Chapter 557 Fourth Brother

Chapter 557 Fourth Brother

Seeing herself hugging Zhou Zhi like an octopus, she quickly let go.

I don't know when the master and the others will find themselves. On this island, there are only her and Zhou Zhi. If they want to live temporarily, they have to build a shelter.

If it's just herself, she can say that she can sleep in mid-air with just a few vines.

But now there is Zhou Zhi, it is not acceptable in mid-air.

Then you can only find it on the spot.

Su Xiaolu stood up, looked around, and then walked into the jungle.

The jungle is lush and full of spiritual energy. When Su Xiaolu saw the bird's nest, he flew up to the tree and dug out the bird's nest. Four or five eggs were the source of nutrition.

Seeing the pheasant, he even picked off the leaves, and hit the pheasant with his inner strength.

When she came to the place where she found Basho last night, she really found the water source and took care of the pheasants. She looked around and found a cave. She took the water and turned back.

When she returned to the fire, Zhou Zhi was not there.

But there is a crawling trail leading to the beach.

Su Xiaolu put the grilled chicken on the rack, and went to find Zhou Zhi.

Zhou Zhi was digging for shells and the like on the beach. He sat cross-legged on the beach, with no image at all. He dug out one with a stick and wrapped it around with his clothes.

Xu Shi noticed Su Xiaolu's gaze, he looked back and waved to Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu shouted: "Come back quickly, I dug out the bird's nest and caught the pheasant."

Zhou Zhi nodded: "Okay, here we come."

After Su Xiaolu finished speaking, she turned around and returned, she did not help Zhou Zhi.

Seeing her disappear, Zhou Zhi also heaved a sigh of relief, Su Xiaolu is smart, and most of the time, she can understand without him saying anything.

Even if he climbed by himself or walked reluctantly, he didn't want Su Xiaolu to help him at this time.

Back by the fire, the grilled chicken is already fragrant, without any seasoning, just the taste of the chicken itself.

Zhou Zhi poured out some shells from his bag, washed them with water, wrapped them layer by layer with banana leaves, and finally buried them in flint.

"I don't know when they will come. I found a cave that is close to the water source and I can settle down. We will move there later."

Su Xiaolu stirred the fire and said while adding firewood.

Zhou Zhi nodded: "Alright."

"Xiaolu, what did you call me big brother?"

Zhou Zhi asked, he found that Su Xiaolu didn't address him formally, maybe Su Xiaolu didn't know what to call him, the cold King Ming was not what he wanted.

"Third brother."

At home, Zhou Heng is also her relative. Zhou Heng is younger than Su Chongsuhua, so he is called the third brother.

"Xiaolu, we are also friends, right? Now that we are in trouble together, we may have to stay here for a while. It's not good for you to call me King Ming. Why don't you call me Fourth Brother? Treat me like your brother and the others. .”

Zhou Zhi smiled gently, and gently asked Su Xiaolu if he would like it.

Su Xiaolu thought for a while, she couldn't even call Ming Wang, so she nodded, "Okay, then I'll call you Fourth Brother."

Now Zhou Zhi and Zhou Heng get along well, Zhou Zhi is Zhou Heng's younger brother after all, so it's fine to call him fourth brother.

Su Xiaolu generously agreed, she looked at Zhou Zhi, and said to him: "Fourth brother, then we will move there in a while, if you are injured, you can recuperate in the cave, for small things like finding food, I can do it, you can Let's go, brother four."

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu, he always felt that she was shining, and when she called him fourth brother, her voice seemed to be different.

Zhou Zhi nodded: "Okay."

He agreed, and everything seemed to be as it should be.

The roast chicken was mushy, he watched Su Xiaolu turn around, he slightly curled his lips, and stretched out his hand to help, he said softly: "Xiaolu, this is not how the roast chicken is roasted, the fire here is too high, it will burn."

"I'll do it." He said again, Zhou Zhi turned around a bit, Su Xiaolu was dealing with ingredients, her talent had never been good.

Su Xiaolu knows her shortcomings, so she just needs to be obedient.

Zhou Zhi took over the job of roasting the chicken, and when the roasting chicken was almost ready, the two ate half of it together and kept the other half for good.

The shells dug up are also healed, with cracks, not much meat, and some sand, but they are still meat after eating.

After eating, the two began to move.

Su Xiaolu squatted down: "Come on, fourth brother, I'll carry you on my back. It's a little far away. Between us brothers and sisters, we don't have to care about those rules."

Su Xiaolu knows that the disabled have their own dignity, if Zhou Zhi were King Ming, she would not help him like this, but now it is different, he is her fourth brother.

Between brothers and sisters, how can there be so many embarrassments.

Su Xiaolu was magnanimous, Zhou Zhi's expression cracked for a moment, and he took a deep breath before nodding: "Okay, thank you Xiaolu."

Zhou Zhi climbed onto Su Xiaolu's back, his whole body was tense and stiff.

Su Xiaolu didn't care, she said to herself: "Fourth brother, you are not heavy at all, not as heavy as the armor that Master Guiyou made me and elder brother wear when I was practicing martial arts."


Zhou Zhi was thoughtful.

Su Xiaolu nodded: "Yes, Master Guiyou is very strict. I am often beaten so hard that I can't get up. Although it is very hard, I always like it very much. In the past, my brother and I were tired from practicing swords, so we would lie in the yard. When it snows, the snowflakes fall on the eyes."

"At that time, sister

My sister will bring it to eat and squat down to feed me. "

Su Xiaolu recalled the past, feeling a little emotional in her heart, those memories seem to be yesterday, but in the future, such days will never happen again.

The eldest brother and the second brother are married, and the elder sister is also married.

"I can imagine such a picture, warm and beautiful."

Zhou Zhi smiled lightly, but he also felt very warm when he heard about it.

Su Xiaolu's breath smelled good, which made him feel at ease.

After passing the plantain forest for a quarter of an hour, we came to the cave that Su Xiaolu mentioned. The cave was not big enough for four people to hide in, and it was wide enough for him and Su Xiaolu.

Now it's just a matter of cleaning out the inside of the hole, lighting a fire, and letting the cave dry out.

Su Xiaolu put Zhou Zhi down and said, "Fourth Brother, clean up these weeds, and I'll get firewood."

Working together, Zhou Zhi nodded.

Although the sun is good now, the wind and cloud in the coastal areas are unpredictable, and they need a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

He has limited mobility and what he can do is limited. Su Xiaolu's arrangement is very good, neither letting him be idle, nor letting him do things that are difficult for him to do.

Zhou Zhi took out the dagger to Su Xiaolu: "Xiaolu, you take it."

Su Xiaolu took it, and she smiled: "Then I'll go, and you should be careful."

Su Xiaolu went to find firewood, chopped some wet ones and brought them back together, and collected some dry leaves.

In the evening, the two of them ate the remaining half pheasant and ate two medicated pancakes. Su Xiaolu felt that they would be able to leave here in three or four days, but after they spent four days on the island, they just ushered in There was a storm.

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