Chapter 535 Arowana

Chapter 535 Arowana

He knew that the price of white fish was outrageously high, and people also spread it mysteriously.

But he hadn't eaten it, and the high price made him stop, and he couldn't even afford to try it.

Even my uncle who often eats and drinks at An Lin's restaurant has never tasted white fish.

"I can catch dragon fish for you. You want eyes, heart and blood, right? Everything else belongs to me."

Su Xiaolu has some guesses about this arowana, but this guess can only be known by catching the arowana first.

Hearing that Su Xiaolu was willing to help, An Lie was very happy and excited: "Thank you, thank you."

The reason why An Lie wanted Su Xiaolu to like fishing was to take advantage of the satisfaction of fishing. If Su Xiaolu liked it, he would not let go of the dragon fish he caught.

It's just that he didn't expect that Su Xiaolu was different from others. Her mood changed so fast that An Lie was unpredictable and caught off guard, and he couldn't deal with it harshly. That's why she suffered and collapsed after losing control of her emotions.

"Do dragonfish like to eat fishy bait?"

Su Xiaolu looked at An Lie and asked.

An Lie nodded: "Yes, before my father and I came here, we cast the bait many times and nothing happened. The fish pieces smelled, so it bit the hook."

He has only seen dragon fish once in total, and he doesn't know much about what he likes. He just has a good memory, and he wrote down the process of that time, thinking about it again and again, and came to the final conclusion.

Today, the dragon fish biting the hook has also been confirmed.

Arowana has very different requirements for bait. If it does not meet the requirements, it will not eat it.

"I'm going to prepare something first."

After Su Xiaolu finished speaking, she walked into the cabin.

She also brought a lot of medicinal materials, so it's not difficult to make something.

Maybe fishing dragon fish doesn't need to be so complicated.

Anyway try first.

They are all some medicinal materials, which can achieve the effect without affecting the ingredients themselves, which is perfect.

When Su Xiaolu came out, An Lie looked at her expectantly and nervously. Su Xiaolu walked to the side of the bait bucket, sprinkled the powdered medicine into it, and then stirred it with a stick.

A strong stench and rotten smell came out.

An Lie immediately prepared a new fishing rod, hung the bait on the hook, and poured out the half bucket of bait, and then waited quietly.

There were waves churning on the calm sea, and the fishing rod An Lie was holding sank violently, and he shouted, "I've bitten the hook, Sulu."

He looked at Su Xiaolu eagerly, hoping that Su Xiaolu could come to help, he was afraid that he would not be strong enough, and it would end up in vain.

Su Xiaolu came to help.

The waves on the sea surface were churning, and the strength of the dragon fish was indeed too great.

Even with the addition of Su Xiaolu, it would be very difficult.

Under the turbulent sea, Su Xiaolu vaguely saw a black figure, like a big snake. Before seeing it, Su Xiaolu thought that the dragon fish was the same as the dragon portrait in her memory, but after seeing it, it was really not at all. picture.

The arowana is ugly, its pair of fish eyes are as big as a fist.

It is struggling hard, but its strength is getting weaker and weaker.

Su Xiaolu knew that the medicinal materials had played a role, and sure enough, if he insisted on it for a while, the arowana floated out of the sea without any movement at all.

An Lie's eyes were red with excitement, he pulled the dragon fish to the big boat, and dragged it onto the boat with all his strength.

An Lie didn't hear some faint 'da da' sounds.

Su Xiaolu looked at the cabin. When An Lie was doing his family affairs, Su Xiaolu noticed that An Lie's uncle had saved someone and lost a leg.

Su Xiaolu guessed that it was Ancheng, she thought of the previous inquiries, and secretly thought that she was unlucky, when she inquired about Anlie, she happened to find out about his uncle.

If Ancheng cared about his own home, it would be impossible for Ancheng to let Anlie face possible dangers. Ancheng should be on the boat, but he doesn't know when he will come out. Now that he heard the voice and saw Ancheng's figure appear, his guess has been confirmed.

The four eyes met, Ancheng smiled hehe: "What a coincidence, young master."

An Lie had already brought the arowana onto the boat, and sat on the boat crying and laughing tiredly. When he saw An Cheng, he was ecstatic: "Uncle, I did it, I did it, my sister was saved, and my mother's body was also saved." If you can get better, eat this dragon fish flesh and blood, and your legs won't hurt anymore..."

The lost leg can never come back, as long as it doesn't hurt all the time, only the living can have the energy to live.

If you are tortured by pain all the time, everyone will go crazy, and even the best spirit will be tortured and collapsed.

Well now, with Arowana, all the torment can end, and their family can at least regain their courage to face life.

The arowana on the deck squirmed, but slowly.

Ancheng looked at Su Xiaolu, and said respectfully: "My lord has a lot of people, I concealed my identity before, I hope you will forgive me."

Things that his elder brother couldn't catch with all his life, they can easily get them, and they are still alive, An Cheng dare not be disrespectful.

People can be shallow, but not ignorant.

"It's not this one, it's not this one that Dad stabbed."

An Lie frowned. He didn't see any scars on the dragon fish's stomach. This happened not long ago. Even if the dragon fish has the ability to repair itself, it is impossible to leave no traces.

This discovery made An Lie feel complicated.

This is a healthy arowana with plenty of energy

, but it gets caught instead.

Su Xiaolu drew out his sword.

An Cheng was taken aback, and subconsciously protected An Lie, he blurted out: "Young Master, if you are angry, just turn on me."

Andre was also a little worried.

His martial arts are not very good, and his uncle has a handicap. At this time, Su Xiaolu wants to turn his back on him. He has nothing to do. He has already realized that he and the young man in front of him are not of the same level, even as an enemy. Lower the opponent's level.

"Don't you want dragon's blood? If you don't go get something to fill it up, the dose is almost over. If you don't kill it now, when it recovers, it's hard to say whether the ship can trap it."

Su Xiaolu tapped her toes, flew up and stabbed fiercely, directly nailing the dragon fish's head.

With one hit, the body like a dragon fish and snake was twisted into twists, tense and ferocious.

An Lie came back to his senses, and immediately went to get a clean bucket.

The movement of the dragon fish's struggle became smaller and smaller until there was no movement at all. Su Xiaolu took the sword, and An Lie picked up the huge head and began to collect blood.

Su Xiaolu cut the dragon fish's abdomen, took the heart and eyes and gave them to An Lie.

With such a big dragon fish, Su Xiaolu divided a piece of meat and gave it to Ancheng: "Go and steam it, let's eat it."

For the others, Su Xiaolu is ready to put them away.

Peel the skin and cramps, and seal it in a box filled with ice cubes.

This arowana is also full of aura, even more aura than the white fish.

Arowana and white fish should come from the same place, white fish are already flooded in groups, what about arowana? There are still many secrets in this world, which will gradually surface over time. Perhaps in the future, those ancient legends will slowly appear.

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