Chapter 623 Peerless Ax

Qi Xingfeng let go of Zhang Yuehan, took two steps forward to catch it firmly, holding the handle of the giant ax with both hands, and the giant ax rested heavily on his shoulders, he fondled it with his hands and said, "Thank you, little deer."

"Little General Qi, quickly open it and have a look."

Some people cheered, and they followed all the way, just to see the true face of the giant axe.

Qi Xingfeng was in high spirits, and under the expectant eyes of everyone, he untied the red knot, and then untied the red cloth wrapped around the giant axe one by one.

When a ray of cold light appeared, everyone let out a 'wow' at the same time.

It was a good axe, a peerless product, you could tell just by looking at it.

After the giant axe, even if it has not yet struck, it can still make people feel chills.

Such a huge ax makes one's scalp shine just by looking at it. If it is chopped off, it can be split in half directly.

"Drive, drive—"

There was the sound of a galloping horse, and at the same time there was a shout: "I heard that little general Qi got a good axe, I'm here to give it a try, Young Master Chu."

The person who came was none other than Chu Jin, who came after hearing the news.

Qi Xingfeng got a good thing, but he was envious, but how good it is, you have to try it to know.

The two young and energetic generals who are well-known in the capital fought against each other, and people couldn't help applauding and cheering.

The surrounding people who were not interested at first also came to watch, and they took the initiative to stay away, leaving the area where the two fought.

Qi Xingfeng raised the huge ax and let it go, the bluestone bricks on the ground trembled with a 'hum'. He looked at Chu Jin in a deep voice and said, "Qi Xingfeng, fight!"

Chu Jin had already dismounted from his horse and threw the reins of the horse casually, and the guards of the Qi Mansion immediately took it over and took the horse away to take care of him.

A guard went in and reported to General Qi.

Father Qi was shocked when he heard this: "The eldest son of the Chu family is here? Want to fight my son?"

He turned his head to look at Old General Qi, his eyes frenzied: "Grandpa, I can't play chess with you anymore, I have to take a look, you can fine me to play with you behind closed doors for three days, but now, please forgive my grandson excuse me."

Chu Jin's child is also one of the best seedlings. It is rumored that he and his son have always been at odds, and they often fight and fight on the coaching field. He retired after being injured, so I have never seen it.

Now that Qi Xingfeng just got a good weapon, Chu Jin came to challenge him, and he couldn't do without going to have a look.

Old General Qi stroked his beard and smiled meaningfully. Seeing Qi's father get up and rush away, he sighed softly: "It's still too urgent, but if he waits a few more breaths, it won't be in vain. ,Right."

The guard who was reporting lowered his head, pursing his lips and suppressing a smile.

In terms of black belly, it is still the old general Qi.

The old general was getting old, and he thought he couldn't survive the injury before, but now that his spiritual energy has recovered, the old general's body has recovered, and he will definitely be able to live for twenty or thirty years.

As soon as the old man walked out, his majesty and aura were natural.

General Qi got up and walked out.

Chu Jin didn't expect to alarm Qi's father, and even the old General Qi. Seeing the two come out, he bowed his hands and saluted: "Junior Chu Jin, I have met General Qi, I have seen General Qi, and I greet you two. Just a momentary interest, I don't want to alarm the two elders."

Only then did Qi's father realize that the old General Qi had also come, and he immediately understood.

But he didn't have time to regret it at this moment. He looked at Chu Jin, his appearance was mighty and upright, and his figure was majestic. At first glance, he was a good seed among generals.

"The younger generation is awesome, not bad, we just came to watch the excitement, so don't be nervous."

Father Qi held his hand steady and said calmly.

In front of his grandfather, he was a little brat, but in front of his back, he was a bit more serious and stable.

The old general Qi smiled gently and said: "Chu Leizhen has a good son, yes, you guys of the same generation, even if you fight against each other, don't worry about us old ones, just have fun, young people must be victorious and not admit defeat Fighting spirit, is this area wide enough? I'll let someone clear it out if it's not wide enough for you to have a good fight, so as not to wrong your Chu family's trump card."

From General Qi's tone, Chu Jin could tell that he was forthright without any grudges, and he was also very happy that General Qi recognized the weapon in his hand at a glance.

Qi Xingfeng only has his favorite weapon now, but he already has it, although he is still waiting for his father to pass it on to him to use.

When he heard the news, he took the mace in a hurry, his blood boiled, and he had heard Qi Xingfeng say it a long time ago, that is the world's number one sword forged by himself, how powerful it is, that's up to him Try to know.

Chu Jin cupped his fists: "Thank you, General, the younger generation will accept love."

Since there is a contest, it must be a happy contest.

This space is obviously not enough.

People surrounded him, and he and Qi Xingfeng must have had a bad time playing, so if you expand the venue a bit, then you don't have to worry about it.

People waited excitedly and stepped back one after another.

Yan Qingyun didn't expect to come here to give a gift, and there is such a thing to see.

He took his son Yan Zhiyuan and also became a spectator.

Listening to the surrounding people saying that the giant ax was sent by Su Xiaolu, Yan Qingyun sighed quietly.

Yan Zhiyuan frowned, and said displeasedly: "The white-eyed wolf who is not familiar with it, my mother back then"

Yan Qingyun's face darkened: "Shut up."

I don’t even look at what kind of place this is, and I don’t say that walls have ears. This is a crowded market. How can those words be said?


If the relationship he managed to ease was spread intentionally, all his hard work would be in vain.

Now their relationship with the Su family, although it can't be compared with the relationship between the Qi family and the Su family, is still passable and good friends. He is Zhao's father and Su Chongsuhua's grandfather. You know, as long as you don't turn against each other, with this relationship, others will still look at the points.

But this relationship is difficult to maintain, but it is easy to destroy it.

This son has never been convinced and has a lot of hostility, but now he doesn't understand his good intentions, and he almost speaks without restraint in such a place, which really makes him angry and chilled.

Being reprimanded in public made Yan Zhiyuan very angry. Although he endured it, he still held the grudge in his heart.

He glared at Su Xiaolu viciously, the white-eyed wolf, how could they have been here if his mother hadn't been merciful back then, now that the days are early, and his elbows only know how to turn outward, Su Hua openly confronted him in the court, Su Hua Chong is the one who is strict with him and pushes away. Now that there are good things, he only knows to give them to outsiders.

Qi family, what's so good about Qi family!

Yan Zhiyuan's eyes were dark.

Su Xiaolu felt a bad look, she looked over, Yan Qingyun smiled at Wen Wen, and waved, Su Xiaolu also smiled, and waved in response, her impression of this grandpa was good or bad, her gaze was at the end It fell on Yan Zhiyuan, the unfriendly gaze just now should be him.

Su Xiaolu just glanced away before looking away, Yan Zhiyuan's good and evil have nothing to do with her, she doesn't care nor is she afraid of him.

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