Chapter 593

"Hey, can we two be the same? Don't even think about it, what kind of handsome and suave old man was when he was young. The old man's appearance is better than Pan An's. Even if he is old, he is still a handsome and handsome old man. White eyebrows, white beard, every wrinkle on the face is handsome and good-looking, in the future when a girl finds a husband-in-law, she must look for her according to my youthful appearance, otherwise I won’t let her pass this test.”

Old man Wu immediately stroked his beard proudly and said.

"All right, you're the prettiest. I won't argue with you. You're right."

Mr. Niu waved his hand, as if everything you said was right.

Although the words are said like this, no one can hear the disapproval in the tone.

How could old man Wu be capable? He said immediately: "You think I can't hear your tone of a hermaphrodite. You are clearly jealous of me. You, girl, if you look for me as you were when you were young, I will not agree. I'm absolutely going to beat it out."

"Ah yes yes yes—"

Niu Lao laughed heartily.

Old Man Wu rolled his eyes: "Xiao Niu, tell me."

Niu Zai pursed his lips to hold back a smile, and said gently, "Master, you forgot, I can't see."

"It's not easy, so remember it well. When you can see it in twelve years, as long as your master and I appear at the same time, you can just say "Old Pan An" to me."

Old man Wu rolled his eyes, and there was a solution.

Old Niu smiled: "Cub—you can decide for yourself."

The cowboy smiled and agreed: "Okay."

He is looking forward to this day, twelve years, it seems not so far away.

There was a noise outside, and a large group of people came, saying they wanted to clean up the dilapidated house.

"You guys, build a shed first, and drive this old beggar and little beggar to live in the shed. This old man is not a heinous person who disregards human life. Since he is so sick that he can't move, this old man will save his life and build a seven-level pagoda to do this good deed. "

Old man Wu put away his smiling face and said seriously.

People who took money to work naturally would not say much, and even praised him as a bodhisattva.

With more people and more strength, Niu Lao quickly got a better placement.

With a warm bed and a shed that can protect him from wind and rain, he is very peaceful, and it is not bad to have such a good place to return to when he is dying.

"Old Wu, where are the girl and Brother Guiyou?"

Old Niu looked at Old Man Wu and asked.

He frowned slightly, and was a little worried. Just as he was about to say something, old man Wu gave him a blank look: "I don't know, I can handle it with my feet growing on them."

"My Minggu faction is free and at ease. Before I became a teacher, my master couldn't control me. My girl has already left a teacher. I take care of her when I'm full. The world knows that you belong to our school. I am me, even if she murders and sets fire to cause trouble, it has nothing to do with me."

Old man Wu stroked his beard and said.

Mr. Niu opened his mouth, wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it, it was wrong to say it, so he had no choice but to say nothing in the end.

Niubi pondered for a while, remembering that Su Xiaolu said that he would avenge him.

He had mixed feelings in his heart, he didn't tell Su Xiaolu who that person was, so it could be considered that there was no cause and effect.

And his senior sister is so smart, she knows what to do.


Guiyou and Su Xiaolu entered Yulin County together, first bought a house, and hired someone to build it.

Seeing that Su Xiaolu didn't intend to go back, Guiyou said, "Girl, have you made up your mind?"

Su Xiaolu smiled sweetly at Guiyou and said, "Master Guiyou, I still have a lot of refined elixir in my hand, these are treasures now, it's reasonable for me to sell some to those who are destined."

Everyone should understand the truth that everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

What the cows suffer is one thing, that's what they owe the cows.

What she wants to do is another matter. Buying and selling is a matter of your will, even if the incarnation of heaven comes and wants to buy her things, that's the same.

She can sell her things to whomever she wants, and she can give them to whoever she likes, even the way of heaven has nothing to do with it.

How much ability can eat as much food, others have only bowl-sized stomachs, and they insist on eating rice in a pot. No wonder she is so full. After all, she is such a good person, of course she will remind buyers to eat in moderation.

Then she said everything, but people insisted on refusing to listen, she could control it, she was neither a father nor a mother, and she didn't live by the sea.

"Then do it."

Guiyou nodded, and started to set up a stall with Su Xiaolu without saying a word.

There is a change in the sky, and the recovery of spiritual energy is no longer a secret. Although there is no business for this, it does not mean that there has been no such thing. They are just the first people to sell it.

No matter what the business is, someone must be the first to start selling it, and it cannot be said that the first person to do business is guilty.

The girl has bad water, like an old fox, which suits him very well.

The master and apprentice hit it off immediately, and immediately booked an inn, set up a banner, and were ready to start doing business.

With a wave of his hand, Guiyou wrote down the name of the business. It was simple and straightforward, and there was only one sentence on it: "The elixir obtained in the magical secret realm can give people a chance to activate supernatural powers."

He and Su Xiaolu stood by the side of the street, ice formed in one's hand, and a series of water bubbles appeared in the other's hand.

Such a blatant exposure of his supernatural powers really caused a sensation. The entrance of the inn was surrounded by people after a few breaths.

"The elixir is one thousand taels when you meet someone who is destined, and you can buy only ten thousand taels and hit me.

With one click, all the elixir can be taken away. "

Su Xiaolu's hearty voice and innocent youthful appearance immediately attracted attention.

This little white-faced doll can knock down two with one punch.

Immediately, people flocked forward, clamoring for Su Xiaolu to have a taste of the strength of his fists.

People are almost full on.

But they didn't even touch the bang, and a wall of water was erected in front of them.

There was a small but powerful little hand, slapping them one by one.

"Papa papa papa..."

The sound of slapping the face rose and fell, and the water wave pushed people to the ground, and there was a series of wailing.

The water wall disappeared, the young man showed his white teeth, smiled brightly, and said heartily: "Everyone forgive me, please go back, everyone can go around and tell each other, welcome your relatives and friends to try your luck, I will meet you again with the master Stay here for half a month, and will leave after this half month. During this half month, I and my master are waiting for anyone to challenge, no matter if it is a one-on-one or a group challenge. If you win by force, you can buy it with money."

As soon as Su Xiaolu raised his hand, a stream of water brushed it away, and soon, the distressed people found themselves refreshed.

Looking at Su Xiaolu's ability to control water, there is fanatical envy and jealousy in his eyes.

Why didn't such a good thing happen to me?

Although he was defeated, he did not calm down his greedy heart, but aroused his desire to win.

Some people say that there is a relative in the family who is very strong. Even if he can't defeat this young man, he might be able to defeat him. If he can get an elixir with just one blow, he might be lucky.

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