Chapter 568

Chapter 568

"Master, Xiao Niu and Uncle Niu have already left, do you know?"

Su Xiaolu asked suspiciously.

Old man Wu was a little helpless: "Why didn't you girl sleep?"

Old man Wu seemed to have thought of something, his expression was solemn: "Girl, have you seen them off?"

Su Xiaolu felt something was wrong, she nodded truthfully: "Well, I even gave them something."

Old man Wu frowned: "Girl, next time you know they are gone, you don't need to give them away, you don't need to give them anything, and you can't keep them if you give them away. Sending them away is also a disaster. Their lives are different."

Su Xiaolu felt a little uncomfortable: "Why is it different? They are human too."

Why do you have to suffer after learning something?

Gui You said in a deep voice: "It's okay, Mr. Niu will take care of it properly."

Old man Wu stretched out his hands to rub Su Xiaolu's hair and said, "Go back to the room, master tell you something."

After returning to the house, the old man Wu said slowly: "There are many mysterious things in this world. Ordinary people will not suffer that kind of crime. Those who walk that way are all people with ill-fated lives. The things you learn are all exchanged with the sky. Five disadvantages and three shortcomings are irreversible. They have extraordinary abilities and can stir up the fate of the country. When they see them, the dignitaries have to be treated as honored guests. It is because there is no god in the world, but they are gods."

"Some people suffer all their lives, but they can ask someone to change their fate. If they do such a thing, they are against the heavens, and they will be punished. In the secular world, no one suppresses them, so it is the way of heaven that suppresses them."

"They can do evil, but they can also do good. To accumulate merit and good fortune, your uncle Niu is doomed to be hungry and cold all his life. Seeing him off will only bring disaster to him. We haven't known each other for long, and we haven't had time to get along with you." You explain, if he accepts your kindness, he will naturally have a solution, you don't need to think too much about it, just remember, the next time you meet and we separate, you don't have to worry about anything."

Old man Wu said these words earnestly. As a good friend, he can raise cattle for the rest of his life, but he can't. Everyone's life is different, and everyone just enjoys it when they get together.

I said it today, Su Xiaolu will understand in the future.

"Master, but Uncle Niu didn't do anything evil."

Su Xiaolu was puzzled, both the old cow and the cub were very gentle.

But such a person has a miserable fate.

Old man Wu stroked his beard: "Girl, some people are born with hardships, but your Master Niu is a good person, so he can live such a long life, otherwise he would have died a long time ago. He has committed five disadvantages and three shortcomings, poverty and illness. Learn from this." Dao survived."

Being able to live safely until now is also a manifestation of good deeds.

Su Xiaolu seemed to understand but didn't understand. Fate is profound, so it's normal for her not to understand it. She smiled and said, "See you next time, and I'll treat them to something delicious."

When we meet again next time, she can invite the calf to eat more delicious food.

Su Xiaolu thought of the things she gave, and she was a little worried: "Master, then the things I gave..."

Old man Wu waved his hand: "It's okay, he will take care of it properly, and the old man will have a long life."

Since he will accept it, then he has his own way.

Only then did Su Xiaolu feel relieved.


Niu Lao waited until he was far away, and then sighed: "Cub, why did you ask the master to accept it, the old bone of the master can't stand the toss."

Niu Zai pursed his lips and said embarrassingly: "Senior sister is very good, I can't bear to refuse her, I'm sorry master."

Niu Lao stroked Niu Zai's hair: "How long have we known each other, and the senior sister calls each other so nicely, she is good, how can she be better than the master?"

Niu Zai hurriedly shook his head, naturally only the master is the best in the whole world.

Old Niu smiled and hummed a song, and took the cub out of the city facing the rising sun.

Seeing a vagrant begging figure in the distance, Niu Lao's eyes lit up, and he walked over with the cub.

The cowboy helped the old man up and quickly gave the old man a drink of water. He asked gently, "How are you, old man?"

The old beggar was just hungry and tired.

After drinking some water, he calmed down and said with tears, "Thank you, I'm fine, I'm just tired and hungry."

Niu Lao took off his coat, gently tore open a hole and said: "Old man, this is made of fish velvet, you can soak it in water to drink."

The old beggar was very shocked and moved. He looked at the cow cub and the cow boss, and he couldn't bear to say: "You don't look much better than me. I took it, what do you do? I... I can't bear to take it away. "

Old Niu smiled: "Old man, we have our own way of survival. This good thing doesn't belong to us in the first place. Now that we meet you, it means it should be yours."

"Cub, let's go."

Niu Lao covered the old beggar with his clothes, and left with the cub without looking back. ,

The old beggar wrapped his clothes tremblingly, lightly bit off a corner of the inside, and made a bow to the cow boss and the cow cub while chewing.


Su Xiaolu wanted to leave, so she went to An Lie's house to tell him.

An Lie had settled down at home, and when Su Xiaolu came to say goodbye, An Lie knelt down, kowtowed his head and said, "Master, I want to go with you, can Master take me?"

Su Xiaolu looked at An Lie, and An Lie recognized her as his master from the bottom of his heart, so his tone and behavior were as cautious as a young apprentice.

Su Xiaolu said seriously: "An Lie, I can't take you there, your hometown is a good place.

Place, you can continue to develop here, your uncle and your family need you very much, I will write to you in the future, besides, you have to help me manage the sea area. "

There is a treasure land on the surface of the sea, and she can't let go of this treasure land even if she leaves here.

An Lie was a little disappointed, he wanted to go out with Su Xiaolu to see the world.

But after Su Xiaolu said, he also knew that he had more important things to do, so he solemnly said to Su Xiaolu: "Don't worry, master, I will definitely manage your sea area well."

Su Xiaolu nodded: "I'm here for this purpose. I'll give you something. This is a method of catching dragon fish and refining spiritual liquid and elixir. It's very simple, as long as you have hands. When the time comes, you can take half and give the other half." I asked someone to send it to the capital, and I wrote down the fishing methods of other fish species."

An Lie took it and solemnly agreed.

Su Xiaolu looked at An Lie and An Cheng, and said seriously: "When you go out to sea, you must pay attention to safety. Whether it is a big kun or a sea kun, you can hide as long as you can, don't be foolish and reckless, you know."

Ancheng rubbed his nose, he smiled at Su Xiaolu and said, "Miss Su, can I exchange my elixirs for other species' elixirs in your hand?"

The dragon fish and those in the sea seem to have reached saturation, and the effect in the sea is not enough. As for the ones on land, Ancheng still wants to try.

Su Xiaolu nodded: "The value is equal, you can exchange it."

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