Chapter 656

"Father, let me see, let's go back to the village to avoid it. I think that girl came here because of the fog in the village. They have high martial arts skills, so they will definitely go in. If they go in, they might not come out. No matter what, wait for her to go." Let's come back and live again."

Chen Qiang lowered his voice and said.

Just now they could see clearly from the hole in the wall, originally they wanted to watch the fun, and also wanted to see if Su Dalang and Su Erlang's family could make a decision.

But they didn't expect the ending to be like this, and they were also afraid. The person who came was Su Xiaolu, the youngest girl of Su Sanlang's family.

Chen Hu's family was close to Su Sanlang, and the two families were sworn brothers. If Su Xiaolu was unhappy seeing them occupying the house, he would definitely drive them away. If he was in a bad mood, he would beat them up.

Chen Long and Chen Qiang wanted to be together, so they avoided it if they couldn't afford it. Anyway, Su Xiaolu couldn't be here all the time.

In this small place, they have all gone to the big capital, and they will never come back if there is no accident, so it is the same to let people go and come to live again.

Father Chen sighed and nodded: "Okay, we can hide if we can't be provoked."

They have already regretted it in countless later days. The youngest son, the lame son, and the least favorite son, have become the most promising.

But at that time, who could have imagined it.

In terms of regret, the Su family regrets more than them. After all, Su Sanlang is the real capable person. Chen Hu, Chen Hu lived a good life with Su Sanlang's family because of loyalty.

For the time being, Su Xiaolu didn't care about the movement of the Chen family.

After tidying up the house, Su Xiaolu, his master and his apprentice stayed temporarily.

On the second day, the neighbors were too quiet, so Su Xiaolu flew over to check and found that the Chen family had moved out.

Old Man Wu practiced his sword in the yard, snorted and said, "You run pretty fast."

"I'm going to stay here for a while this time, and I'll go in together after the government gathers good people."

Guiyou came out from the house and said lightly.


Su Xiaolu nodded, and she also started to practice sword.

After practicing the sword, Su Xiaolu went out to do some shopping.

Buy good things and go home.

Not long after, the meal that Su Xiaolu had ordered from the restaurant was delivered, and the master and apprentice ate together.

After eating, Su Xiaolu said to the two masters: "Master, Master Guiyou, I want to go back to the village."

Yesterday, she didn't see Mr. Su and Mrs. Wang. What's going on in the village now, she wants to go back, and also wants to see Hu Changshou and Hu Changyang.

Old man Wu waved his hand: "Go, go."

Guiyou nodded, this is Su Xiaolu's matter, Su Xiaolu can take care of it, so they don't care.

After greeting the two masters, Su Xiaolu went out.

She rode out of the town on a horse, and within half an hour, Su Xiaolu arrived at Nanshan Village.

She got off her horse, stopped in front of Hu's house, and raised her hand to knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

It was Su Xiaozhi's voice, who soon came to open the door.

Seeing Su Xiaolu, Su Xiaozhi froze for a moment before recognizing it: "Little, Xiaolu, you're back."

Su Xiaolu smiled at Su Xiaolu: "Sister-in-law, long time no see."

Su Xiaozhi brushed the broken hair around her ears, a little embarrassed: "Little Lu, come in and sit down."

Su Xiaozhi looked a little unnatural, she always felt guilty when facing Su Xiaolu, Su Xiaolu came back, did she know that the house in the town was occupied?

Su Xiaozhi felt ashamed, she poured Su Xiaolu a glass of water, and stood a little helpless.

"Sister-in-law, I think you look bad, please rest."

Su Xiaolu knew what Su Xiaozhi was at a loss for, she smiled at Su Xiaozhi with concern in her tone.

Su Xiaozhi didn't know what to do, she sat down, Su Xiaolu was drinking water from a cup, Su Xiaozhi had secretly looked at her many times, Su Xiaozhi finally couldn't help but said: "Xiaolu, how are your parents? "

Su Xiaolu smiled slightly: "My parents are well, everyone is well."

Su Xiaozhi smiled: "That's good."

After sitting with Su Xiaolu for a while, Su Xiaozhi seemed to have something on her mind, so she couldn't sit still.

Su Xiaolu saw it, she asked Su Xiaozhi: "Sister-in-law, where are my cousins?"

Su Xiaozhi seemed to be asked something sad, she moved the corners of her mouth, but she didn't say anything for a moment.

Su Xiaolu looked at the house, and felt that it was too deserted, and there were not many things to use. It seemed that Su Xiaozhi lived here alone.

Su Xiaolu frowned slightly.

She didn't make things difficult for Su Xiaozhi, she stood up and said, "Sister-in-law, I still have something to do, I'm leaving first, and I'll see you next time."

Su Xiaozhi heaved a sigh of relief, stood up unnaturally as a farewell.

Watching Su Xiaolu leave on horseback, Su Xiaozhi sighed, forced back the tears that were about to flow, looked up at the sky, turned and entered the house.

Not long after, Su Xiaozhi went out with a food box.

What Su Xiaozhi didn't know was that Su Xiaolu turned back again.

When Su Xiaozhi entered the village, it was the Su family.

Now that Su Xiaolu is good at qinggong and can hide her aura, she avoided people, watched Su Xiaozhi arrive at Su's courtyard, and heard Su Xiaozhi's surprised voice: "Brother, second brother—why are you back?"

Su Xiaozhi didn't know about Su Dalang and Su Erlang's return, because their family thought it was too embarrassing to go back to the village during the day, so they kept silent at night

He went to the village and went home.

"This is our home. We can come back whenever we want. It's your turn to say something."

Su Dalang said to Su Xiaozhi angrily.

Being beaten yesterday was a scandal, being kicked out by Su Xiaolu was a shameful thing, Su Xiaozhi was here to watch and ask here, just to remind them of the insult they received yesterday.

After being yelled at, Su Xiaozhi didn't ask any more questions, and went into the main courtyard with the food box.

After a while, Wang's curse spread.

"You lose money, why are you here now, do you want to starve us to death? Do you want us to die like those heartless things!"

Mrs. Wang was still vicious, she scolded her head and face, and fumbled for the stick beside the bed to beat Su Xiaozhi.

Su Xiaozhi endured the pain and asked Wang to beat her. She explained, "Mother, I don't have one. I won't leave you and dad alone."

Wang slapped her twice, but she didn't go down. She didn't know whether it was anger or something, she threw the stick and lay on the side of the bed, crying, "Old man, get up and take a look, look See how these unworthy descendants treat me."

Su Xiaozhi burst into tears, and while admitting her mistake, she opened the food box and gave Wang something to eat.

Mr. Su, who was lying on the bed completely unable to move, just let out a wheezing sound from his throat.

Mrs. Wang cried for a while, as if nothing happened, ate the food Su Xiaozhi gave, and stared at Su Xiaozhi to help Mr. Su up to feed him.

After eating, Su Xiaozhi went out to wash with a basin of excrement and urine.

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