Chapter 561 Dangerous

Chapter 561 Dangerous

Su Xiaolu also got to know many plants because of this.

When she was tired, she stopped to rest, Zhou Zhi lit a fire, she came from hunting, and buried under the tree what she couldn't eat, and then turned it into nutrients to feed back to the island.

In the deep forest, after walking for several days, Su Xiaolu was sure that there was no danger here, and he had never seen any predatory beasts, except them.

Because she was hunting, the animals were on their guard.

Eating rabbit meat at night, Su Xiaolu gnawed on the rabbit leg, she and Zhou Zhi sighed: "Fourth brother, if animals can talk, what do you think they are talking about now?"

Zhou Zhi smiled: "If they could talk, then they would say that there are two long-haired monsters in their homeland, and they specialize in eating small animals."

"Haha, yes, they have become vigilant, and now they will not be curious to see us when they hear the sound, and hide far away. When I go hunting, if there is a loud noise, they will run away as soon as they hear it. There is language among animals, it must be passed on by word of mouth, there are two scary long-haired monsters, who only pick out long, fat, tender and cute little animals."

Su Xiaolu felt happy thinking about it. When they arrived on the island, those little animals had never seen a stranger at first, so they didn't know what vigilance was.

Even if you see them, you will not hide too far away, and some will come closer to see them.

But after she raised the knife, the little animals were frightened and became vigilant.

Because if you are not vigilant, you will lose your life.

Obviously living on a deserted island, Su Xiaolu felt that she had gained weight.

The animals on this island are fresh and tender, very delicious, and also have aura.

In fact, she has already secretly stored it in the space a lot.

Zhou Zhi also laughed.

At night, the two slept next to each other, not far apart.

Su Xiaolu sleeps very soundly, she may never know, he is reluctant to close his eyes many times, even if he looks at her quietly, he can look at her for a long, long time.

Until the end of June, the weather was hot, Su Xiaolu and Zhou Zhi also traveled all over the island, but found no other way out. After returning to the original point again, Su Xiaolu began to cut down, and prepared to build a boat with Zhou Zhi.

After a tiring day, Su Xiaolu yawned, Zhou Zhi said softly, "Xiaolu, we will definitely go out."

It has been more than two months since they landed on this island, he was afraid that Su Xiaolu would be depressed, although Su Xiaolu never showed it.

Su Xiaolu waved his hand: "I believe fourth brother, I'm so sleepy, I'll go to bed first."

She doesn't know how to build ships, Zhou Zhi is so powerful, he is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, even if he builds ships, it will be a matter of time.

This is not her concern, what she has to do is to let Zhou Zhi eat more kinds of meat, so that his physical fitness can be kept in the best condition.

Late at night.

Dazed, Su Xiaolu heard some rustling sounds, she immediately woke up, and opened her eyes vigilantly.

Looking at the ground, there are many thorny branches extending out, and they are still growing.

Su Xiaolu immediately took a stick as a weapon, and she immediately called out to Zhou Zhi: "Fourth Brother, wake up."

The beating of the stick can only temporarily suppress the growth rate of this weird thorn.

Zhou Zhi woke up, saw this situation and instantly became sober. He didn't want to drag Su Xiaolu down, so he said without hesitation: "Xiaolu, go quickly, don't worry about me."

Su Xiaolu didn't respond to Zhou Zhi's words, she took the back of the chair and fixed it, while squatting down while paying attention to the thorns, she didn't turn her head: "Fourth brother, come up, hurry up, I won't abandon my relatives. "

Hearing Su Xiaolu's words, Zhou Zhi didn't hesitate any longer. He stood up, but felt a dull pain in his palm. He looked around and found a thorn had grown in his palm. He frowned and looked at it. Looking at Su Xiaolu who was still protecting him in front of him, he was full of thoughts.

Su Xiaolu didn't know about Zhou Zhi's situation, she waved her hands with afterimages, these things seemed to know that she was not very lethal, and it was already a bit difficult to suppress.

"Fourth brother, hurry up."

Su Xiaolu urged.

Zhou Zhi's eyes were dark, he stretched out his hand, without hesitation, he broke the thorn ruthlessly, endured the severe pain, and climbed onto the back chair.

He was shaking with pain and sweating like rain, but he didn't say a word.

After Zhou Zhi sat down, Su Xiaolu jumped lightly and flew away from this weird place with light work. This was the first time they encountered danger, and the reason is unknown for the time being.

After arriving at a safe place, Su Xiaolu checked that there was no problem before putting Zhou Zhi down.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but when you see it, you are startled, Zhou Zhi's face is already grim in pain, and his whole body is trembling slightly, Su Xiaolu can tell at a glance that he has been restraining himself.

"Xiaolu, don't worry about me, stay away from me."

Zhou Zhi restrained the pain, even endured the trembling of his voice, but the only thing he couldn't control was the grim face because of the pain.

He didn't look at Su Xiaolu and lowered his head.

His situation is obviously very wrong. This area is full of uncertainties. It seems that there is no danger. It is because the danger has not been revealed. Like now, where does this strange growth of thorns come from, and what will happen in the end? No one knows. Know.

Su Xiaolu frowned, she took out the needle bag, and was going to stick a few needles on Zhou Zhi's Mingmai acupoint, at least to protect his heartmai.

However, after the needle was inserted, the silver needle could not pierce Zhou Zhi's skin no matter what.

Zhou Zhi shivered, not because of the cold, but because of the pain: "Little Lu, hurry up, please..."

He was afraid that she would not leave, he was afraid that he would

This indefinite situation would hurt her, he was too afraid.

Su Xiaolu was also anxious, she took out the bottle, pinched Zhou Zhi's mouth open and poured all the pills in, but seeing Zhou Zhi's situation, she had no choice but to back away first, she flew up the tree, looked at Zhou Zhi from top to bottom Sincerely.

She couldn't turn around and walk away, but she couldn't get close to Zhou Zhi like this.

Zhou Zhi ate some of the pills, and some fell to the ground. They were obviously expensive, but Su Xiaolu didn't feel bad at all.

Zhou Zhi curled up, as if wanting to relieve the pain, Su Xiaolu saw that his exposed arm was green.

And the greenness is still spreading.

Zhou Zhi should be in pain, but he didn't cry out.

"Fourth brother, take medicine, as much as you can take."

Su Xiaolu tied a bottle of medicine with her belt and hung it down. These are all life-saving medicines she collected, and they are all made from space elixir.

Zhou Zhi ate tremblingly, but the situation didn't get any better.

He gradually turned green and became a green man.

The good news is, he doesn't seem to be in that much pain anymore.

Zhou Zhi couldn't bear the pain and showed no signs of attacking madness, Su Xiaolu came down from the tree and fed Zhou Zhi the medicine from the medicine bottle.

Zhou Zhi looked over, his pupils were all green——

"Little deer, don't come close to me, I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

Zhou Zhi's heart trembled, Su Xiaolu was too close, so close that he didn't care about her own safety.

Su Xiaolu smiled slightly and said, "Fourth brother won't do it."

What he didn't do despite the severe pain, now that he's relieved a bit, how can he do it.

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