Falling in love with you, dressing up as a charming little fortune bag

Chapter 528 Confession

Chapter 528 Confession

Su Xiaolu told Su Sanlang and Zhao Shi about going out to practice.

The couple fell silent after hearing this.

Su Sanlang seemed to have something to say, but after looking at Mrs. Zhao, he still didn't say it.

Mrs. Zhao and him are just ordinary couples, ordinary parents. They always think that Su Xiaolu is extraordinary, but from the bottom of their hearts, they also want Su Xiaolu to be like an ordinary girl, talk about marriage and stay close to her parents. a little.

They also knew in their hearts that this day would come sooner or later, but when this day really came, they were very unwilling to accept it.

Su Xiaolu was also very quiet, didn't say too much, just leaned against Zhao Shi quietly.

"Xiaolu, mother really wants to disagree."

After a long time, Mrs. Zhao spoke up.

She rubbed Su Xiaolu's hair reluctantly, and said in a soft tone: "But mother has no way to disagree, Xiaolu, remember to go home often to see your parents."

She was still reluctant, but she was even more reluctant to embarrass Su Xiaolu.

Her little daughter has been filial and sensible since she was a child. How could she be willing to make her unhappy? When the child grows up, she is meant to fly away and stand on her own. As long as she remembers, no matter where she goes, she will always have a home. Just wait for her.

Her little daughter, sweetheart, just fly as much as you want, walk the road she has never traveled, see the scenery she has never seen, and meet many people, so that her life will not be in vain.

"Go, Mom and Dad will always be waiting for you at home."

Su Sanlang also stroked Su Xiaolu's hair gently, and said gently.

Su Xiaolu hugged Mrs. Zhao, and then Su Sanlang.

The next day, everyone in the family knew that Su Xiaolu was going out.

Sun Baoqian and Lin Yaoyao also came to care about Su Xiaolu and told her something.

At night, Mrs. Zhao personally baked pancakes for Su Xiaolu to take with her. These dry pancakes can be stored for a long time.

Su Hua gave Su Xiaolu a map of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Su Chong touched his head, he had nothing to give, so he had to give some silver.

Su Xiaolu put away everything carefully, and at night, Mrs. Zhao carefully packed her salute, which was light and easy to carry.

Su Xiaolu's sword and needle bag were packed for her.

Su Xiaolu's clothes were all made into men's clothes because she was going on a long trip. She tied up her hair, looked at him for a while, and thought she was a handsome little brother.

Su Xiaolu rode a horse out of the city gate, swinging the whip slowly, according to the map, she had to spend the night in the deep mountains and wild forests tonight.

But it doesn't matter, it's normal to go out and sleep in the wilderness, as long as you avoid too many beasts.

"Wait, little deer, little deer..."

There was a voice from behind, Su Xiaolu reined in the rein and turned her head. When someone approached, she asked, "Why are you here? Brother Baoshan?"

Sun Baoshan looked at Su Xiaolu, with deep affection in his eyes, and he said gently: "Xiaolu, I heard that you are going to walk the rivers and lakes, you look at me, can I go with you?"

Only then did Su Xiaolu realize that there was a burden behind Sun Baoqian's back, but it looked a little messy, as if it had been made on a whim.

Su Xiaolu frowned slightly and said: "But you should go to school well, it's more dangerous to venture into the rivers and lakes, I can't take you with me."

Su Xiaolu looked at Sun Baoshan, she felt that Sun Baoshan looked a little different, and she was wondering what was going on.

Sun Baoshan looked at her firmly and said, "Xiaolu, what if I say, I like you? I... I mean, the kind of love I want to marry you as my wife? I can wait for you to grow up, how many years I will You can wait, really, Xiaolu, I like you very much, I liked you very early, from the first time I saw you, I liked you."

When Sun Baoshan confessed, his face was flushed red, and he spoke incoherently, with some bumps and bumps.

But he did confess, and he made it very clear.

Su Xiaolu took this matter seriously, she pondered for a while before she spoke to Sun Baoshan: "Brother Baoshan, I'm sorry, I only regard you as a friend, we are not suitable, and I don't like you, maybe you will say that I still don't like you now. Little, I don’t know what liking is, but no, I already understand what kind of liking is true liking.”

"For example, my eldest brother likes my elder sister-in-law, and wants to be with her because he likes it. The second brother and second sister-in-law also like it, and the third sister and brother-in-law also like it. The kind of companionship for the rest of my life is like it. But you, I can't do it. "

Su Xiaolu also clearly expressed her dislike and intention, maybe Sun Baoshan will be depressed for a while, and will be lost and sad.

But it's something that has to go through, because she won't like him.

"Little Lu, is it because I don't know martial arts? That's why you don't like me?"

Sun Baoshan was very sad. He remembered about Su Xiaolu's liking for people who knew martial arts. He was very entangled, but he still asked. Anyway, he had already said it, so it was not bad.

He thought Su Xiaolu would nod, but Su Xiaolu shook his head instead.

Sun Baoshan was a little hard to accept: "Why?"

It's not because he doesn't know martial arts, so why can't I like him?

Su Xiaolu explained earnestly: "Brother Baoshan, I admire men with high martial arts skills, but this is not necessarily the case. I don't like you, but I just don't like you without love. We know each other and make friends. I still like you." Happy, but that's all, I'm leaving, you should go back soon, goodbye."

Su Xiaolu can lie to him and say that she is right, she just likes men with strong martial arts.

But she didn't want to lie to Sun Baoshan, after all, she had known each other for so many years, she didn't want to fill it up with lies.

She refused, no matter what, Sun Baoshan will be sad, but the sadness has a time limit, it will be fine when it passes.

I made it clear today that I will not be sad because of this incident in the future. This incident will be over. When I calm down, I can meet better and more suitable people and greet them with the best state. This is the best of.

Su Xiaolu left after speaking.

Sun Baoshan looked down at Su Xiaolu's back, he sighed, he gave up.

Before this, Lian Shi had already told him, but he did not give up, his sister knew his intentions.

Su Xiaolu was about to go out to practice, and Sun Baoqian told him that he hadn't slept all night, and mustered up the courage to chase him all the way, but it made him very depressed, but he knew that he really had no chance.

Leaning his horse back to the city, Sun Baoshan was lost all the way.

The whole person's thoughts are wandering.

The horse bumped into something, and he came back to his senses, and found that his horse had collided with a carriage. Before he could speak, a servant frowned and said, "How do you look at the road? You know that you hit someone?" ?”

Sun Baoshan didn't care to deal with this matter, he took off the money bag on his waist and threw it into the hands of the servant: "It's my fault, I will pay for it."

With that, he reined in the reins and left.

The boy frowned, the money bag was heavy, it was enough to compensate, and there were more.

So he stopped bothering, turned around and handed the money bag to the person in the carriage, saying: "Miss, this person is quite polite, he paid for it himself, seeing him in a daze, he must have been distracted by something. "

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