Remember in a second: 夲神站шшш.WΑnΒΕn.orɡ

Chapter 582 Fire

"Liu Zijin, do as Xiao Lu says, don't get distracted, we won't take care of your wife and children, but you have to take care of them yourself, Wang Huilan and her son, what we need is you."

"Listen, I won't grant your request."

Su Chong had an epiphany, he immediately rejected Liu Zijin's behavior like asking Gu Gu solemnly and coldly, and cut off Liu Zijin's idea.

Liu Zijin was in a trance, and suddenly felt pain. He looked at Su Chong, but Su Chong turned his head away from him.

Su Chong said indifferently: "Liu Zijin, we met by chance, and there is no friendship. Your cousin from the clan will take your place. Do you think I can believe it? Do you want to test human nature? I still have that one for a year or so. Patience, ten or twenty years, no one can do it, I also have a wife, I go to take care of other people's wives and children, will my wife allow it? Liu Zijin, listen carefully, I am no longer the Su Chong I used to be Yes, I have my own home, and in my heart, my own home is the most important."

"I don't care what kind of monster is on your body, you must defeat it!"

After Su Chong finished speaking, he turned his back. At this time, he could not give Liu Zijin any hope. He knew that these words were cruel, but it was also an indisputable fact.

Liu Zijin is smart, he understands better than anyone else.

"Brother Liu, don't admit defeat, you will definitely win! Don't forget, how you used to drag a nearly useless leg to rush for the exam. I remember you said that even if you die, you have to die while rushing On the way, instead of admitting defeat at the beginning, your mother has managed to live a good life for a few years, sister-in-law Huilan needs you, brother An also needs dad, they are all waiting for you!"

Su Xiaolu looked at Liu Zijin firmly, and said word by word that she believed that Liu Zijin would not give up.

You know, the former Liu Zijin walked so far with such a weak body and dragged his feet that were almost useless. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he walked over like a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​fire, he would not give up.

Liu Zijin's situation is the same as what Zhou Zhi encountered before, and outsiders can't provide any help in such a matter, and can only rely on his own willpower to overcome it.

Liu Zijin curled up on the ground, the pain made him want to give up, but his mind was full of Wang Huilan, the child and the mother, resisting, resisting, it really hurts.

He thought back to the time when he was rushing for the exam, didn't it hurt at that time? It hurts too.

How did he persevere back then.

He tried hard to think back, and remembered his mother's tearful and resolute expression, she said: "Zijin, mother believes in you, you will definitely be able to do it, go to the test, go to the test, even if mother dies, she will rest in peace."

So he left with all his strength, limping, with only that belief in his heart, relying on this belief, supported him to walk so far.

He is working hard, and God has not failed him. He met Su Chong. If he gave up halfway, he would not have met Su Chong. There are noble people in his life, but his own efforts are also indispensable.

Liu Zijin, you used to be able to do it, and now you can do it too, but it's just a painful pain, so what are you afraid of!

There used to be only his mother behind him, but now he has more wives and children behind him, let alone give up easily!

Hold on, hold on, you will be able to survive, you will be able to hold on.

Even though the pain swept through all the sea of ​​consciousness, he resisted it. The raging fire could not devour him any more.

"I'm going home, I'm going home..."

Liu Zijin muttered with all his obsessions, and it was this unrelenting obsession that made him endure for life.

From dark to dawn, the flames on his body gradually disappeared.

"Well, is he all right now?"

Seeing that Liu Zijin seemed to be all right, someone asked suspiciously, but they didn't dare to step forward to check.

Su Xiaolu stepped forward, stretched out her hand to pinch Liu Zijin's pulse to feel his pulse, the pulse was a little weak, a little weak, Su Xiaolu took out the medicine bottle, poured out a life-saving medicine for Liu Zijin to feed.

Liu Zijin looked at Su Xiaolu, and asked suspiciously, "Xiaolu, am I okay?"

Su Xiaolu looked at Liu Zijin's wrist, there was no trace, she nodded: "Calm down, feel it, and see if you can feel any invasion?"

Liu Zijin did as he did, and after a while he shook his head, there was nothing left.

With so many people present, Su Xiaolu decided to discuss this matter with Liu Zijin later.

Liu Zijin was sent back to the wooden house to recuperate.

He suddenly had an accident, which caught everyone off guard. For a while, people's hearts of exploration cooled down, and they all wanted to urge Zhou Heng to make a quick decision to leave.

Before they didn't want to go, now they want to go early.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and there are strange fires. It is obviously not safe here.

"It's so weird in here. The weather is like the twelfth lunar month in winter. Maybe it will be frozen and snowed at any time. If only I could control the ice and snow..."

Sitting around in twos and threes, someone casually mentioned it.

Everyone else smiled and agreed, if you can control ice and snow, then I can also control water and vegetation.

Some people say that it is powerful if you can control thunder and lightning, and if anyone is not pleasing to the eye, give him a lightning bolt if he is 'wow'.

Except for the accident that frightened them at the beginning, but there was no accident after staying for a long time. Everyone was relieved and started talking and laughing.

Listening to the noise outside, the cabin is quiet.

Su Xiaolu asked Liu Zijin how he felt.

Liu Zijin smiled and said: "I feel fine, I am in good spirits, and there are

It's a little strange, I can't say what it is, but I feel a little different. "

Su Xiaolu said calmly: "Take off your clothes, let me see."

Liu Zijin was a little embarrassed, but thinking that Su Xiaolu was a genius doctor, he took off his clothes as he said, and he saw a red mark on his arm.

"Little deer, what is this?"

Liu Zijin frowned, and he stretched out his hand to pull it. This mark seemed to grow out of his flesh, and it couldn't be rubbed off. It was a part of his body.

Su Chong and the others frowned.

But Su Xiaolu said: "This should be the mark of fire, try it and see if you can control the fire as you like."

Liu Zijin thought it was ridiculous, how could he control the fire, if he could control the fire, then he would hold the fire in his palm and have a look.

As soon as he thought about it, he was taken aback, not only him, Su Chong and others were also taken aback.

Liu Zijin's palm suddenly burst into flames, and the temperature was still very high.


Su Chong was a little worried.

Liu Zijin also opened his mouth wide, looking at the fireball in his palm in disbelief, he clenched it tightly, his fist became a fist of flames, he didn't feel any pain at all, he stretched out his other hand, just as the thought came to his mind, the palm of his hand A fireball burst out, and both of his hands became fireballs.

He thought about taking it back and disappearing, and the fireballs in his hands also disappeared in an instant.

Remember in a second: Complete the book of God War щщщ.ωΑnвеn.оrɡ

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