Chapter 570 Get the news

Su Xiaolu left the inn and looked for it according to the address given by the old man.

As she walked further and further away, Su Xiaolu wondered if she had found the wrong place. In the end, she stood outside a coffin shop and looked again and again. The address was correct, but why is it a coffin shop?

On this, it is clearly said that it is tailor-made clothing.

Su Xiaolu thought for a while, and then raised her hand to knock on the door. Maybe she moved. Ask the current owner to find out the location.

Su Xiaolu heard heavy footsteps, and soon the door was pulled open, Su Xiaolu took a step back.

This is a thick and strong man with a fierce face and a rough voice: "Boy, what's the matter with you?"

Su Xiaolu showed a smiling face, and said seriously: "Uncle, I'm here to find Chen Xi's tailor-made clothes, may I ask if he has moved?"

Reach out and don't hit the smiling face, no matter how fierce this uncle is, he won't be rough on her, a child.

The man looked Su Xiaolu up and down, and said solemnly: "I am Chen Xi, who is your school?"

He directly reported his identity and asked Su Xiaolu who he was.

Su Xiaolu was still smiling, and took out Minggu's ID card.

Chen Xi took it over, looked at it again and again, turned his head and looked at Su Xiaolu again, and finally realized: "The old man took in a girl, you are a woman disguised as a man."

Su Xiaolu nodded.

Chen Xi moved away: "Come in and talk."

When Su Xiaolu entered, Chen Xi closed the door, and he shouted into the room: "Yan Niang, old man Minggu's apprentice is here as a guest, please order some dessert for her."


There was a reply from inside.

Chen Xi made coffins, and several coffins were parked in the yard, some were painted and some were not, and there were also some large pieces of wood piled up.

On both sides of the corner of the small courtyard, vegetables and melons are grown, which are what farmers often eat.

Chen Xi brought Su Xiaolu in. The furnishings in the room were simple, but very clean, with a faint woody smell. Su Xiaolu took a look and found an incense burner.

"How is your old man?"

Chen Xi asked Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu smiled slightly and said, "Master is in good health."

"You came here to ask about the fog in the mountains."

Chen Xi took the initiative to talk about the fog.

Su Xiaolu nodded, she came here for this matter.

Someone came into the house, Chen Xi introduced to Su Xiaolu and said: "This is my wife, Mrs. Tian, ​​you can call her Auntie."

Su Xiaolu looked at Tian Shi, Tian Shi also smiled at her, she is a very peaceful woman, her skin looks very fair, her appearance is not outstanding.

Tian said with a gentle smile, "Hi Xiaolu, this is made by my aunt herself. Try it and see if it suits your taste."

Su Xiaolu smiled slightly: "Thank you, Aunt Tian."

She took a bite of a piece of pastry, it was fragrant and sweet, and it was delicious.

Chen Xi himself took two yuan to eat, and then said: "The fog in the mountains has been there for two months. People can't get out after entering, and sometimes they can hear beasts roaring from inside. The government sent heavy soldiers to seal it off." Yes, but the landscape and soil are good, and there are a lot of fungus recently."

"Recently, many martial arts practitioners have flocked to this small town, and some people have gone in, but they never came out. I don't know if there is an accident. If you want to check it out, you have to contact the government. Only a report is required, all the entrances that can be entered are sealed, and the ones that are not sealed are all cliffs, the kind that people can't climb up."

"Recently, some small animals will come out of the fog, similar to rabbits and hamsters. The meat is very delicious. They are the favorites of high-ranking officials. If you are lucky enough to catch a few, you can sell them at a high price. Girl, if you want to go Check it out, I suggest you join the government. A few days ago, a prince came from Beijing. There are many high-level people around him. He is calling for people with high martial arts. With your martial arts, it is no problem to join them. You go in with them, it's safer, the place where they convene is at the South Street Yamen."

While eating the pastry, Chen Xi told Su Xiaolu all the information he knew.

Su Xiaolu listened intently, she hadn't finished eating one piece, but Chen Xi had already finished the rest.

Su Xiaolu looked at the empty plate, Chen Xi smiled: "Sorry, I'm done eating."

Tian Shi was quite helpless, and pinched Chen Xi fiercely from under the table.

Su Xiaolu smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll eat just one piece."

It's delicious, but it's sweet, and she can't eat that much, but it seems that Chen Xi likes his wife's handicraft very much.

He looks like an iron rooster, he doesn't look like a generous person, I'm afraid that these things are usually not seen by others, let alone tasted, she can eat them all because of her status.

"Well, that's all I know. Say hello to your master for me."

Chen Xi said lightly.

Su Xiaolu nodded and stood up: "Okay, thank you Uncle Chen."

Chen Xi got up to see him off, Tian Shi got up and pinched his waist hard.

Chen Xi's expression didn't change, and he sent Su Xiaolu out.

The corners of Su Xiaolu's mouth couldn't help twitching, her eyesight and hearing were too good, Chen Xi's breath would be louder when pinched.

Chen Xi didn't seem to have a child, and Su Xiaolu didn't hear or see a child. If she wanted to know about this, the old man could tell her.

Leaving Chen Xi's house, Su Xiaolu thought about what Chen Xi said, a prince came from the capital


Zhou Zhi returned to Beijing, so it shouldn't be him.

But apart from him, Zhou Heng is the only one who is of the right age. After all, the other princes are not very old, so it is impossible for them to come to such a dangerous place.

Seeing that it was still early, Su Xiaolu turned around and went to the South Street Yamen.

Yamen is the stronghold of the government, no matter how big a small town is, there is always such a place.

When Su Xiaolu arrived, there was still a long queue, so many people, she did not expect.

She looked as if there was a notice, and she went to see why there were so many people, because the notice said that if there is an accident, the selected ones will pay their family members one hundred taels if they go in together, and the wages are one or two a day , If you meet something in it, you can take it according to your own ability, and whoever gets it will get it.

Because of this attractive money, there are many people queuing up. Some people think that maybe they can't do anything, maybe it's just a foil, and there are so many masters, and they can go in for a few days. It can be worth what the family can earn in a year or even a few years, and if there is an accident, a hundred taels will be paid.

If there are many sons in the family, they will send out strong men to try it. It is very dangerous, but it is also cost-effective, isn't it?

If you go in, even if you bring a rabbit back, you can sell it for ten taels, not to mention the danger and you can't see it. team.

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