Chapter 607: Attracting Evil 2

"Then I want to take something from you. As long as you agree, I will ask the master to help you."

The cowboy's eyes were empty, and he said lightly.

Father Xiao nodded quickly after hearing this: "I promise, I promise, I will promise anything."

The master and the apprentice have great abilities but live in poverty, no matter what request they ask, they will not be too much, Father Xiao agreed without thinking.

After all, in his opinion, no one is worse than Miao Yuehua.

Thinking of the cubs being invisible, Father Xiao felt guilty: "Good boy, this time dad has really come to his senses, as long as dad gets through this difficulty, you master and apprentice don't have to travel around anymore, and you can live at home and raise them properly." Come on, your master has really worked hard, and you don’t have to worry about Dad taking care of him until the end of his life. When Dad brings everything back, the first thing he will do is to see your eyes, and Dad will buy you elixir.”

"I heard that the elixir is very good, and the disabled can stand up after taking it. Dad is not boasting. There is an eldest son in the Li family. He has been disabled for two years. It will be better in a few days, and your eyes will be better too. , we father and son will have a good life in the future, when you grow up, you will marry a wife and have a few big fat boys... If your mother's spirit in the sky sees it, she will be very happy."

Speaking of these beautiful expectations, Xiao's father smiled. He only figured it out after going through such a scene.

He was originally a poor blacksmith, but by chance, he met Niu Zai's mother and forged a good relationship, but he betrayed her.

Twelve years were like a dream, and now he wakes up from the dream, he just wants to live steadily, make up for his past mistakes, and treat his son well, it is not easy for Niu Lao to raise his son, he is older than his father, It's nothing to give him a pension until the end of his life.

Besides, he is reforming himself now, and he is doing it for his son to see. He has done well, and when he gets old, he will be the steward of the bull cub, so that he can take good care of him until the end of his life.

Father Xiao thought happily.

But he didn't notice that the cow cub walking in front looked very cold.

Xiao's father cared about building a good expectation, but he didn't notice that he was getting further and further away.

He chattered on and on, saying all the good expectations, the corners of his mouth were raised, that is, he said too much, and his mouth felt a little dry. He stopped, and suddenly realized, how come this old forest is here.

"Son, have you lost your way? I brought this forest here for Dad."

Father Xiao didn't think much about it, he just thought that the cub had bad eyesight and was leading the wrong way.

The cow gave a light hum, and he said, "Father, my foot seems to be tripped, please help me see."

Father Xiao didn't suspect him, so he bent down and pushed aside the vegetation on the side of the road, wanting to show the cub a closer look, to examine carefully, he said, "It's okay, it should be weeds——"

Before he could speak, Father Xiao got down on the ground, and the blind stick in the cub's hand was put away.

He groped, took out the hemp rope from his sleeve, and began to tie it round and round.

Su Xiaolu flew down, she asked calmly: "Junior Brother, are you going to kill him?"

The bull cub looked at the direction where Su Xiaolu was standing, and he smiled. His canine teeth were cute, but his smile was no longer warm, and his empty eyes made people feel cold.

Cowboys have changed.

"Yes, senior sister, do you want to stop me?"

The bull cub answered very simply, he wanted to kill his own father.

Su Xiaolu didn't speak, just squatted down, and began to help the cow cub tie him up.

Cowboy paused.

Su Xiaolu said flatly: "Why should I stop you? It's all because of him that you suffered so much, and Master Niu died. Your mother really suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck. Meeting such a wolf-hearted thing , He didn’t think of you before, but now that he’s in trouble, he only remembers that you are his son.”

"He doesn't even look at it. What has he done to you? I can't wait to tear him apart. I won't stop you. I'm here to help you."

Su Xiaolu said viciously, she was angry, angry at such a hateful person.

Can he be forgiven with a few words of repentance and a few tears?

Although he and Niu Zai are father and son, there is no father-son relationship at all. What separates them is blood and blood.

Inside, there are two lives separated.

The first one is the mother of the cub, and the second one is the master who raises the cub.

What did he do to hurt someone so easily, and now with a few words, he could easily be forgiven.

Su Xiaolu only thought it was ridiculous to talk about father and son.

Could it be that father and son don't have to pay back the blood debt?

"Senior Sister, it's fine if you don't stop me. I have grown up so much, I have traveled to many places with Master, and I have seen too many people in the world. I always thought that I could be a good person, a good person like Master, and my heart is full of compassion. No matter how hard this road is, I can keep going.”

The cow cub tied the rope tightly, and the whole person became very dark.

"But I found that if this road goes to the end, there will be no good results. If this road doesn't work, then I will change another road. I will tie him up. After the master is gone and the master is buried, I will kill him. , Master is still here, so I won’t spoil him, after he’s gone, I’m just me.”

Niu Zai talked about his plan calmly, he didn't hide it from Su Xiaolu.

"I've been to this place several times. If you tie him here, no one will find out. If my senior sister wants to let him go, I can't help it. Senior sister has high martial arts skills, and there is nothing I can't do."

After tying it up, the cowboy stood up, took out a handkerchief from his arms, wiped his hands, and smiled.

It seems that he has returned to the person Su Xiaolu is familiar with.

But Su Xiaolu knew him


"I won't let him go, no matter what the junior brother becomes, maybe we will become enemies when we meet again, but now, until the next meeting, you are the junior brother I recognize."

Su Xiaolu looked at Niu Zai's empty eyes and said, next time she meets, she doesn't know what Niu Zai will become, so she doesn't make any guarantees, but now, Niu Zai is still her recognized junior.

Su Xiaolu felt that she understood what Niu Lao said, Su Xiaolu smiled, she felt that Niu Lao was worrying too much, and she would not stop the cow cub.

She will only hand him the knife, since she is not happy, let herself be happy.

If you can't forgive, you won't forgive.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, it's great to know Senior Sister."

The cowboy smiled, and then began to drag Father Xiao.

Su Xiaolu was also helping, Su Xiaolu didn't ask where the cub was going to drag Father Xiao.

Father Xiao woke up during this process, and was frightened instantly. He never thought that the cub would do such a thing to him. Seeing Su Xiaolu, he was even more frightened. He is not stupid. Understood.

He thought he would yell, but he didn't. After he understood it in his mind, he accepted it calmly. Instead of yelling, he calmly asked: "Son, what do you want to do? You're going to kill me ?"

"Yes, I'm going to kill you, but now is not the time. Three days later, you will die." The cow didn't hide it, and told him directly.

-----Off Topic-----

ps: When Niu Zai and the master appeared in this plot, I thought about the development in this way. When I actually wrote it, I really felt sorry for it, Zai Zai will be fine.

In the past, some readers commented on why Xiaolu didn’t have his own connections. My answer at that time was that the time hadn’t come yet. The story belonging to Su Xiaolu began from the moment I met the cow cub.

There are a lot of plots, I know you will cry when you read it, but I actually wrote it while crying and laughing. This book is not updated quickly. From the very beginning, I have prepared for a long flow of water. This will be a long, long story , will be the first time I have been involved in the field, looking at this group of people, in the world I wrote down, from life to death, crying and laughing or crazy.

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