Chapter 630 Regret

Thinking about it, Yan Qingyun showed longing. If so, what kind of life would it be like?

He will be the son-in-law of the Qi family, he will be valued by the old general Qi, and his official career will be smoother, so it is not a kind of beauty.

But after thinking about it, he laughed at himself again, his heart is evil, would he be willing to only have Qi Xinyu as a woman?

He won't, so what will he do? He will raise the outer room, and the outer room will also have children. He will still use his dark methods. With old general Qi's love for his only daughter, they will not bypass him.

At that time, what will he do? He is so good at calculating. He will use Qixinyu to threaten his children. There will never be harmony between their husband and wife, because his heart is not right, so no matter what way He will go this way.

And he won't admit that he was wrong, at that time, he will hate children with good conduct in every possible way, and he will try his best to deal with these children, even if they let them die!

See, that's what he is, a mean, mean man.

It was really unfortunate that Qi Xinyu chose him among so many good men.

How did he become like this bit by bit?

He thought about the information he found, Su Sanlang's parents were also bad-rooted people, but why did his child hug each other tightly in such a difficult situation?

The Su family is also from a poor family, and Su Chong and Su Hua have seen the coldness and warmth of human beings and hypocrisy. Why do they still have a pure nature and principles in doing things? Why don't they take revenge on such vile grandparents and uncles? With Su Chongsuhua's current status and achievements, revenge is easy.

No, no, even if they didn't rely on the present, they had the strength to take revenge on those who hurt them, including those in the same village who were false and hypocritical, but not only did they not take revenge, but they also benefited the entire village.

The same is coming from a humble family, how could they not change their original intentions, but he gradually distorted his original intentions in an unknown part of the world, gradually wanted those people to be afraid of him, regretted how he had been to him, and gradually became ruthless Revenge back.

Why? Yan Qingyun really wanted to ask, but it's a pity that he can't speak or move his hands now, he is such a hypocritical person, it was impossible for him to ask if he was hypocritical in the past, and now he has no chance to ask, even if Su Chong and Su Hua come Look at him, and he can't ask.

He just wanted to die quickly now, but this tone couldn't be stopped no matter what, it made him have various thoughts and was tortured repeatedly.

Unable to eat water or rice, his body was on fire, suffering from hunger and cold, constantly awakening his long-forgotten memories.

The mental pain and torture made him miserable.


Su Sanlang and Mrs. Zhao left the Yan Mansion.

Su Sanlang tightened the cloak for Mrs. Zhao, held her slightly cold hand and walked towards home.

A shallow layer of snow covered the entire capital, the streets were empty, and the snow was still falling.

After walking a long way, Su Sanlang said in a warm voice: "My dear, don't be sad, you have done a good job, don't be sad because of what he said, Brother Chong and Brother Hua, they are both sensible child."

"They have all started their own families. Even if they think more about their own small families in the future, there are grievances between them or something, I believe they can teach them well, and they will be passed on to countless generations in the future. It is impossible for every generation We are all very close, but together we will still be one big united family."

Su Sanlang firmly believed in this point in his heart. He knew better than anyone how his children grew up supporting each other. He believed that no matter what they encountered in the future, they would never forget their close brotherhood.

Su Sanlang was afraid that Mrs. Zhao would be sad, so he held Mrs. Zhao's hand tightly, and they had walked together for more than 20 years.

Mrs. Zhao smiled slightly, nodded and replied softly: "Daddy, I'm not sad because of Mr. Yan's words, I'm just a little sad. In this life, what should I do to have no regrets."

She is a very restrained and sensitive person, and she understood what Yan Qingyun's complicated eyes wanted to convey just now.

Yan Qingyun came to this position, why would he regret it.

How can one live without regrets?

Yan Qingyun is a man who can make calculations and is very smart in judging the situation. He also has things he regrets.

Thinking of herself, Mrs. Zhao, what she regrets the most in her life is that she is too weak, because she is not strong enough, so she did not protect her child well, and made Su Chong and Su Hua demented for so many years. It shouldn't be like that.

Obviously she herself is suffering, and seeing others in pain makes her feel uncomfortable.

"My dear girl, I don't know what other people's lives are without regrets, but in my life, there are a lot of regrets, but I think the more important thing is when will people understand what they want to be. people."

Su Sanlang glanced sideways at Mrs. Zhao, he stretched out his hand to brush the snowflakes from Mrs. Zhao's hair, and seeing Mrs. Zhao's graying hair, his eyes were gentle.

He is gentle, Zhao Shi can feel it, Su Sanlang rubbed Zhao Shi's hands, led him to continue walking, and said lightly: "Sometimes I think, if I understand it earlier, I will cut off the expectation in my heart." , you will be able to suffer less, maybe at the beginning, we didn’t have to go to that step, in fact, I thought about it later, in fact, I still have a lot of solutions, but we at that time, no one could think of it.”

"Sometimes, we don't have a clear understanding of what we can do and how to do it better. We all stubbornly follow the path we think is right. We are the same, and so are our parents."

When Su Sanlang recalled the past many times, he would feel fearful. In fact, if he had been strong enough, he and the Zhao family would not have been forced to that point. Even in court, he was not unreasonable.

But these are all recollections after the fact. Only after coming here can he think of more possibilities. At that time, he couldn't think of these.

Therefore, he feels that no matter how one chooses in one's life, one is bound to have regrets, and being able to be a clear-headed person is valuable no matter what time it is.


Mrs. Zhao sighed softly, she leaned towards Su Sanlang, feeling a little relieved.

She smiled: "Daddy, no matter when, as long as I have you by my side, I will be at ease."

She has many emotions, comes and goes quickly, Su Sanlang understands her, nothing is more precious than this, and her heart gradually calms down.

Yes, on this road of life, no matter how you go, there are irreparable regrets and regrets. As long as there is someone who can accompany you, no matter how difficult it is, it will be sweet.

Back home, the husband and wife went back to the room quietly. Su Sanlang took a handkerchief and cleaned up the snow in Mrs. Zhao's hair, and the two fell asleep again.

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