Chapter 605 An Eye For An Eye 5

Miao Yuehua opened her mouth in disbelief, five hundred thousand taels was fifty times more, why didn't he grab it.

Gui You smiled, very meaningful.

Sons and money, how to choose?

Didn't Miao Yuehua boast that loving her son is like her life? Would she choose her son?


Miao Yuehua's expression was in extreme pain. She was injured all over her body now, and so was her son. Her last fortune was 500,000 taels. If she bought it, she would lose it all. She didn't dare to buy it.

They can sell this elixir, and others will.

When Miao Yuehua hesitated, Guiyou and Su Xiaolu had already left.

When Guiyou and Su Xiaolu came out, Xiao's father who had woken up outside immediately didn't dare to move and pretended to be dizzy. He didn't dare to move at all. He couldn't afford to provoke these gods, no matter which way they were.

After Su Xiaolu and Guiyou left, he opened his eyes and watched for a while.

Seeing that the scary old and young really left, he stood up staggeringly, thinking of Miao Yuehua treating him so coldly, he walked towards the house angrily.

Father Xiao thought, he must put Miao Yuehua to sleep and drive her out of the house!

But as soon as I walked in, I was terrified.

Xiao Yi was vomiting, vomited out a lot of bug fragments all over his body, some of them were still moving.

Father Xiao had never seen such a horrific scene before, and he forgot all his anger. He just wanted to escape now. He thought, he can't afford to offend a poisonous woman like Miao Yuehua, so he can just hide. , Hurry up and escape with money is the most important thing.

However, Miao Yuehua looked at him coldly, and said coldly: "What are you still doing in a daze, come here and carry your son to the bed, I can't take care of those two people, can I take care of you? If you dare to run away, you won't be able to escape within seven days." , you will definitely die with a gut rot.”

"You, you gave me a worm—"

Father Xiao's tone was stuttering, today was a complete turnaround for him, thinking that the people around him were so scary, he didn't know whether to cry or get angry for a moment.

"Yes, if you don't listen to me, you will die a miserable death."

Miao Yuehua said viciously.

Xiao's father didn't have any backbone and blood, and he didn't dare to make mistakes after hearing this, so he stepped forward to help carry Xiao Yi to the bed.

The worms that Xiao Yi vomited out were disgusting, but luckily none of them were complete. Some of them could move, but they stopped moving after a few moves. It was disgusting but harmless.

Xiao Yi has already passed out, and his whole body has lost a lot of weight, and his eye sockets are sunken.

Xiao's father settled down Xiao Yi, and Miao Yuehua asked him to help her up again. The loving couple in the past only felt strange today.

"If you are obedient, I will let you live. If you don't listen, you will only die without a whole body, have you heard? Now, go out immediately and look for it, and see if the old cow and your son have left Yulin , if you find them, you bring them back and keep them.”

Miao Yuehua ordered Father Xiao, she always suspected that the disaster this time was because of the pair of master and apprentice.

Father Xiao nodded tremblingly, thinking of the cub, he suddenly felt guilty, that child, he smiled so brightly at him, trusted himself so much, but he...

However, the mother and son he treated with sincerity treated him like this. Now that he wants to harm the child, Father Xiao felt very uncomfortable. He is a cowardly person. He was afraid of Miao Yuehua and did not dare to disobey him. She loves her sweet wife so she indulges in everything, but now it is because she is afraid.

"Yes, I'm going right now."

Father Xiao agreed, seeing that Miao Yuehua had nothing to say, he quickly withdrew.

Thinking of what the old Taoist said, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

After walking a long distance from the mansion, he sat down and cried bitterly. Today's accident made him understand that Miao Yuehua did not regard him as a human being, and Xiao Yi's son did not regard him as a father. Their mother and son just used him, so They can abandon him at will.

The only one who will take him as a father is that child.

He has already hurt him twice, how can he hurt him again.

He went to him, just to see, to see.


When Su Xiaolu and Guiyou returned to the inn, Wang Mian's anxious expression relaxed, and he smiled: "Both of you, you are back."

He was still afraid that they would not come back, even if Guiyou and Su Xiaolu did not come back, Wang Mian would have nothing to do.

This inn can shelter him temporarily, but not for a long time. If Guiyou and Su Xiaolu don't come back for more than two days, he will be in danger.

It was not easy for him to have this opportunity to come out. He was really unwilling to go back to hell and live a hopeless life.

So seeing Su Xiaolu and Guiyou come back, Wang Mian almost wept with joy.

"How is your leg recovering? You should be able to walk."

Su Xiaolu looked at Wang Mian and asked, after taking two pills, it should be repaired.

Wang Mian smiled: "Yes, young master is very powerful, I can't hide anything from you."

It is true that he can go, but he doesn't want to show it. Su Xiaolu punctured it, and he didn't dare to pretend.

"Then pack up and come with us."

Su Xiaolu said lightly, agreed to Wang Mian, and naturally wanted to come and take him away.

Wang Mian was a little surprised: "Just, let's go like this?"

Just go like this, no pretense or anything?

Wang Mian is really scared, Li Yu is a lunatic, Wang Jiang is his dog, Wang Jiang is not scary, he is afraid of Li Yu.

If he walked like this, wouldn't Li Yu also know that Wang Mian was in a state of turmoil in his heart, but

He is very humble and has no confidence to ask others.

To put it mildly, with the abilities of the master and the apprentice, there is nothing he can do about it. This kind of pain where I am a fish and a man is a knife is the most painful and helpless.

"Yes, let's go like this."

Su Xiaolu smiled.

Wang Mian looked at her smiling freely, a little dazed, the matter has come to this point, he can only believe that with the skills of the master and the apprentice, Li Yu would not dare to offend them, if so, then he is really betting right up.

As long as he goes far enough, it will not be easy for Li Yu to find him again. As long as he goes far enough, he will definitely find a way out for himself.

Wang Mian had nothing to clean up, Su Xiaolu and Guiyou soon left the inn together, Wang Mian gritted his teeth and followed.

As soon as he got out of the inn, Wang Mian was like a frightened bird, panicked, he saw a lot of suspicious faces, but they didn't move, as if they were afraid of the master and apprentice.

No one followed him until he left the city.

Wang Mian breathed a sigh of relief, he made the right bet.

Guiyou and Su Xiaolu are returning to the treacherous official's house, the place has been completely renewed, several huts have been built, and there is a small grass hut outside the house, and the cubs are coming in and out to make medicine for the old man.

Seeing Su Xiaolu and Guiyou, he smiled brightly: "Senior Sister, you are back."

Su Xiaolu walked up to Niu Zai, patted his head and asked: "How is it, how is Master Uncle these days?"

With them here, Niu Lao doesn't have to sacrifice himself. If he takes good care of him, he should get better.

Cowboy smiled happily, and nodded: "Well, master is much better."

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