Chapter 671 Must Return

Su Xiaozhi was too calm, she had premeditatedly recruited so many people.

When Li Shi and Zhou Shi looked at Su Xiaozhi again, they were afraid in their hearts. Su Xiaozhi used to be timid, how dare he resist them like this.

This doesn't look like Su Xiaozhi at all, Su Xiaozhi couldn't have been possessed by a ghost.

"If such a scandal is caused, how will our children and grandchildren behave in the future, and their parents have also gone. It is our sin to be sons if we don't let them go to the ground for peace. Sorry."

Su Dalang also came to his senses, he looked at Su Xiaozhi sharply, and motioned for her to accept as soon as she was good.

Su Erlang also said haha, he sighed and looked at Su Xiaozhi sadly and said: "Little sister, this matter is also due to the impulsiveness of the elder brother and the second brother. Now that I think about it, I am really sorry that you have wronged you. Parents are not in good health." , Dad is already lying on the bed and can't get off, it's hard to lift his hand, and mother can't get off, only the upper body can move, they are living less and less every day, it's all because of our narrow-mindedness."

The two families cooperated and wanted to confuse the past. Everyone unanimously hoped that Su Xiaozhi would not make the matter worse.

In fact, speaking of it, Mr. Wang and Mr. Su were not killed by either of them, it was about to end.

They just wanted to find a reason to blame Su Xiaozhi.

It's just that I didn't expect that Su Xiaozhi seemed to be a different person. In the past, Su Xiaozhi always bowed her head and endured in silence without saying a word. Who knows why she changed today and invited so many people Do justice to yourself.

It's really unlucky, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't hit her.

Su Dalang and Su Erlang softened, and the village chief and others all looked at Su Xiaozhi.

This matter was started by Su Xiaozhi, and it was up to her to see what result she wanted.

Mrs. Wang and Mr. Su are dead. They were not poisoned or killed. Then this matter is a family matter. Su Dalang and Su Erlang are soft, will Su Xiaozhi forget it?

Everyone had different thoughts, Su Xiaozhi looked calm, she looked at Su Dalang and Su Erlang and said, "Listening to what the elder brother, the second brother and the elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law mean, this is admitting that I have been wronged."

If it was in the past, she might not be holding on to it anymore, but today, she has not forgotten her purpose of coming here.

What happened to her father and mother all disappeared with the death of the lamp, but she is still alive, Su Dalang and Su Erlang's two families are there, if she is charged with killing her parents, it will not be clear, in the future, she will always be Can't wash off.

She has done many things wrong, and she will never back down on this matter.

Su Xiaozhi's question made everyone wait for Su Dalang and Su Erlang to answer.

Mr. Wang, Mr. Li and others all looked at Su Dalang and Su Erlang.

The grandpas of the Su Clan got impatient with waiting, they tapped their cigarette sticks on the ground, and said in hoarse voices: "What's going on, Sigouer and Mrs. Wang, who killed you brother and sister! "

Mr. Su and Mrs. Wang are gone. From the perspective of the clan, any grievances between them will be dissipated with death, but if there are such rebellious sons among the younger generations, they should be punished.

Su Dalang and Su Erlang are not afraid of Su Xiaozhi, but they are afraid of the clan clan.

The two brothers looked at each other, very unwilling, but there was nothing they could do. Su Xiaozhi was like a ghost, completely different from before, and she didn't give in a single step.

Su Dalang glared at Su Xiaozhi, and then said to the grandparents of the clan: "It's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, my parents are not in good health, in fact, after Xiaozhi went back last night, my mother called our brother into the room , cried, beat and scolded us for a while, and finally she seemed to have a demonic disease, and she began to explain the funeral. At that time, we didn't worry about it, and when we woke up in the morning, we found that they had passed away..."

"The more we two brothers thought about it, the more we were wrong. We thought that yesterday's mother's abnormality was wronged. Xiaozhi came here in the morning to deceive her. Who knew that she had gold on her body, so we misunderstood even more... Now the truth is revealed. We also realized that we wronged Xiaozhi and made her feel wronged. As the big brother, I should take the lead and apologize to Xiaozhi, and hope that the little girl will not be angry."

After Su Dalang finished speaking, he turned to Su Xiaozhi, and he bowed to Su Xiaozhi.

This was the best way he could think of to justify himself in a short time.

Su Erlang rolled his eyes, and quickly reacted, nodding his head in agreement: "Oh... Xiaozhi, the second brother also apologizes to you, you have a lot of adults, don't worry about it with the eldest brother and the second brother."

Su Dalang and Su Erlang relented, Li Shi and Zhou Shi followed suit and apologized to Su Xiaozhi.

"Her sister-in-law, I'm really sorry for making you wronged. We apologize to you. You must not have a relationship with us."

Li Shi pretended to wipe the corners of her eyes, thinking, this is all an apology, Su Xiaozhi should be satisfied.

"Xiaozhi,'s all our fault for being confused. Xiaolei and the others always say that you are the best aunt, and your mouth and teeth will collide. It's normal for the family to have misunderstandings. Now it's fine to talk about it. You say yes." .”

Zhou Shi also echoed.

This meeting is to hope that Su Xiaozhi can give up, and just turn the big things into small things.

Li Shi and Zhou Shi both tacitly went to pull Su Xiaozhi, wanting to show their intimacy.

Su Xiaozhi withdrew her hand, her expression was alienated, she said lightly: "Since you have wronged me, then parents gave me gold, please return it to me."

She must want this piece of gold.

This is her innocence, and she wants everyone to know that she is innocent.

If Su Dalang and Su Erlang snatched it, he should return it to her respectfully.

Su Xiaozhi wants gold, Su Dalang and

Su Erlang's expression was not good.

Good things have been said, she even wanted to open her mouth to the lion!

Mrs. Li and Mrs. Zhou were also silent. The two families divided the piece of gold into tens of taels. It would be fatal for them to give it to Su Xiaozhi.

Not only Su Dalang and Su Erlang were unhappy, Su Chao, Su Cai, Su Shun, Su Lei, Su Qing and others all showed dissatisfaction. ,

Su Qing glared at Su Xiaozhi resentfully and said, "Little girl, you are already married, how could grandma give you gold? It is untenable for you to say that, parents and second uncle are all against you I apologize, what else do you want, people are too greedy."

This money should be divided between the two of them, no matter how they calculate it, it does not belong to Su Xiaozhi.

Su Shun also pursed his lips and said strangely: "Sister-in-law, why didn't I realize that you are such a person before."

Su Xiaozhi's heart was getting colder, she sneered, looked at the nephews who complained, she said sarcastically: "My good nephews, you can be regarded as people who have read sage books for several years, you should know how to steal other people's things." It's not right, you two took my gold from me, and it's only fair to return it to me now."

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