Chapter 546 Blending

Chapter 546 Blending

But in that world, will there be people?

Su Xiaolu felt terrified when he thought about it, if there were immortal cultivators, how powerful would they be?

After the two worlds are completely merged, what are their chances of winning against the immortal cultivator? Whether it is for the fish or the sword is still unknown at this moment.

Or, in that world, it is not necessarily true that there is no human species.

After one night, the bait was dropped again the next day, and the arowana took the bait not long after.

When a fish took the bait, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, which showed that the dragon fish didn't have much wisdom.

He didn't take the bait anymore, maybe he smelled the same kind of blood or something.

When beheading, Guiyou changed the method, instead of bleeding, he directly pierced the heart and smashed it to pieces.

After changing this method, the number of arowanas caught will be more.

The cauldron didn't stop, and the spirit liquid of the dragon fish was directly filled in a large jar at the end.

When it was getting dark, he caught an arowana. When he saw this arowana, An Lie collapsed. He picked up a stick and beat him. Tears welled up in his eyes. The scar on the tail of the arowana was dazzling. He recognized it at a glance. one.

He finished venting, wiped his eyes and apologized to Guiyou and old man Wu: "I'm sorry, two masters. Not long ago, my father died because of this arowana. When I saw it again, I couldn't control myself for a while."

Thinking of his father who died in the sea, An Lie's eyes glistened with tears. God's will is like this sometimes, and it always fails.

It would be great if they could fish dragon fish so easily at that time.

Unfortunately, their father and son did not have such luck at the time.

Guiyou and old man Wu looked at An Lie and said nothing.

Guiyou handed the sword to An Lie: "You come."

The matter has come to this point, and no one can change what has happened. This arowana was caught in the end, and An Lie personally killed it, which can be regarded as revenge, and it is just a psychological comfort.

An Lie stabbed the dragon fish to death, and carried the dragon fish meat to the pot to vent his anger.

Having collected the fishing rod, An Lie sat quietly on the deck.

The sea breeze has already dried the tears on his face.

An Cheng walked up to him, patted his shoulder, and sat down beside him without saying anything.

Today's harvest is very large, twice as much as yesterday.

An Cheng gave An Lie the spirit liquid, An Lie didn't touch it, An Cheng just drank bottle by bottle.

This psychic liquid contained huge energy, and he didn't know he was hungry after drinking it, let alone he drank so much.

Su Xiaolu boiled the spirit liquid, and there are already hundreds of bottles.

Su Xiaolu took out the small stove and decided to refine and compress the spiritual liquid again.

She wants to condense them into individual pills for better storage.

Old man Wu drank some spiritual liquid, and under the supervision of Guiyou, he began the painful time of practicing martial arts every day.

An Lie had something on his mind, but it seemed much easier, he was not thinking about it, he was like a wooden stake, motionless as soon as he stood.

After practicing for half an hour, drink some spirit liquid and go to sleep.

Su Xiaolu guarded the medicine stove, observing the heat all the time.

Throughout the night, the cabin has a faint fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed.

In the end, all the psychic fluids were re-refined into pills, which were put into bottles by Su Xiaolu one by one, and then stored in the space.

At dawn, Su Xiaolu yawned and went to sleep.

Rest today.

This sea area is hers, and these good things can be done slowly.

After staying on the sea for more than half a month, Su Xiaolu already had hundreds of pills in late March.

Ancheng's legs have grown to the knees, and the cross section is very smooth. It doesn't look like a disability at all.

Every inch of the grown legs, bones and blood vessels are all missing.

It has been several days, and Ancheng's legs have not continued to grow. Ancheng has lost his worry at the beginning and finally accepted it smoothly. His legs have not continued to grow. The effect brought by the dragon fish has finally reached such a saturated state .

Ancheng asked Su Xiaolu to help him refine the psychic liquid into pills, and he stopped taking them because it was no longer useful after taking them. Selling these could bring a lot of money.

The number of dragon fish is running out.

An Lie emerged from the sea, and Su Xiaolu pulled him ashore and asked, "How is it? What's going on next?"

I fished for a long time today before I took the bait.

An Lie wiped his face and said: "Master, there are not many fishes left. I didn't realize it before. I clearly remembered that there were more than ten fishes yesterday. I only caught one today. What I can see below are only three or four fishes." Well, they must have gone elsewhere, but it's also strange, why didn't they go before."

Andre couldn't understand this question.

There is no dragon fish to catch, so they will lose a lot if they buy this sea area.

So many arowanas ran out, and I don't know where they went.

Su Xiaolu was calm, and took the handkerchief to An Lie, she said lightly: "If you don't have it, then you don't have it, I will fish for half a day tomorrow, if there is no response, then we will go back."

Su Xiaolu thinks that the biggest reason for the dragon fish to disperse and leave is that the integration of the two worlds has taken another step forward.

She doesn't know when it will be well integrated, but it's always right to be prepared.

At night, another arowana was caught, and after refining the medicine, Su Xiaolu went back to her room to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Su Xiaolu obviously felt the boat was bumping, and there was also a sound like a child crying.

She got up softly and got out of bed, and went out to check.


An Cheng was signaling her not to make a sound.

An Cheng's ears are very good. After taking the spiritual liquid extracted from dragon fish, not only his legs have grown, but his ears have also become more sensitive. As long as he wants, he can hear far, far away.

He couldn't be more clear about the current situation in Haili.

Su Xiaolu also heard a very strange sound, she calmed down, the ship's body swayed greatly, and after it gradually calmed down, An Cheng looked at Su Xiaolu and said, "Young master, there is a huge guy in the sea, very fierce."

"Besides the waves in the sea, there is also the sound of it killing people."

Ancheng was a little frightened, this is the terrifying thing about hearing greatness, he could hear the sound of sea water churning, and he could even hear the sound of predators hunting and tearing their prey below the sea.

He was also woken up by the noise, and couldn't fall asleep after hearing it, and dared not make any noise.


Su Xiaolu wondered, she didn't know how big the giant Ancheng described was.

An Cheng felt terrified, he exhaled and said, "Young master, it is at least as big as two restaurants, otherwise it wouldn't be able to make such a big commotion."

Just swimming by can cause huge changes in the sea surface. This is what he guessed based on experience. Seeing that Su Xiaolu still didn't understand, Ancheng said: "Young master, you have seen that big fish with a black back and a white belly. You just swam. What used to be, at least twice as big."

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