Falling in love with you, dressing up as a charming little fortune bag

Chapter 518 Second Detoxification

Chapter 518 Second Detoxification

Not only Queen Wei Ling believed in that order.

The emperor also believed, but their letters were different. The emperor's intentions were very clear. He was training Zhou Heng as a crown prince, and Zhou Heng was also working hard to learn it. Therefore, it only needed a chance to establish a crown prince.

"hope so."

Mrs. Zhao didn't understand such a profound matter, so she could only pray more, hoping that this day would come soon.

Mrs. Zhao looked at Su Xiaolu, her eyes were gentle, she pinched Su Xiaolu's cheek lightly, and said in a gentle voice: "Xiaolu, you are just like your older sister, you have been sensible since you were a child, and your mother has lived a very happy life."

"So what you want and what you like, don't hide it in your heart. Parents may not be able to help, but parents will definitely do their best to help."

Her little daughter is not as innocent and lively as she was when she was a child, and many worries are buried in her heart. Zhao Shi feels very distressed, but there is nothing she can do about these things.

Time will not stop, and no one will stop.

Su Xiaolu smiled at Mrs. Zhao, she hugged Mrs. Zhao's waist, she was almost as tall as Mrs. Zhao, her head was pressed against Mrs. Zhao's shoulder, and she said in a coquettish voice, "Thank you mother for caring about me." , I know all about it.”

She grew up and understood everything.

After living two lifetimes, she once again understood many, many complex emotions.

Mrs. Zhao stroked Su Xiaolu's hair gently, and sighed softly.

After Su Xiaoling got married, the family became much quieter.

Sun Baoqian took over Su Xiaoling's matter of making scar-removing ointment, and she was not idle. She occasionally helped Su Xiaolu grind the medicine, and the relationship between the two was good. Sun Baoqian was very clear about her identity, she knew that she was Su Xiaolu's sister-in-law, and Not sisters.

As a sister-in-law, she gets along very well with her sister-in-law, and also handles the relationship with her in-laws very well.

In mid-December, Su Xiaolu started to detoxify Zhou Zhi for the second time, and told Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao that on December 15th, she and Zhou Zhi set off for the hot spring in Fengpotai.

In December, the wind is biting, and it would be nice to have a warm place.

In the past few months, since the appearance of the white fish, Zhou Zhi's health is getting better and better, and he can resist the various pain reactions of detoxification, which is a good time for detoxification.

Su Xiaolu wrapped himself in a cloak and got into the carriage, Zhou Zhi handed over a Mrs. Tang, he smiled slightly and said: "Xiaolu is cold, here, this one is warm."

Su Xiaolu took it over, Mrs. Tang was very warm, she smiled: "Thank you."

Zhou Zhi also seemed to be afraid of the cold, so he wore thicker clothes.

In the carriage, both of them were holding Mrs. Tang, and Jin Sijin Liusu Xiaolu, who was driving the carriage, were familiar with each other.

Accompanying them are Jin Wujin Qi Jin Ba Jin Jiu and others.

They were all familiar faces to Su Xiaolu.

"Any news from the beach recently?"

Being bored at leisure, Su Xiaolu asked about the white fish. When he came to Beijing, the price of the white fish seemed to have stabilized at a hundred taels, and hadn't dropped in the past few days.

Su Xiaolu didn't buy any fish, but Sun Baoqian bought some.

Everyone in the family enjoyed the blessings, and Sun Baoqian had a generous dowry, which was an extra meal for herself.

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu gently and said: "The market for white fish in central Beijing is saturated, but not in other prefectures. The whirlpool in Qinghai is getting smaller and smaller. Tons of white fish are caught every day. It's under control, but it won't be for long."

"This is controlled by the father's people. There are a lot of white fish, but it is still a good thing in essence."

Zhou Zhi was afraid that Su Xiaolu's understanding was not deep enough, so he directly mentioned the person behind the scenes.

White fish paper money, the emperor hasn't made enough money yet.

Su Xiaolu understood.

It takes one day to go to Fengpotai, and it may take night to arrive.

Zhou Zhi brought some snacks out for Su Xiaolu to eat, Su Xiaolu was not polite, took it and opened it, with a breath of aura, she glanced at Zhou Zhi: "Is this shredded fish made of white fish?"

The familiar smell, as well as some fresh and spicy flavors, made Su Xiaolu hungry.

Zhou Zhi nodded, and he said softly: "I thought the original taste of white fish was delicious, and adding some peppercorns and peppers would spoil the taste, but after making it, there is no such thing. It has a special taste, you will know after you taste it."

Su Xiaolu has already started eating.

The spicy and delicious taste stimulates the taste buds, it is very delicious, and one bag can be eaten quickly.

Su Xiaolu handed the bag to Zhou Zhi: "It's delicious, you can eat it together, this is very appetizing, you can eat more, you are too thin."

With the nourishment of white fish, Zhou Zhi couldn't gain weight, he was still very thin and looked sick.

Zhou Zhi smiled, twirled the shredded dried fish with his slender fingers and started eating with Su Xiaolu.

If the grease sticks to his hands, he will rub it off like Su Xiaolu.

It's a little spicy, but I can't stop it.

Before they knew it, the two finished a package together, Zhou Zhi took the handkerchief to wipe his hands, and Su Xiaolu wiped his own too.

Zhou Zhi took another bag and said, "Taste it, this one relieves spicy heat."

It's a candy bar.

Su Xiaolu ate a piece, and Zhou Zhi also ate a piece.

Su Xiaolu has some doubts: "Where did you buy this, it tastes a bit special, sweet and cool, is there silver elixir in it?"

The ancients called it Yindancao, and it was called Yindancao by later generations.

called mint.

But licorice extraction also has this effect, but I don't know which one to add.

Zhou Zhi smiled and said, "It's made in the house, with silver elixir grass added. If you like it, I'll send you a few bags later."

Su Xiaolu licked the candy, she really likes this taste.

"Then thank you."

Su Xiaolu didn't refuse, there seemed to be forty or fifty in this bag, if she ate it every day, she would finish it soon.

It feels weird to ask Zhou Zhi to give it to her all the time, but it's a pity that they can't be bought outside.

But how much you can eat.

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu for a long time, his lips raised slightly unconsciously.

At noon, I ate dry food, rested for a while and continued on my way.

In the afternoon, Su Xiaolu was drowsy, she glanced at Zhou Zhi, Zhou Zhi closed her eyes at some point, as if she had fallen asleep, Su Xiaolu was also very relaxed, she closed her eyes and soon leaned against the He fell asleep beside the carriage.

She didn't know, not long after she fell asleep, Zhou Zhi opened his eyes.

When they reached Fengpo Terrace, Zhou Zhi shook Su Xiaolu lightly and said, "Xiaolu, we're here."

Su Xiaolu opened his eyes, secretly regretting that he had slept too soundly.

Getting off the carriage with Zhou Zhi, they found that it was already dark.

They were beside a house, and the house had already been lit with lanterns, so they went in together.

Zhou Zhi said gently: "It's late today, I asked them to prepare lighter meals, Fengpotai also has some delicious food, you can try it tomorrow."

Su Xiaolu nodded: "Yes."

She's actually not picky eaters.

Zhou Zhi said it was bland, but the taste was very good, which suits her taste very well.

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