Chapter 642

Yan Zhiyuan didn't say a word until Yan's mansion.

Respectfully invite the cub in.

He didn't have the courage to face the consequences of what he did after it was made public, and he didn't have the courage to face the consequences of Yan Qingyun's continued life. No matter what it was, it would be hell for him.

At this time, Yan Zhiyuan finally understood that what Niu Zai said to him that day was already dangerous without knowing it, and he was walking on thin ice... What was next, he didn't listen to it that day.

Yan Zhiyuan glanced at the bull beside him, he was smiling all the time, warm as the sun, Yan Zhiyuan asked sadly: "Xiao Dao, can you still tell me what you didn't finish talking to me that day?"

With a smile on his face, the bull cub said gently: "The saying behind that day is that there is an abyss under the ice, and the day the ice breaks is the day you will never turn over."

Yan Zhiyuan's heart was hit hard, he, has he come this far? After falling into the abyss, there will never be a day of recovery.

Yan Zhiyuan's face was gray and defeated, and he was hit hard.

The weather has been very good recently, and the warmth is very comfortable on the body, but the warm sun can't dispel the coldness in Yan Zhiyuan's heart.

Leading the cub into the main courtyard, Yan Zhiyuan ordered with a calm face: "Call Yu Ran Yuan'an, and no one else is allowed to approach the main courtyard."

The Yan family will fall, and everything is his fault. The two sons may not know what he has done.

The two grandsons are young and can still be taught. At this moment, Yan Zhiyuan suddenly understood Yan Qingyun's painstaking efforts. He couldn't help looking at the cow cub with hope, can the Yan family have a future?

Could it be this that made my father breathless all the time?

Yan Zhiyuan longed for Niu Zai to answer, but Niu Zai couldn't see him. His eyes were empty with a smile, and he looked very warm, but it made Yan Zhiyuan soberly understand that Niu Zai didn't come for him, he had no destiny, Niu Zai Will not confuse him.

After giving the order, Yan Zhiyuan took the cub into the inner room and went to Yan Qingyun's bed.

Looking at the skinny Yan Qingyun, Yan Zhiyuan lowered his head, kowtowed and confessed his mistake with tears of remorse: "Father, everything is the fault of my rebellious son, but it's a pity that I realized it too late."

After three bang bang bangs, Yan Zhiyuan got up and took off the dazzling bronze mirrors.

Yan Qingyun looked at the cow cub, and then saw Yan Zhiyuan, he was puzzled, why Yan Zhiyuan seemed to be a different person in just one night.

What's up with him?

Niu Zai bowed in the direction of the bed, and then said: "I know that the predestined person still has a puzzle in his heart, so the obsession will not disappear, and now I am guided to solve the predestined person's confusion. In return, the predestined person The last tear in this world will be taken away by me, if Yuanren agrees, just blink."

Yan Qingyun's widened eyes remained motionless, he was still thinking.

He remembered the cow cub, he saw it next to Su Xiaolu on the New Year's day.

Su Xiaolu takes good care of him. This is a child who is about the same age as Su Xiaolu. Does he know what his obsession is?

Yan Qingyun was melancholy for a while. During these days, he actually thought about a lot of things. He knew that it was weird for him to survive several times. He, like Yan Zhiyuan, felt that he might become some kind of blood-drinking monster.

But as his body changed day by day, he knew it was not. He felt that he was just a soul that was attached to the corpse and refused to leave. His body was becoming more and more dilapidated. Like an old tree branch, even if the servant gave him water, he couldn't swallow it anymore.

He is actually dead.

Now that Niu Zai said it, he felt that what Niu Zai said was more appropriate, his breathless breath was due to his obsession.

He is obsessed with the Yan family, and he is obsessed with an answer.

But can this child really give him the answer?

Yan Qingyun's thoughts were churning in his heart, expanding bit by bit in his mind.

Niu Zai didn't urge him, he had a gentle face, and his eyes were always looking in Yan Qingyun's direction.

After Yan Zhiyuan put away all the mirrors, he knelt down in front of Yan Qingyun's bed. He bowed his head and cried and confessed to Yan Qingyun: "Father, hit me, scold me, I was wrong, I was always wrong Now, I shouldn't hate you, I have humiliated the lintel of my ancestors, I have harmed the entire Yan family, please hit me."

It was not easy for Yan Qingyun to bring the entire Yan family to where it is today, but it only took thirteen days for him to destroy it.

He was sorry for Yan Qingyun's training and his love.

What he didn't see or think about in the past, now keeps playing in his mind, even including the matter of his mother Qi Xinyue.

Was the father really cold and heartless? Did he really never love his mother?

He didn't, he actually loved, otherwise, why would he condone his mother not allowing concubine sons and concubine daughters to appear, recognizing mother is love.

He and his sister Yan Zhenzhen are actually not outstanding. The ministers of the same rank as Yan Qingyun, the sons and daughters of the family are much better than them. The only thing they are proud of is their status.

Yan Zhiyuan was in pain, he understood it too late.

Yan Zhiyuan continued to talk about the things he didn't understand, and he told Yan Qingyun that he understands now, he understands.

Yan Qingyun looked at Yan Zhiyuan, with mixed feelings in his heart, it was too late to understand, too late.

Yan Yuran and Yan Yuan'an also came. They were really shocked to see Yan Zhiyuan crying and tearful. Seeing Yan Qingyun's skinny appearance like a ghost, they didn't dare to look any more, and knelt down in panic.

Listening to what Yan Zhiyuan said, they were also at a loss.

Yan Qingyun finally turned his gaze

Back on Niu Zai, he blinked hard, he thought Niu Zai should not be able to see, but Niu Zai seemed to have sensed it, and Niu Zai said gently: "Yuanren agreed, then this will resolve Yuan's doubts." Bar."

Yan Qingyun froze for a moment, and then he felt as if he had sunk into a strange place, the surroundings were as dark as ink, and he couldn't see anything. He looked at himself in surprise, frightened, and muttered to himself: "I, Can I move?"

He looked at his hands, then at his feet, suddenly he could move, but where was this?

"Yuan Ren has been waiting for a long time."

There was an ethereal voice.

Yan Qingyun looked, and saw the thick ink spread out, and a figure came out of the thick ink, it was the cow cub.

He had a slight smile on his face, which made people feel very friendly and kind. Yan Qingyun took two steps back, and he asked in doubt: "You, what did you do to me?"

The cowboy said gently: "I didn't do anything to you, this is your place, the place in your heart."

Yan Qingyun was stunned, he looked at the place like thick ink, he didn't know what would come out of the thick ink, such a terrifying place, is it in his heart?

Knowing that it was in his heart, even though it was terrifying, Yan Qingyun gradually calmed down. He looked at the bull and said, "You said you could solve my confusion, but really, how do you solve it?"

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