Chapter 576

Chapter 576

The fat uncle and his two close friends all looked at Su Xiaolu with fierce expressions.

Su Xiaolu's expression was gentle: "Wait a minute." She pointed to Baixu's whip and explained, "You can't apply medicine now, this girl's whip is poisonous."


The fat uncle was surprised, and then his face changed: "I feel my hands are a little numb, and I have no strength."

His close friends frowned, and immediately took out the antidote and fed it to him.

But Su Xiaolu walked towards Baixu: "Miss Bai, we are all the same way, there is no need to be like this, let's get the antidote."

The poison in the fat uncle, the detoxification elixir has no effect, it can only be suppressed, but not really detoxified.

Bai Xu had already been supported by Bai Liu to the back, she glared at Su Xiaolu, and replied fiercely: "There is no antidote."

"You stinky girl, how can you use poison on weapons? You are too vicious. Quickly take out the antidote and don't force us to take action!"

Fat uncle's friend was angry.

Su Xiaolu looked at Baixu, and said calmly: "Miss Bai, I don't know what danger there is in this jungle, we all go together, maybe we will need someone else to save us later, so get the antidote."

"Old woman, hurry up and ask your apprentice to bring the antidote, otherwise we brothers are not vegetarians."

The fat uncle's two friends walked towards Bailiu.

Bailiu's old face was serious, and he didn't speak.

Baixu bit her lip and said stubbornly: "There is no antidote. I use poison on weapons. Isn't this a very common thing? Who told him to catch me with the whip? Besides, you have hidden weapons too. Don't you have hidden weapons?" Is it poisonous?"

Su Xiaolu took out the silver needle, and she stretched out her hand in front of Baixu: "This is an ordinary silver needle, and it is non-toxic."

Baixu moved her lips, still stubborn: "What, you say it's non-poisonous, it's non-poisonous, no matter how much poison is colorless and tasteless, I won't let you fool me, whether yours is poisonous or not is none of my business, anyway, I am There is no cure for poison."

"Besides, didn't he whip me, didn't I also hurt my back, I'm still a woman, how ugly the scars are, I hurt him and he hurt me, it's not even, why should I say He is vicious, and he is the one who provokes conflicts, if he is upset, he can destroy plants and trees like me, and no one is stopping him, should I bear with him when he provokes troubles?"

Baixu glared at Su Xiaolu unconvinced, the whip in his hand was already clenched tightly, if Su Xiaolu wanted to seek justice for the fat uncle, then don't blame him for being rude.

"Madam Bai, we are all traveling together to hunt for treasure. I know that you all have your own status in the rivers and lakes, but now here, everyone must unite with each other. It's just a verbal dispute. Enough is enough, and there is no need to hurt people's lives. Bar."

Liu Zijin came over and made a sound. He bowed his hands to Bailiu humbly and politely, looked at Baixu and said, "Miss Bai, take the antidote. One more friend is better than one more enemy. Maybe the girl is not afraid." , but this place is no small matter, each person is powerful, and it is inevitable that there will be times of negligence. You see, these trees are extremely large, so will the animals living here be also very large? The girl will not explain at this time Medicine, then both of you will suffer from both sides, and face the dangerous situation of fierce beasts from time to time, how can you get out of the dangerous situation with no one to help you?"

"The girl's words just now feel very reasonable. He was the one who made the move first. The two of you have consulted each other for advice. Now that it's over, it's not a deep hatred, and there is no need to put people to death and end up with both sides hurting."

Liu Zijin bowed his hands to Baixu, he spoke softly and politely, with a smile on his face.

Baixu pursed her lips and murmured softly, "It's as if I saved him and he will save me later."

She didn't look at Liu Zijin, because Liu Zijin was very gentle, and she couldn't be fierce in the face of such a refined man.

Bai Liu looked at Liu Zijin, then said to Bai Xu in a deep voice, "Xu'er, give Master Liu the antidote."

Baixu was still very arrogant, but still took out a small bottle from her cuff, poured out a pill for Liu Zijin, and she said fiercely, "Here you are."

Liu Zijin took it and thanked him gently: "Thank you Miss Bai."

The originally tense atmosphere was resolved like this.

Liu Zijin took the antidote to the fat uncle.

The fat uncle took the antidote for a while, and he felt that there was no problem when he moved his hands. His friend bandaged him with the medicine.

Su Xiaolu looked at Bailiu, Bailiu didn't seem to intend to bandage Baixu, and Baixu herself didn't intend to deal with the wound, she just changed a new coat and threw away the torn coat.

Su Xiaolu returned to the two masters, but didn't say anything.

Continuing on the journey, Su Xiaolu glanced at Baixu, who happened to be looking at her too, their eyes met, Baixu raised her head coldly and haughtily, and snorted.

Su Xiaolu: ""

Walking this time, Baixu was quiet, some blood was soaked out of the clothes she changed, she didn't seem to care about it at all.

Bai Liu didn't care either.

In Su Xiaolu's mind, three "bear children" came to mind.

What Bai Xu did, Bai Liu didn't care about her, and she didn't care if she got hurt, the relationship between the master and apprentice seemed so deserted, without any human touch.

Baixu's disdainful, bad-tempered character that would strike at the slightest disagreement is probably formed invisibly.

Su Xiaolu couldn't help but look at the cold and proud old man beside him, feeling warm in his heart.

Old man Wu raised his head proudly, now he knows he's all right.

The corners of Guiyou's mouth curled up slightly.

the old man

Su Xiaolu can't laugh or cry, but her old man is really good, he loved her since he was a child, but there are some tsundere ghosts who have a stubborn mouth and fear of women, but these small problems will only make the old man more cute.

Along the way, Su Xiaolu found that Baixu didn't utter a word of pain, even though there were fine beads of sweat on her cheeks, she always paid attention to Bailiu's face.

When it was getting dark, Zhou Heng stopped to rest. In this strange place, it is not suitable to walk at night.

I don't know what's going on here, so I didn't light a fire. Everyone sat on the ground and ate dry food.

Bailiu went to Zhou Heng's side, as if she had something to say.

Baixu watched her pass, and she got up to avoid the crowd. The wound on her body was really painful. After a day of traveling, her clothes rubbed against the wound, which made her feel even more uncomfortable.

She was about to take off her coat and take some medicine, when she heard movement behind her, she turned her head vigilantly, and said angrily, "Why are you here? Don't think I'm afraid of you now that I'm injured!"

Su Xiaolu smiled slightly, and she took out Jinchuang medicine and handed it to Baixu: "Get some medicine, here."

Baixu was hesitant. She looked at Su Xiaolu and couldn't understand why they were so kind. In the beginning, they wanted to grab something, so they should hate her. How could they help her.

Baixu's eyes darkened, this must be poisonous!

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