to be three years old , it’s not too late for us to have children.”

Sun Baoqian blushed even more when she was watched by such gentle eyes, but she still worried about whether it would be too long in a few years, she protested in a very low voice: "Three years, is it too long..."

"Soon, we have many years left in our lives, three years is not long at all."

Su Hua said firmly.

Sun Baoqian wanted to say something else, but Su Hua pulled her into his arms, and the aura that belonged to Su Hua enveloped her all at once, and she only felt a little weak in her body.

Su Hua touched her cheek gently, and said softly with a focused expression: "You and I are newly married, and I want to spend a few more years with you. Such a taste makes me obsessed. Wouldn't it be a pity to have a child so early? Looking back in the future, Both of you and I can’t remember the days when we were like glue.”

Sun Baoqian blushed and leaned against Su Hua's arms, not wanting to say a word.

She didn't know that this Qingqian son had such a sentimental side.

But for some reason, she still wanted to hear these love words, as if she would never get tired of them.

"It's past noon, you can take a nap."

Su Hua's voice was a little hoarse, he swallowed his throat, and his hands holding Sun Baoqian tightened a little.


Three days later, when Sun Baoqian returned home, Mrs. Zhao had already prepared a gift and asked Su Hua to bring Sun Baoqian back home.

On the carriage, Sun Baoqian was nestled in Su Hua's arms, and the two occasionally looked at each other, feeling their hearts filled with sweetness.

Su Hua kissed her tenderly with a little fierceness.

Sun Baoqian was both shy and joyful.

When they arrived at Sun's house, she blushed and got out of the carriage with Su Hua.

Sun Tzuqian and Lian Shi were waiting, when they saw their daughter, Lian Shi came forward with a smile.

Sun Baoqian went over, took Lian's arm affectionately, and coquettishly called out: "Mother, I'm back."

Su Hua greeted Sun Ziqian and Lian Shi, and said respectfully: "I have seen my father-in-law and my mother-in-law."

Sun Tzuqian was happy, and said with a smile: "Well, just go home, let's go in and have a few drinks."

Lian had a lot of questions to ask. When they entered the house, Su Hua and Sun Ziqian went, and Lian also took Sun Baoqian back to the room. How are you?"

Su Hua looks like a nice guy, but in private, can he be the same?

Sun Baoqian nodded with a blushing face and said, "Mother, don't worry, Ah Hua is very good to me."

"What about your mother-in-law, Xiao Ling and the others, do you get along well?"

Lian felt relieved a lot, she knew that the Zhao family was a good person, Su Xiaolu and Su Xiaoling were also good, but she still couldn't help asking.

Sun Baoqian also nodded, she said with a smile: "Mother-in-law is very good, she and father-in-law go out on weekdays to do business, Xiaoling likes to make medicinal food, and usually likes to play with some herbs, Xiaolu likes to practice swords and make medicines, they are very good good."

Lian smiled gently: "That's good."

"Your mother-in-law is a nice person. Mother was worried at first, but now it seems that mother is narrow-minded."

Thinking of Zhao Shi, Lian couldn't help but said with emotion.

Sun Baoqian knew what Lian was thinking, she sighed and said helplessly: "Mother, it probably has no fate, Xiaolu is like a ball of fire, I think she rarely stops in a day, it's normal for her not to like brother Xiaoling said that she wants to marry a man with comparable martial arts in the future, so that she can accompany her to walk around the rivers and lakes with a sword."

This was something she and Su Xiaoling talked about privately, and Su Xiaoling talked about it with a smile.

Sun Baoqian remembered it in her heart, seeing Lian sighing so much, she couldn't hold back and told Lian what she said.

After listening, Lian sighed: "No wonder."

From this point of view, there is nothing unreasonable about his son not being liked.

At noon, Sun Baoshan came back from school.

Seeing Su Hua, he respectfully called 'brother-in-law'.

He looked at Sun Baoqian with a smile, looked him up and down, and then felt relieved.

People live well, and their complexion is different. Smiling is happy, and when there is something on his mind, he will unconsciously frown. But on his sister, what he sees is a smile and a ruddy complexion. This can explain that in Su The family had a good time.

Sun Bocheng attached great importance to this grandson-in-law, so he stayed with Su Hua for dinner, and Su Hua agreed.

In the afternoon, Sun Bocheng and Sun Ziqian were talking with Su Hua in the study.

Sun Baoshan went to school.

Sun Baoqian accompanied Lian, the mother and daughter talked and drank tea, and Lian talked about many things about Sun Baoqian's childhood with emotion.

mother and daughter

Couldn't hold back the tears.

After dinner in the evening, Su Hua and Sun Baoqian went back to Su's house, and Lian Shi, Sun Ziqian and Sun Baoshan came out to see them off together.

Watching the carriage gradually move away, they went back.

Lian Shi and Sun Ziqian walked side by side, Lian Shi said with emotion: "Master, time flies so fast, now, Qian'er has also met a lover and got a good marriage, I am also relieved."

But a few years ago, she didn't even dare to think about it. At that time, what she worried about every day was whether the dragon and phoenix twins would survive.

"You can take a good look at Shan'er's marriage. When we return to Beijing this time, we will also stay permanently. Shan'er's studies are not bad, and there is no problem with Congwen."

Sun Ziqian smiled, took Lian's hand lightly and said gently.

The past fears and fears have passed, and now the children are healthy, and everything is moving towards the best path.

Lian Shi nodded, that's exactly what she thought. Originally, she wanted to continue to marry the Su family, but without this fate, without this fate, she naturally wanted to take good care of her son. A good daughter-in-law is very important.

The Sun family has only one grandson, Sun Baoshan, and his wife is the eldest daughter-in-law and the only one. An intelligent and reasonable woman can make the family more prosperous.

Don't worry, look at each other slowly.


Su Xiaolu pays attention to Baiyu every day, and she finds it horrifying to do a simple calculation. In just a few months, the value created by Baiyu is tens of thousands of taels, and the supply is in short supply.

In December, white fish began to be sold on the market again. Su Xiaolu got the news from Zhou Zhi that the eddies on the sea surface became much smaller, and the probability of catching white fish increased, so more of them flowed into the market. up.

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