Chapter 686 Communication

"Thank you, I won't give up easily."

Hu Changshou said with some sobs.

Old man Wu stroked his beard, and replied lightly: "Well, take care of it well, then I'll go back first."

The girl is young, so it is inevitable that there is something she can't worry about. As a master, he naturally wants to help hug her. This disabled person's mind is the hardest to say. If there is any disturbance, their hearts may be broken. It is easy to appease them .

"Okay, you go slowly."

Hu Changshou was very grateful, and with old man Wu's reassurance, he felt much better.

Old man Wu got up and left. When he went back, he took the flagon and drank without saying a word. After a few sips, he sighed happily and muttered to himself: "Good wine, you won't come back so soon, wait for me to get drunk."


Su Xiaolu and Guiyou arrived at the broad grassland, the master and apprentice faced each other with swords, Su Xiaolu saluted first.

This time when she drew the sword, Su Xiaolu felt a little different from before, and Guiyou also felt that she was different.

Su Xiaolu's sword intent carried a natural pressure, this kind of pressure was added to his body, Guiyou obviously felt a little strenuous, after a few moves, the master and apprentice put away the sword, Su Xiaolu was not tired at all, Xiaolu flushed face.

Guiyou took a few breaths and said, "I sort of understand the difference between levels."

"It seems that the master has to practice hard."

On the road of cultivating immortals, he must go. He still has to work harder. Cultivation depends on talent, but at least 80% of it depends on acquired hard work.

Su Xiaolu smiled: "Master is right, I will practice hard."

The competition between the master and the apprentice was over, and the others also left the venue with unfinished business.

The pursuit of a higher realm has become a common path for martial arts practitioners.

Because no one wants to be left far behind in this brand new world.

Su Xiaolu and Guiyou walked back slowly.

Su Xiaolu told Guiyou some of her experience in crossing the catastrophe this time.

Back at the camp, Su Xiaolu went back to her room to rest.

She sank her consciousness into the space, and Pippi Shrimp lay on the pile of interface stones, sound asleep.

Su Xiaolu walked over and looked at her curiously.

"Pippi Shrimp."

Su Xiaolu moved her head closer and called Pippi Shrimp by its ear.

The little guy's soft ears moved, and without even lifting his eyelids, Su Xiaolu heard the childish voice: "Little Lu, don't be naughty."

Su Xiaolu couldn't restrain her excitement: "You can talk, you can talk."

"I can't speak, and I haven't learned it yet. We are communicating with each other with spiritual consciousness."

Pippi Shrimp opened his eyes, rolled and punched Su Xiaolu like a cute boy, revealing his round belly.

"What the hell are you?"

Su Xiaolu asked the question in his heart.

"I am the guardian beast of the world, but I am still a cub. When I grow up, I can take you to travel to any world. Then we will repair the broken world interface together."

Pippi Shrimp seriously told Su Xiaolu what they were going to do in the future.

Su Xiaolu pondered for a while before asking: "What if I don't live long enough for you to grow up? Also, are you the cub of that big bear?"

"As long as you practice hard, you will be able to live forever. That big bear is my mother. When the old patron saint is about to die, a new little beast will be born. Originally, I still have a brother. When it grows up, a new little beast will be born. Big, we still have to fight, and finally kill one to get the status of guardian beast, but this world is too weak, and it is already dead."

Pippi Shrimp sighed in his tone.

"Little deer, in fact, if you don't kill my mother, it won't live long. It's too old, and it will be so weak and easy to be killed by humans only when it is dying. We have fate, and we will take care of each other in the future, every time you go through a thunder disaster, I will help you to block the thunder, and we will be partners together in the future, let's work hard."

Pippi Shrimp said in a childish voice, its explanation made Su Xiaolu understand what was going on.

And it sounds very small, but the meaning expressed is very old-fashioned.

Su Xiaolu pinched Pippi Shrimp's small ears: "Then you grow very slowly, is your favorite food is the interface stone? This interface stone is used to repair the damaged interface wall, you eat it all, How to fix it."

"I grew very slowly during this period. When I can eat interface stones, I can grow fast. When I need to repair, I will transform the interface stone liquid from my body, and use the liquid water to repair it. It's alright, Xiao Lu, you are so amazing, you found so much food for me, I can't finish it, I am so happy, thank you."

Pippi Shrimp answered every question. Su Xiaolu was ecstatic to find so many interface stones. Since he was born, he didn't know what it was like to be hungry.

"Are you a boy or a girl?"

Su Xiaolu looked at Pippi Shrimp's legs, observed for a long time but didn't find out whether it was a man or a woman.

Perhaps because of embarrassment, Pippi Shrimp put her legs together, and said to Su Xiaolu with a shy voice, "I have no gender. Our guardian beasts of the world only have a vocation. When we are old enough to die, It will automatically breed new offspring to continue the mission."

"Little Lu, you have to be polite, you can't keep staring at my stomach."

Pippi Shrimp turned over and turned his back to Su Xiaolu, his little ears moved.

Su Xiaolu is happy

Laughing: "Well, I was wrong just now, I apologize to you."

Saying that, Su Xiaolu apologized earnestly: "I'm sorry, then the name I gave you, do you like it?"

"I like it. The name is just a code name. I can call it whatever I want. Pippi Shrimp is very special. It feels very different. I really like it."

As for the name, it has no opinion at all, on the contrary it quite likes it.

"What's in that other world, do you know?"

Pippi Shrimp is like her old friend for many years, and it is very comfortable to talk to.

"In fact, this world has only evolved not long ago. It is the beginning of the world, the beginning of all things, as you ancients said, and all the laws are evolving. At present, there are only many, many beasts, which are also the spirit beasts in your ancient population. They have no intelligence. It is high, so my mother ate the interface to merge the two worlds. There will not be much change. Ordinary and weak human beings will quickly adapt to the new world. Our family needs to eat a lot of interface stones to inherit and cultivate future generations. Okay, for a world that has evolved completely, the integration of the two worlds will cause major problems, so when the old and new are replaced, our family will automatically find the unfinished world to eat and complete the inheritance of the old and new replacement."

Pippi Shrimp told Su Xiaolu in detail, so that Su Xiaolu could understand why the two worlds merged.

After hearing this, Su Xiaolu sighed: "So that's how it is."

Fortunately, this is the case. If the world of fusion has not just evolved for a long time, if high-tech robots come out of it, the people living in this world will soon be wiped out.

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