Chapter 550 Unwilling

Chapter 550 Unwilling

Su Xiaolu didn't bother with this, she had seen Zhou Zhi before when he was unconscious, but he was unconscious at that time.

Now that he is conscious, there is nothing he can do if he doesn't want to.

Su Xiaolu asked, "Is their section round and smooth, just like our normal skin?"

Su Xiaolu pointed to the back of her hand.

Zhou Zhi nodded: "Yes, after you gave me the spiritual liquid that time, the legs grew a little longer and the cross-section became smooth. Maybe because the body is poisonous, they are black and purple."

"Fawn, my legs will grow back, right?"

The world is already different, and he doesn't know what it will become in the end. The danger in it is accompanied by his new life, and he has the chance to profit from it, and become a healthy person again.

Su Xiaolu nodded: "Yes, if you get enough energy, your legs will grow back. I know this violates the laws of nature, but the current situation is like this. Natural changes, and astrology are also different."

Zhou Zhi smiled: "The world is mysterious."

"About this mutation, I made a guess."

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu, his eyes darkened, and he slowly said: "Xiaolu, have you ever thought that there may be many worlds like ours in this world, each world is not connected, They don’t know each other, unless some kind of mutation occurs, the barriers separating the two worlds are broken, and the two merge into a bigger new world.”

"In our current world, there is no aura to speak of in the world. Those fantasies of flying with swords can only be seen from story books, and those ancient, mysterious, and fantasy stories may have been true at one time, just like Yes, after thousands of years, the dynasty we are in now may be passed down by history, or may be submerged in the long river of history."

"Xiaolu, some of the fish species that appeared in Qinghai are exactly those ancient fantasy records. Have you ever thought that that world is just like our world? The two worlds will merge, and it won't be long before they will be Earth-shaking changes have taken place, and if there are so-called immortals in that world, it might be very difficult for us."

Zhou Zhi's thoughts are deep and far away. He is extremely intelligent and resourceful. For others, this kind of thing may be panic and fear, but for him, he is looking forward to it.

Maybe when ordinary people realize this, they will complain and feel helpless, but he won't.

He looks forward to getting a new life from it and becoming a healthy person again.

Su Xiaolu pondered for a while and said: "You are right, your guess will be verified in a short time, but I believe that even if it is difficult, people can get through it, don't underestimate the mere physical body, people are very fragile, but It’s also tenacious, like a weed, always surviving hard.”

Grass is the most suitable word to describe human beings. No matter how barren a place is, it will be covered by weeds one day. No matter how powerful the medicine is, it can’t get rid of the grass. They can always grow tenaciously everywhere. .

Humans are best at dormant, waiting for a chance to soar into the sky.

"Perhaps in many years, people will be able to fly in the sky without internal strength, fight without being close-up and bare-chested, and perhaps fly out of the world to survive in the vast starry sky. There is no limit to progress and development."

People will never stop the pace of development.

"Yeah, I really hope that I can live to that time."

Zhou Zhi narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, he put away his sharpness, and looked at Su Xiaolu with a gentle smile, he felt that Su Xiaolu was like a sun, wherever she stood, he would be attracted by her shining light.


This word came to Su Xiaolu's mind, she smiled and said nothing.

She doesn't know whether people will live forever in the future. Anyway, in her previous life, human beings hadn't achieved longevity. The answer to this will not be known until a long time later.

"Does Xiaolu want to live for a long time? Just go and see with your own eyes what the future generations will look like for so long?"

Zhou Zhi suddenly asked Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu shook her head: "I don't want to live so long, a hundred years is enough, the current appearance is the best, and the appearance of future generations will be seen by future generations for me."

It would be good to live too long, because thinking of longevity, she remembered a piece of news she saw in her previous life. An old man lived for more than a hundred years, and all his relatives had passed away. He was so lonely. , Later, he didn't want to live anymore, so he starved himself to death like that.

Living too long is actually not so good, relatives and friends are no longer there, the prosperity of the world shuts him out, and the soul does not belong, so what is the point?

Zhou Zhi smiled, and said gently: "If you know and stay with the person you like for the rest of your life, then you will have no regrets for fifty years."

Su Xiaolu nodded, ending the topic.

Before leaving, Su Xiaolu agreed to go out to sea with Zhou Zhi, and agreed to go out to sea tomorrow night. After all, the sea is not calm now, and there is a fierce big Kun, so there are more people to help.

Su Xiaolu went back to the small courtyard.

The small courtyard was originally very quiet, but as soon as she got home, old man Wu began to moan.

"Ouch, my hand is about to break..."

"My old waist..."

Su Xiaolu couldn't laugh or cry, the old man was howling so hard, she would never soften her heart.

But after the practice is over, she will use her inner breath to relieve the old man's fatigue, just like Guiyou once did.

In the evening, Su Xiaolu bought a bunch of medicinal materials and came back, while supervising the old man to practice

Gong packed up the medicinal materials.

An Lie came over to see if Su Xiaolu needed his help.

"Master, why don't I just stay here, if it's really not possible, I can cook for you."

An Lie couldn't find a reason to stay. He rubbed his head and remembered that Su Xiaolu's cooking was a mess, and he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Su Xiaolu pondered, this is really an irrefutable reason.

After thinking for a while, she nodded: "Okay, you stay here to help with some chores, and you can't waste your practice. You can't stop for a day, you know? There is no shortcut in this matter."

An Lie nodded, he is not afraid of hardship.

After dinner and practice, An Lie's head was covered with sweat, and his face was a little grim, but he didn't cry tired at all.

Su Xiaolu was grinding medicine, occasionally looking at them, and found that the old man was also very quiet today, without moaning.

Su Xiaolu suddenly felt that it would be good to keep An Lie, and this aroused the old man's determination to strive for strength. A man who wants to be strong in his life will never admit defeat.

Su Xiaolu guarded the medicine stove, adding something to it from time to time.

When the midnight came, Su Xiaolu said 'it's ok', and then An Lie lay limp on the ground, not wanting to move.

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