Chapter 548 Big Guy 2

Chapter 548 Big Guy 2

This is what the people who came back alive said. An Xiaoou had never seen how big a sea fish it was.

All the people who go to sea are good seedlings who go into the water, so they won't be drowned so easily.

But after the big kun appeared, it would overturn the ship, make the waves fierce, and make people stunned by the huge waves. Paled face.

He said that a person in front of the big kun is like a mosquito in front of a person, with no power to parry.

"Brother, it's a good thing you didn't meet. Those members of the Xu family haven't died yet. Brother, uncle, let's go home quickly."

An Xiaoou's eyes were slightly red. Looking at her brother and uncle who returned safely, she didn't know how happy she was. She even forgot that the fishing boats returned to the port with a full load. She didn't think of it at all. Yuhuo, I just want to let my brother and uncle go home quickly.

"Okay, let's go home."

An Lie nodded heavily, then he looked at Su Xiaolu, and was about to speak, Su Xiaolu spoke before him: "You go home first, you can give your mother and sister a try of that medicine, after taking one , at least half a month before eating, if you are full, there will be no reaction if you eat again, you can figure it out, the two masters and I are going back to the small courtyard, so let’s separate here.”

"Okay, thank you master for reminding me, An Lie would like to follow master's instruction."

An Lie nodded solemnly.

Su Xiaolu, old man Wu and Guiyou left.

Andre's family also went home.

When they were about to get home, An Xiaoou remembered that they went out to sea for fishing. She smiled gently and said, "Brother, uncle, can you stop going out to sea next time? Add something to the house."

An Xiaoou didn't care how much she would gain when she returned from the sea. What she cared about was the safety of her family.

In addition, there are big kuns in the sea now, and it is really too dangerous to go fishing again. Once you encounter a big kun, it is a miracle to survive.

Ancheng smiled and said, "Little Ou, we didn't get anything when we came back this time, aren't you disappointed?"

Knowing it was a joke, An Xiaoou wiped the corners of her eyes. She shook her head and said seriously, "I'm not lost, and neither is my mother. As long as you come back safely, it's better than anything else."

Now her health is better, and her mother's eyes are better. They can do weaving, dig some shellfish on the beach, and find some crabs to sell. Even if they are not rich, they will not be hungry. Being together safely is the most important thing.

"Let's go home first."

An Cheng smiled slightly, he was both unlucky and lucky in his life, at least no matter what time he was, no matter how downcast he was, there would always be a place for him to stay forever.

But they didn't fail this time.

As soon as he got home, An Xiaoou called 'Mother' from afar.

An's mother, who heard the commotion, also came out of the house. Seeing An Lie and An Cheng, she breathed a sigh of relief, looked at them with kind eyes, and said gently: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back."

After entering the house, Mother An served rice porridge for the two of them: "Eat something first."

Waiting for Anlie Ancheng to eat rice porridge with cold dishes, An's mother said gently: "Xiaolie, Xiaocheng, the sea is not stopping now, if not, don't go to sea in the future, mother thought about it, doesn't the An family want fishing boats? Sell ​​it to them, how about our family settling down to live an ordinary life?"

She had lost an important family member, and she knew what it was like to feel hopeless and gloomy, so she never wanted to experience that feeling again.

Both An Lie and An Cheng had a meal.

An Cheng put down the bowl and chopsticks first, and he raised his trouser legs.

"Sister-in-law, there has been a change in the sky. This time we go to sea, we may get something that the ancestors of the An family couldn't get in exchange for fishing. Xiaolie and I have a chance to become strong, so we don't want to shrink back, and we don't want to do it for the fish. I want to do it for Daozu."

An Cheng said solemnly, there is nothing more shocking than the half of his leg growing.

The moment An's mother saw his legs, all words were lost.

She covered her mouth tremblingly, unable to recover for a long time.

Slowly, she accepted this horrifying reality. Yes, her eyes were restored, and her daughter's heart disease was also healed. This miracle has already been revealed.

There was a change in the sky, so that big Kun appeared.

An Xiaoou was also speechless in shock, and after a long time she said, "Uncle's legs, can they... can they grow?"

Mother An's eyes widened in shock, and the rebirth of the stumped limbs, this is a heaven-defying thing.

Things like this will happen, so what will happen to the world they live in?

I dare not imagine, it is unimaginable.

An Lie said: "Mother, Xiaoou, we can't change the changes in the sky, but now we have the opportunity in front of us, we can change ourselves, and we have gained a lot when we come back this time. Small, but he is stronger than everyone here, and he caught the dragon fish easily."

An Lie took out a bottle, poured out two black pills, gave An Mu and An Xiaoou one each, and motioned them to take it.

"Mother, Xiaoou, this is the elixir extracted from dragon fish spirit liquid. My uncle grew out of this leg, and my body is also better. You eat it. From now on, our family will practice martial arts." , I know it’s a late start, but with some practice, a little foundation is better than nothing.”

An Lie looked serious, what will happen to the sky?

, No one knows, but the change of oneself can be mastered.

Be cruel, if you run faster than others, then the chance of surviving will be higher than others. He will definitely do everything to protect his family, but he is not omnipotent.

An Mu and An Xiaoou took the elixir.

An's mother said gently but firmly: "Okay, listen to you, as long as you don't dislike mother's stupidity, mother will definitely study hard."

An Xiaoou also nodded firmly: "Brother, I will work hard, and I also want to become strong, so that I can protect my brother in the future."

An Lie smiled, and he nodded: "Okay, our family will never be separated for the rest of our lives."

An Cheng patted An Lie on the shoulder: "You want to keep Xiao Ou as an old girl, and you don't want to see if sister-in-law agrees."

An Xiaoou blushed in embarrassment.

Mother An smiled and said nothing.


After Su Xiaolu and Guiyou Old Man Wu returned to the small courtyard, Su Xiaolu took out a medicine bottle and said to Guiyou, "Master Guiyou, I want to ask you something."

Gui You said lightly: "Let's talk."

He has already guessed a few points.

Su Xiaolu said: "Master Guiyou, I would like to ask you to send this bottle of dragon fish elixir back to the capital for my father and brothers to eat. Just give it to my second brother. I will write a letter and take it with you." go."

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