Chapter 628 Falling 2

When Yan Qingyun cried, Zhao's eyes were also red.

Mrs. Zhao took out a medicine bottle, poured out the medicine in it, and prepared to swallow it for Yan Qingyun.

Yan Qingyun kept his mouth tightly shut. He couldn't speak, but he showed his rejection with actions. He even knew what kind of elixir it was. If he took it, it would at least improve the situation, not to mention what it would do. He refused.

This is the first time he has given up his mind of judging the situation. This daughter is soft-hearted and easy to forgive. Even if he did nothing before, she is still soft-hearted. She is like her mother.

He has judged the situation all his life, and at this moment, he no longer wants to be Yan Qingyun who judged the situation.

He himself finds it ridiculous that when he is about to die, he actually wants to be a father, a father who really thinks about his children once.

It took all his strength to clenched his numb teeth.

Zhao wept, she choked up and said: "Father, this is good medicine, you can take it, you will get better after taking it."

Yan Qingyun still kept his mouth tightly shut.

His vision was blurred, he wanted to tell Mrs. Zhao to put away the medicine and keep his money away. He never taught Mrs. Zhao any of the things that a father should do. Now that he wanted to say it, he couldn't say a word. .

"My child, put it away first."

Su Sanlang felt that Yan Qingyun's refusal to eat should be due to his own reasons, no matter what it is, just respect it and not force it.

After Zhao put away the medicine, Yan Qingyun relaxed, and the palms he held were relaxed.

He looked at Mrs. Zhao gently, thinking, it doesn't matter if he can't speak, so let's take a second look.

Su Sanlang has no great skills, but he is a good man. What he found is enough to prove that he has done his best as a son, and he has done his duty as a husband. Now that life is easier, he is not heartless. His conduct is very good. good very good.

No wonder he can teach such good children. The four children of the Su family are like that big tree, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and they have not grown crooked. Every step they take is so steady. It is inseparable from the guidance of being a parent and teaching by example.

Thinking about himself again, Yan Qingyun recalled the past in his heart, and now there is only regret in his heart.

He went the wrong way, so today, it is his retribution, but in the final analysis, it is also because of his evil heart, no matter when he goes the wrong way, he will eventually go the wrong way.

The children whom he taught himself all followed him.

Heart evil, cold thin.

Perhaps it was only when I was dying that I felt so much regret in retrospect.

He regretted it when he was dying. In the future, his son Yan Zhiyuan and grandson Yan Yuran, Yan Yuan'an, will have this day, because they are the next Yan Qingyun.

Yan Qingyun wanted to turn his head with difficulty, but he had no face to face Zhao Shi.

Before he died, he had seen her so many times, enough, enough.

Su Sanlang gently wiped Zhao's tears: "Mother, let's go back, please come here, my father-in-law may have something to say."

Zhao's mood was very confused, she glanced at Yan Qingyun who didn't want to look at her again, obviously, Yan Qingyun didn't want her to invite Su Xiaolu.

But this might be the last time. He obviously wanted to talk, but why didn't he want to?

Mrs. Zhao doesn't understand, she has never understood this father.

When she was a child, she longed for him to remember her, she longed for him to smile at her like he did to his sister Yan Zhenzhen, but he didn't, his strict eyes were always so light.

Only when she was at Grandpa's house could she see his smile, she knew it, she knew it all.

She also knew that she could and should hate in her heart, but she couldn't hate.

Whether it's this father or Su Sanlang's parents, she only has resentment, she just doesn't want to get close, but she can't really hate them.

Zhao's heart was very confused, she didn't know whether to ask her daughter to help.

She actually wanted to, but she also knew that she shouldn't do that.

Su Xiaolu is her child, she can't say she loves her, but use love to make her feel bad.

Mrs. Zhao shook her head: "No, I've been here, no matter what it is, I should feel at ease."

Su Sanlang understood Zhao Shi, he held Zhao Shi's hand tightly, comforted her silently, no matter what Zhao Shi did, he would understand.

They are all the same people, it's okay to embarrass themselves, but they don't want to embarrass their children.

"Father, my daughter is gone."

Mrs. Zhao looked at Yan Qingyun, she knelt down and kowtowed three times to Yan Qingyun.

Su Sanlang also knelt down with her and kowtowed three times.

Tears blurred her vision, and Zhao Shi saw Yan Qingyun's fingers move, and she understood that it meant to let her go.

Zhao Shi and Su Sanlang got up and went out of the back room together.

Outside, Yan Zhiyuan came over, and he said with a heavy face: "I shouldn't have said that, but I can't do it now, you have seen the situation, dad, I know your two sons are very promising, Now the momentum is good, although they are not the grandsons of the Yan family, they are also grandsons, and they are not coming at this time, if word spreads, they will be stabbed in the back."

Yan Zhiyuan held back his anger, but those little beasts didn't come.

Seeing Mrs. Zhao, he became angry, and she was lucky, otherwise no one like her would know her.

It's not that her fate is good, how can she fight him like this, she has died countless times.

Su Sanlang frowned, he had already clenched his fist, and he said angrily: "In terms of status, my wife is above you, her mother is the first wife, your mother

what is it If you disrespectfully call her sister-in-law, you have lost your etiquette. We don't care about you, so don't forget your identity if you mess up your etiquette. "

"Lord Yan, we are not real siblings. Our only relationship is with our father. Why did I suffer so much? I think you won't lose your memory so much that you can't remember clearly. My son is doing well. He is not afraid of others poking his back, but if someone misleads him What? Then I won't let anyone hurt my child at will. "

"Father, I also have a clear conscience. I can tell you clearly that after he passes away, we will have no relationship. If you touch me, I will pay you back."

Zhao Shi looked at Yan Zhiyuan coldly, she was not afraid of Yan Zhiyuan, she might be able to bear Yan Zhiyuan hurting her, but she would never allow him to touch a few children.

In her previous life, it took her ten years to repent. She will never make such a mistake again.

Even now, the children don't need her protection, but if Yan Zhiyuan dares to do something, she will do everything she can to fight him.

"you you--"

Yan Zhiyuan was very angry, he didn't expect Zhao Shi to dare to talk back to him.

What is Mrs. Zhao, his sister Yan Zhenzhen dare not contradict him!

Yan Zhiyuan was angry, but he was helpless. Yan Zhenzhen would ask him, but Zhao Shi never did.

Their relationship is doomed. Even if Mrs. Zhao begged him, she would not help. Mrs. Zhao made him lose his mother. There was bound to be hatred between them. Yan Zhiyuan gritted his teeth and said harshly: "Okay, okay, I See how long you can laugh, I don't believe it, your son will always be upright!"

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