, dressed as Nongmen's delicate and beautiful little fortune bag

Chapter 649

"Miss Wanrong, I can give you my life—"

"Miss Wanrong..."

One after another excited cheers scrambled to sound.

For a moment, the crowd was boiling, all crazy for this woman.

Wanrong smiled without saying a word, she cast a contemptuous glance at the people below who were fanatical for her, like a fairy in the nine heavens, she was so beautiful and cold as a lotus on an iceberg.

She raised her hand slightly, and her mother had already reached out to hold her hand.

"Look at what you are saying. Our daughter Wanrong is not a monster that eats people. Why do you want to kill you? You can be satisfied with the fragrance of my daughter. My daughter has become a fairy. This fairy It tastes good, smelling it can prolong life and cure diseases."

Mom smiled and said, shaking her fan.

Wanrong raised her hand, and gently turned twice on the stage, the red gauze skirt fluttered, and Wanrong's unique fragrance drifted away in all directions.

People took a big breath one after another, revealing the color of intoxication.

Su Xiaolu took a few breaths, it was all spiritual energy, pure spiritual energy.

This Wanrong is like a spirit body, with aura emanating from all over her body, can this smell bad?

If you absorb more spiritual energy, your health will be bad.

Su Xiaolu lowered his voice and said to Li Yu: "Quick, take a few more breaths, this is all spiritual energy."

Li Yu spent a hundred taels of silver, if it was really just to see Wanrong, he would die at a loss.

Now there is aura to inhale, and I don't need to inhale more. If I can wear it alone with Wanrong, it will be so comfortable.

Those people who are crazy about Wanrong have already started bidding wildly.

In just one stick of incense, one thousand taels became ten thousand taels.

Mom couldn't close her eyes when she smiled.

Wanrong also smiled slightly, she didn't speak, she just walked around the table a few times, turning around from time to time.

However, the real bigwigs haven't started yet, and those who bid at the beginning often don't follow up to the end.

Those who couldn't afford it were all closing their eyes and inhaling frantically, Su Xiaolu looked around, very good, every nostril dilated a few times.

Su Xiaolu just hoped that Wanrong could go around a few more times, every time she turned around, the mausoleum would be very, very full.

"Forty thousand taels."

After paying 40,000 taels, the calls for asking prices became less and less.

The smile on the mother's face continued, and she waved her fan and said with a smile: "Forty thousand taels, there is no higher one. My daughter will be with me for a day and a night. If nothing else, even my girl's bath water will be taken with me." It's fairy spirit."

"Forty-two thousand taels."

Su Xiaolu listened to the price call, and subconsciously looked in one direction, but it was in the private room.

Su Xiaolu clenched her fists, the two masters really came, and they didn't take her with them.

Su Xiaolu kept paying attention to that direction, and it was Guiyou who called the price.

In secret, someone was deliberately raising the price, and the voice of Guiyou's asking price became slower and slower.

After the price reached 60,000 taels, the voice of raising the price with Guiyou still did not disappear. After he called the price, Guiyou stopped asking.

Mom said with a smile on her face, "Okay, it's getting late, tonight my daughter will be married."

Wanrong also turned around twice, then walked towards the stairs with a light figure, and quickly disappeared in front of people's eyes. The other girls from Tianxian Tower also began to come out one after another. Without Wanrong to accompany them, it is okay to choose them.

There was more or less aura of grace on them.

Su Xiaolu has already got up and is ready to go out, but those girls are too annoying.

Li Yu's face was sullen, but no one dared to approach him.

Su Xiaolu just couldn't stand it anymore, so she was dragged away by Li Yu.

After leaving the Tianxian Tower, Su Xiaolu thanked: "Mr. Li, thank you very much, otherwise I would not be able to escape."

Su Xiaolu had never seen such a scene in two lifetimes, it was really hard to deal with.

"Mr. Su's nature is pure. To them, he just needs to be cold-faced."

Li Yu smiled and said, Su Xiaolu is young, she is also a woman, and she has not experienced much in the world, so it is normal that she can't cope.

He thought it was cute.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, then let's say goodbye."

Su Xiaolu thanked Li Yu and wanted to wait for the two masters.

Li Yu smiled and said: "Young Master Su has to wait for your master. In fact, Young Master Su doesn't have to wait. The high bid just now is just a trust, and your master will be finally selected by Wanrong. This meeting may not come out. "

"If Mr. Su doesn't mind, why don't you move, let's go eat something, Li still wants to make a deal with you."

Li Yu bowed his hands to Su Xiaolu politely.

Su Xiaolu could also think of it, but she was a little worried. She looked at Li Yu, thinking that Li Yu had helped her a few times today, she nodded: "Okay, let's go."

Li Yu has a grudge against Wan Rong, and it's obvious what deal he wants to make.

Anyway, will the two masters come back this time? They have spent so much, and if they have a chance to earn some back, they will not earn for nothing.

Su Xiaolu glanced at Li Yu beside him and said: "Young Master Li, let me agree first that I won't help in vain, but since you helped me twice just now, I will give you less as appropriate."

Li Yu smiled and nodded: "No problem."

Su Xiaolu is really cute, unabashed, big

Generous and very nice.

The night in Bingcheng is also very noisy, the aroma of stewing and charcoal grilling makes people drool, this is a rich state city.

The two eat and drink a little wine together.

Li Yu's request was very simple, he paid for news about Wanrong from Su Xiaolu, one hundred taels per message.

Su Xiaolu agreed, and the two agreed to meet here tomorrow night.

When Su Xiaolu returned to the inn, it was already late at night, and Guiyou and old man Wu hadn't come back yet.

She went back to her room to sleep, she believed that there must be a reason for the two masters to do so.

After falling asleep, Su Xiaolu couldn't help thinking, what are the two masters and Wanrong doing at the moment.


When Wanrong came to the room, she saw Guiyou and old man Wu's face became a little colder, it was a dead old man again.

Guiyou looked indifferent, and said to Wanrong: "Come here and lie down."

Wan Rong was very reluctant, she was the last thing she wanted to serve the old man.

Old man Wu said with a smile: "Girl, don't be afraid, we two old men have long since died, but we prefer to study the beauty's body. You can come and lie down and sleep peacefully. We can't do anything, but after all After spending so much money, it would not be too much for you to bleed."

Wanrong really had nothing to say, she walked over proudly, even though it felt weird, she still lay down, she didn't care what happened, because it would only benefit her.

After she lay down, old man Wu began to feel her pulse.

Guiyou picks up Wanrong's clothes and squeezes Wanrong's bones.

Wanrong looked at the two old men suspiciously, and felt very puzzled. One of these two dead old men seemed to be treating her, the other pinched her fingers, elbows, knees and pushed her bones, and pressed her bones. They showed no mercy at all. It hurts her to death, what kind of hobby do they have?

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